信州大学経法学部において月1回のペースで開催される「研究会」は、経済学、経営学、法学、政治学など、社会科学諸分野の研究成果 について報告・議論する場を提供し、さまざまな研究トピックスに関して相互理解を深めるとともに、研究者間でのコミュニケーションの促進を図ることを目的としています。
構想段階の研究や調査進行段階の研究も発表可能であり、研究者間の意見交換を通 じて研究内容の発展を図るなど、建設的な議論が展開されています。また、報告者は信州大学の教員にとどまらず、他機関の研究者も積極的に招き入れ、より広範なトピックスを取り扱うことを目指しています。
講演者 Yu Zhou氏 所 属 京都大学 日 時 2020年6月24日(水)16:30~18:00
場 所 オンラインミーティング 題 目 Menu mechanisms 概 要 We investigate menu mechanisms: dynamic mechanisms where at each history, an agent selects from a menu of his possible assignments. In comparison to direct mechanisms, menu mechanisms offer better privacy to participants; we formalize this with a novel notion of mechanism informativeness. We consider both ex-post implementation and full implementation, for both subgame perfection and a strengthening of dominance that covers off-path histories, and provide conditions under which menu mechanisms provide these implementations of rules. Our results cover a variety of environments, including elections, marriage, college admissions, auctions, labor markets, matching with contracts, and object allocation. -
講演者 芝 正太郎氏 所 属 早稲田大学大学院経済学研究科 日 時 2020年2月20日 (木)14:00~15:30 場 所 信州大学経法学部 研究棟4階 研究会室 題 目 Measuring attitudes toward uncertainty generated by multiple sources: An experimental study 概 要 We do not usually face uncertainty of artificial events like Ellsberg urn experiment, but natural events which cannot be controlled in the laboratory. Recently, experimental methods are proposed to measure the preference toward uncertainty of natural events. While uncertainty is generated by a single source in the literature on measuring uncertainty attitude for natural events, uncertainty is often generated by multiple sources. We apply the source method proposed by Abdellaoui, Baillon, Placid, and Wakker (2011, AER) to measure attitude toward uncertainty generated by multiple sources. In the source method, uncertainty attitude is measured by two indexes, optimism or pessimism, and likelihood insensitivity. In this presentation, we report some interim results about our experiment where the uncertainty is generated by a temperature of two different cities. For such sources, our participants exhibited weak tendencies of more aversion for uncertainty from multiple sources than that from single sources. Indeed, we found that the two indexes for multiple sources were related to those for the single sources, but such relations were bit different between the indexes. Since those tendencies may change when uncertainty is generated by different two sources, we are planning to examine it in next spring. -
講演者 藤森 洸氏 所 属 早稲田大学基幹理工学部 日 時 2020年1月30日(木)14:40~16:00 場 所 信州大学経法学部 研究棟4階 研究会室 題 目 Moment convergence of the generalized maximum composite likelihood estimators for determinantal point processes 概 要 The maximum composite likelihood estimator for parametric models of determinantal point processes (DPPs) is discussed. Since the joint intensities of these point processes are given by determinant of positive definite kernels, we have the explicit form of the joint intensities for every order. This fact enables us to consider the generalized maximum composite likelihood estimator for any order. This talk introduces the two-step generalized composite likelihood estimator and shows the moment convergence of the estimator under a stationarity. Moreover, our results can yield information criteria for statistical model selection within DPPs. -
日 時 2020年1月29日(水) 17:30~20:00 場 所 会議室A 報告者 島村 暁代(信州大学経法学部准教授) テーマ 健康寿命の延伸と社会保障法 要 旨 2019年5月19日に政府が発表した「2040年を展望した社会保障・働き方改革本部のとりまとめ」によれば、①健康無関心層も含めた予防・健康づくりの推進、②地域・保険者間の格差の解消に向け、Ⅰ次世代を含めたすべての人の健やかな生活習慣形成等、Ⅱ疾病予防・重症化予防、Ⅲ介護予防・フレイル対策、認知症予防という3分野を中心に推進することとされている。本報告では社会保障法の観点から問題となりうる論点をとりあげ、ありかたについて検討することに試みたい。 -
講演者 西村 直子 所 属 信州大学経法学部 日 時 2020年1月29日(水)16:30~18:00 場 所 信州大学経法学部 研究棟4階 研究会室 題 目 1 Schur-Concavity, Social Value Orientation and Social Risk
2 Impact of Imaninary Future Generation on Time Preference and Risk Preference
概 要 1 It is not rare occation in a daily life to face a risk that affect not only one's own payoff but also the other's payoff, simultaneously. When we consider the risk attitude of an individual who chooses such social risk, we have to care about the stochastic nature of one's own payoff and the distributive issue between two persons' payoffs. The previous studies are not successful in separating these two issues. This paper proposes to measure the risk attitude of a social risk decision maker based on Schur-concavity. We report the laboratory experiments where a dictator makes a choice on social risks. We find that the subjects' risk attitude changes depending on whether they face a social risk or an individual risk. The difference between individual and social risks also depend on whether the risk involves negative paoff or not. Furthermore, the difference depends on whether the expost payoffs of the pair differ or not. This is ofcourse inconsistent with the expected utility preferences. Also it is not consistent with the expected utility replacing von Neumann Morgenstern utility with nequality averse type of social preferences. We investigate the ultimatum game and show the difference in risk attitude between individual and social risk differs dependent upon whether an individual is a proposer or a responder.
2 Conflict in interests between the current and future generations is the heart of issues on the sustainability problems. "Future Design (hereafter FD)" is a new method to cope with this hard issue in the pracitcal level. Specifically, let people play an imaginary future generation to consider such intergeneration dilemma problem. The recent case studies on various attempts of FD implemetation on public policy report some qualitative difference in the policy ecommendation generated from the public discourse between when the participants experience the imaginary future generation and when they do not. This research is an attempt to identify quantitatively such difference by measuring the participants' time preference and risk preference indices via context independent questionnaires. We use the field data from the actual participants in the public discourse held in Matsumoto and find their social orientation is
correlated with the degree of their time discount rate and the degree of risk aversion. Playing the role of future generation makes people more far-sighted and less risk averse. Such impact is more prominent on the pro-self participants than the pro-social.