1. 公募の趣旨・背景
2. 募集職名
准教授、講師 又は 助教
3. 募集人員
4. 所属
信州大学学術研究院総合人間科学系 (主担当:グローバル化推進センター)
5. 主たる勤務地
6. 主な業務内容
(1) 食資源や環境問題に関する国際共修の実施および導入支援
(2) 海外の学術機関、特に大学間等学術交流協定の締結・更新業務および新規開拓
(3) 海外学術交流協定大学とのオンライン国際共修(Collaborative Online International Learning)を組み込んだ授業の企画・運営
(4) 海外連携校の海外研修(派遣・受入)の企画・運営・実施、引率
(5) 伊那地区における英語科目の担当等
(6) 留学生向けキャリア教育の開発に関する研究
(7) その他、グローバル化推進センターの事業目的を達成するために必要な業務
7. 応募資格等
(1) 修士もしくは博士の学位を有する方、または上記の業務に関し知識及び経験を有すると認められる方
(2) 日本語の運用能力を充分に有する方
(3) 大学や研究機関、企業等において契約や覚書などの締結・更新業務についての実務経験を有する方が望ましい
(4) 健康状態が良好な方
(5) 普通自動車運転免許を取得している方
(6) 採用決定後、2025年1月1日に必ず着任できる方
(7) 採用後に勤務地またはその近郊に居住できる方
8. 採用予定日
9. 雇用契約期間
10. 待遇
(1) 給与:本学規定に基づく年俸制 (国立大学法人信州大学年俸制適用職員給与細則 第4条及び第5条適用)
(2) 就業時間:専門業務型裁量労働制(みなし労働時間 1日 7時間45分) (8:30~17:15(休憩時間60分)を標準とする。)
(3) 休日:原則、土曜・日曜・祝日 (年末年始、夏季休暇、年次有給休暇、その他の休暇制度あり)
(4) 福利厚生:雇用保険、労働災害保険、社会保険(文部科学省共済組合)
11. 提出書類
以下の書類を各1部提出してください。所定様式(Form 1、Form 2、Form 3、Form 4)は信州大学のホームページ(採用情報)からダウンロードしてください。https://www.shinshu-u.ac.jp/guidance/office-worker/
(1) 履歴書(Form 1)
(2) 最終学歴および学位を証明する書類(卒業(修了)証明書または卒業証書(学位記のコピー))
(3) 教育業績書(Form 2)
(4) 研究業績書(Form 3)
(5) これまでの教育と研究の概要について(A4用紙1枚程度)
(6) 大学におけるグローバル教育・留学生教育等についての意見と抱負及び着任後の活動の展望について(A4用紙1枚程度)
(7) 授業シラバス(Form 4)
12. 応募締切
13. 選考方法
(1) 一次選考:書類選考
(2) 二次選考:一次選考合格者に対し、対面又はオンライン面接を実施します。
14. 書類送付先
〒390-8621 長野県松本市旭3-1-1
信州大学グローバル化推進センター長 宛
(1) 応募書類は必ず書留、簡易書留、レターパックなど追跡可能な方法によるものとし、表に「信州大学グローバル化推進センター教員応募書類在中」と朱書きのうえ送付してください。
(2) 特に希望する連絡先(通信先)があれば、その旨を明記してください。
(3) 応募書類は、原則として返却しません。なお、応募においてご提供いただいた個人情報は、本学の規程に従って適切に管理し、採用選考以外の目的には使用いたしません。
15. 問い合わせ先
信州大学グローバル化推進センター 教員選考委員会委員長
16. その他
(1) 本学は、女性研究者支援をはじめとする男女共同参画に係る取組を積極的に推進しており、女性研究者の積極的な採用・登用を行っています。このため、本公募による採用・登用に当たっては、能力等が同等であれば女性を優先いたします。
(2) ※履歴書(Form 1)には賞罰・処分歴等欄を設け、前科及び懲戒処分歴を記載してください。該当事項がありながらそれらを記載しない場合は経歴詐称とみなす場合があり、採用取消や懲戒解雇等に繋がる可能性があります。
Announcement for Faculty Position (Global Education)
1. Purpose and Background of the Recruitment
The Center for Global Education and Collaboration, Shinshu University aims to promote global education, facilitate overseas study programs and exchanges, strengthen the acceptance of international students, implement Japanese language education, provide guidance and support for academic and daily life matters, contribute to the internationalization of the local community, promote international cooperation and collaboration, and enhance academic exchange and international publicity.
In this recruitment, we require one faculty members for implementing collaborative international learning programs and teaching English courses in the Ina region.
2. Position Title
Associate Professor, Senior Assistant Professor, or Assistant Professor
3. Number of Positions
4. Affiliation
The Center for Global Education and Collaboration.
5. Primary Work Locations
Minamiminowa-Village, Kamiina-County, Nagano Prefecture
6. Primary Responsibilities
(1) Implementing and providing support for the Collaborative International Learning on food resources and environmental issues.
(2) Concluding, renewing, and exploring academic exchange agreements, particularly with overseas academic institutions and universities.
(3)Planning and managing courses incorporating Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) with overseas partner universities.
(4)Planning, managing, and implementing overseas study programs with partner universities, including dispatch and acceptance.
(5)Teaching English courses in the Ina region.
(6)Research on the development of career education for international students.
(7)Other tasks necessary to achieve the objectives of the Center for Global Education and Collaborations.
7. Qualification
We are seeking who is a first language or equivalent English speaker and who possesses high communication skills, with emphasis on cooperation and teamwork, a proactive approach to work, and the following qualifications:
(1) Having a master's or doctoral degree or those with knowledge and experience relevant to the duties aforementioned.
(2) Sufficient proficiency in the Japanese language.
(3) Practical experience in contracting and memorandum-related tasks in universities, research institutions, and companies.
(4) Good health.
(5) A regular driver's license.
(6) Should be able to assume duties from January 1, 2025.
(7) Should be able to reside in the place of employment or its vicinity after being hired.
8. Date of Appointment
January 1, 2025.
9. Employment Contract Period
Term-based (January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2029).
The employment shall be subject to a probationary period of initial 6 months.
The contract period may be subjected to renewal based on the performance evaluation.
10. Benefits
(1) Salary: Annual salary system based on the Shinshu University regulations*.
*Reference of FY2022 average salary: Associate Professor=8,198,000 yen,
Senior Assistant Professor=7,751,000 yen, Assistant Professor=6,578,000 yen.
(2) Working hours: Full-time, Discretionary Labor system.
(3) Welfare: Employment insurance, workers' accident compensation insurance, and social insurance (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual Aid Association).
11. Submission of Documents
Please submit a copy of each of the following documents. Download Form 1, 2, 3, and 4 from the Shinshu University website (https://www.shinshu-u.ac.jp/guidance/office-worker/).
(1) Curriculum Vitae (Form 1).
(2) Document certifying the final academic background and degree (graduation certificate or diploma (copy of the degree certificate)).
(3) List of educational achievements (Form 2).
(4) List of research achievements (Form 3) attached by copies of three major papers or summaries of books.
(5) Summary of previous education and research (A4 size, one page).
(6) Vision and goals regarding global education and international student education (A4 size, one page).
(7) Course syllabus (Form 4): Design a course that contribute to the development of global human resources among university students by introducing a collaborative online international learning with overseas partner universities and focusing on improving the capacity of English communication and cross-cultural understanding. Clearly specify the intended course names, target academic years, and the course position in the curriculum.
12. Application Deadline: Must arrive by September 30, 2024.
13. Selection Method
(1) First Screening: Document screening.
(2) Second Screening: Face-to-face or online interviews with the successful candidates during the first screening. The candidate for the second screening will be contacted individually via e-mail. During the interviews, a mock lecture (20 minutes) will be conducted based on the submitted course syllabus. The applicants will be responsible for the transportation expenses for attending the interview.
14. Document Submission Address
Send to the Director of the Center for Global Education and Collaboration, Shinshu University
3-1-1 Asahi, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, 390-8621, Japan.
(1) Please send the application documents using a traceable method such as registered mail, simple registered mail, or letter pack. Please write "Documents for Application for Faculty Member at the Center for Global Education and Collaboration, Shinshu University" on the envelope in red ink.
(2) If you have a preferred contact address, please indicate it.
(3) Application documents are not returned. Any personal information provided during the application process will be managed appropriately in accordance with the university's regulations and will not be used for purposes other than the selection process.
15. Contact
The Center for Global Education and Collaboration, Shinshu University
16. Others
(1) Shinshu University actively promotes initiatives related to gender equality, including support for female researchers and actively employs and appoints female researchers. Therefore, in the selection and appointment for this public offering, priority will be given to female candidates if their qualifications are equivalent, though gender is not the primary factor in choosing an applicant.
(2) Please provide information on any awards, penalties, or disciplinary actions in the designated section of the Curriculum Vitae (Form 1). It is important to include any criminal records or history of disciplinary measures. Failure to disclose such information may be considered as falsification of your employment history, which could lead to the cancellation of your application or disciplinary dismissal if hired.