Industrial Liaison and Social Engagement Organization

In a nationwide survey on the degree of contribution to the local community conducted by the Institute for Regional Studies of Industry, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Shinshu University has ranked at or near the top every year. Shinshu University is recognized as a university with a high degree of contribution to the local community. Some of the factors that have contributed to our reputation include the large number of classes, lectures, symposia, forums and other events open to the public, as well as the large number of collaborative projects and contract and joint research projects through industry-academia-government cooperation. In addition, there are many cooperative agreements with local governments and organizations, and by taking advantage of the characteristics of the decentralized campus, solutions to local issues and a wide range of regional cooperation activities are being carried out in various parts of Nagano Prefecture. There are also many community activities led by student volunteer clubs as well as faculty and staff.
No.1 for Local Contributions
Shinshu University ranked No.1 in Japan in "2019 National University Local Contribution Ranking" published by Nikkei Inc. and the Research Institute for Industrial Regions. The University was rated highly across the board in areas such as number of collaborative projects between industry, academia and government, number of courses and symposiums held for residents, and local volunteer activities by students.

A Diverse Array of Lifelong Learning Programs Provide Opportunities for the Community
Shinshu University has opened approximately 700 courses to local residents. More than 350 people attended one or more of these courses during the 2019 academic year. In addition, the University offers a range of learning opportunities to local residents at community centers, schools and other venues, with teaching staff travelling throughout the prefecture to teach courses. For the 2020 academic year, we have prepared 295 highly distinctive courses taught by 165 teachers utilizing their specialist knowledge.

Shinshu 100-year Business Project
As a model project for the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, a new undertaking, the "Shinshu 100-Year Business Project", was implemented. Its aim was to revitalize the regional economy by creating a 100-year enterprise culture to support the next generation of businesses in Nagano Prefecture. Experts employed from metropolitan areas were assigned to local companies as Shinshu University research fellows, their brief being to engage in problem solving and planning for sustainable growth by exploring future scenarios.