The achievements made in collaborative research conducted through the Dispatching the Researchers in Shinshu University Abroad Program by Associate Professor Fuyuki Ito's research group from the Graduate School of Education along with Lille 1 University in France and Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Science (Fluorescence enhancement and color change during the assembling process of cyanostilbene derivatives by the re-precipitation method) were used as the cover picture for the Royal Society of Chemistry's Faraday Discussions (Aggregation Induced Emission).
Faraday Discussions is an academic journal focusing on meetings in which participants debate specific topics.
Papers that are selected through a prior screening are distributed in advance to all the participants and the majority of the meeting is spent on debating these papers, with the records of these debates then being published as papers.
This research was conducted under the support of the Dispatching the Researchers in Shinshu University Abroad Program together with Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Japan - France Bilateral Exchange Project Collaborative Research (Japanese representative: Professor Kenji Matsuda, Kyoto University) and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (area representative: Professor Hiroshi Miyasaka).