









①分野を超えた学生間交流 他者の研究や志を知り、自身の潜在性や可能性を深慮し探る機会を提供。

②地域実装プロジェクト 異分野学生グループによる地域課題解決研究プロジェクトへの支援。

③徹底した英語writing & presentationコース 学術英語論文執筆や英語コミュニケーション能力向上プログラムを実施。

④国際共同研究・ベンチャーインターンシップ 海外連携協定校との海外共同研究およびベンチャー企業でのインターンシップを支援。




Call for Selection for PhD Candidates Support Project

Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology, Shinshu University

Next-generation Advanced Human Resources/Local Leader Development Program

Shinshu University starts providing salary-style support consisting of a stipend to defray living expenses along with research funding to talented students enrolled in doctoral programs from the 2021 academic year under Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation (SPRING) program of JST .

Program Objectives

•To help doctoral program students pursue free, challenging, and cross-discipline research that goes beyond traditional boundaries

•To provide an environment in which students can focus on research by providing research incentives

•To prepare talented doctoral program students so they can flourish through a diverse array of career paths

Program career and personal development content

The Shinshu Tamonjuku2 will be established to offer the following core program:

1.Student exchanges that transcend field boundaries

Student exchanges will provide opportunities for learning about others' research and intentions while thinking deeply about one's own latent qualities and potential.

2.Regional Implementation Project

Students will participate in a research project dedicated to resolving regional issues with groups of students from different fields.

3.Intensive English writing and presentation courses

This program will help students author academic papers in English and improve their English communication skills.

4.International joint research and venture internships

This program will help students participate in overseas joint research with institutions that have entered into partnership agreements with Shinshu University and in internships at venture companies.

In addition, instructors from various industries will give lectures and participate in round-table talks in order to help students master transferable skills.

We look forward to active application a certain will students.

Please confirm the details in Application Guidelines.

 ▶説明会の様子はこちらから/Click here for video of information seminar.

 ◎募集要項(令和3年度)/Application Guidelines (2021)

     和文はこちら / English Version is here

 ◎提案書(申請書)/Proporsal Form (Application Form)

   【例】提案書(申請書)/Proporsal Form (Application Form)

 ◎ポスタープレゼンムービー/Poster Presentation Movie

    Limited release within Shinshu University. Please log in with your Shinshu University email address.


 ◎FAQはこちら/Click here for FAQ

 ◎問い合わせフォーム/Inquiry form

