2019年-作業療法学専攻 学術論文など(総説・原著)
Asano K, Yamaga T, Mutai H, Shimizu D, Nakanishi K: Effects of liaison between physiotherapists and occupational therapists for home-visit rehabilitation: preliminary study. J Phys Ther Sci.31(8):612-616, 2019.
Iwanami J, Kobayashi M*, Sagari A, Sasaki T, Momose H, Ohhashi T: Brake operation and palmar perspiration reflect older adult drivers' ability to predict hazards: Driving simulation research. Asian J Occup Ther 14: 97-105, 2019. (*Corresponding)
Iwanami J, Kobayashi M, Sagari A, Momose H, Ohashi T: Brake Operation and Palmar Perspiration Reflect Older Adult Drivers' Ability to Predict Hazards: Driving Simulation Research. Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 印刷中
Kamijo A, Saitoh Y, Sakamoto T, Kubota H, Yamauchi J, Terada N: Scaffold protein Lin7 family in membrane skeletal protein complex in mouse seminiferous tubules. Histochem Cell Biol 152:333-343, 2019.
Kamimura T: Older adults with Alzheimer's disease who have used an automatic medication dispenser for 3 or more years. Clinical Gerontologist 42: 127-133, 2019.
Maruta M, Tabira T, Makizako H, Sagari A, Miyata H, Yoshimitsu K, Han G, Yoshiura K, Kawagoe M: Impact of Outpatient Rehabilitation Service in Preventing the Deterioration of the Care-Needs Level Among Japanese Older Adults Availing Long-Term Care Insurance: A Propensity Score Matched Retrospective Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. doi:10.3390/ijerph16071292, 2019.
Maruta M, Tabira T, Sagari A, Miyata H, Yoshimitsu K, Han G, Yoshiura K, Matsuo T, Kawagoe M: Impact of sensory impairments on dementia incidence and symptoms among Japanese older adults. Psychogeriatrics. doi.org/10.1111/psyg.12494, 2019.
Saitoh Y, Kamijo A, Yamauchi J, Sakamoto T, Terada N: The membrane palmitoylated protein,MPP6, is involved in myelin formation in the mouse peripheral nervous system. Histochem Cell Biol 151:385-394, 2019.
Sato M, Ido Y, Yoshimura Y, Mutai H. (Corresponding author): Relationship of Malnutrition During Hospitalization with Functional Recovery and Postdischarge Destination in Elderly Stroke Patients. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 28(7):1866-1872, 2019.
Shimada T, Ito S, Makabe A, Yamanushi A, Komatsu S, Sato Y, Kobayashi M: Aerobic exercise for cognitive impairment in schizophrenia: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Psychiatry Research.112638. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2019.112638.
Shimada T, Kobayashi M*, Tanaka S, Inagaki Y, Ohori M, Shimooka Y, Ishihara I, Sugimura N: Effect of adding individualized occupational therapy to standard care on rehospitalization of patients with schizophrenia: A two-year prospective cohort study. Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 73 (8): 476-485, 2019.https://doi.org/10.1111/pcn.12858. (*Corresponding)
Takaeda K, Kamimura T, Inoue T, Nishiura Y. Geriatrics & gerontology International 19: 552-556, 2019.
Takaesu Y, Watanabe K, Numata S, Iwata M, Kudo N, Oishi S, Takizawa T, Nemoto K, Yasuda Y, Tagata H, Tsuboi T, Tsujino N, Hashimoto N, Matsui Y, Hori H, Yamamori H, Sugiyama N, Suwa T, Kishimoto T, Hishimoto A, Usami M, Furihata R, Iwamoto K, Fujishiro H, Nakamura T,Mizuno K, Inagaki T, Katsumoto E, Tomita H, Ohi K, Muraoka H, Atake K, Iida H, Nagasawa T, Fujita J, Yamamura S, Onitsuka T, Murata A, Takayanagi Y, Noda H, Matsumura Y, Takezawa K, Iga J, Ichihashi K, Ogasawara K, Yamada H, Inada K, Hashimoto R: Effectiveness of Guidelines for Dissemination and Education in psychiatric treatment (EGUIDE) project: a nationwide dissemination, education and evaluation study Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 73: 642-648, 2019.
Takahashi-Asai Y, Sasayama D, Sugiyama N, Maruyama F and Washizuka S: Associations of Autism Spectrum Quotient and Personality Profiles with Eating Behaviors in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa and in a Non-clinical Population.Shinshu Med J 67(3): 157-166, 2019.
Terada H, Saitoh Y, Kametani K, Sakaguchi M, Sakamoto T, Kamijo A, Terada N: Electron microscopic observation of photoreceptor cells in directly inserted anesthetized Drosophila into a high-pressure freezing unit. Microsc Res Tech 82:244-249, 2019.
岩波 潤,小林正義,佐賀里昭,百瀬英哉,大橋俊夫:模擬運転テストにおける高齢者の 手掌部発汗・ブレーキ応答特性.発汗学26(1):13-15,2019.
佐賀里昭,小林正義,岩波 潤,百瀬英哉,大橋俊夫:実車運転時の手掌部発汗反応と前頭前野の脳血流動態の変化.発汗学26(1):16-18,2019.
山本周平,佐藤正彬,高尾ゆきえ,清水彩里:集中治療領域でのリハビリテーションのエビデンスと介入方法.秋田理学療法 26(1):17-21,2019.
小林正義,岩波 潤,佐賀里昭,百瀬英哉,大橋俊夫:模擬運転テスト時の主観的危険度と手掌部発汗反応.発汗学26(1):19-22,2019.
池上正斗,湯澤芳恵,桑澤 貴,酒井伸子,務台 均:急性期病棟脳卒中患者のStroke Impairment Assessment Setを用いた入退院時の麻痺側運動機能の比較.長野県作業療法士会学術誌37:49-55.
中條賢治,宮下由紀,山口智也,若林あゆみ,務台 均:当院回復期リハビリテーション病棟を退院した患者の追跡調査-退院後のADL・IADLの推移とうつ・不安との関係性-.長野県作業療法士会学術誌37:73-78,2019.
田中佐千恵,小林正義,杉山暢宏:うつ病治療ガイドライン-精神科作業療法-.Depression Strategy-うつ病の新たなストラテジー9: 10-12, 2019.
野沢祐二,星沢 あずさ,務台 均:生活行為向上マネジメントを活用して行動変容が見られた腰部脊柱管狭窄症の一例.長野県作業療法士会学術誌37:44-46,2019.