2014年-作業療法学専攻 学会発表
A Houri, T Furukawa, A Suzuki, H Mutai: Investigating factors related to improving activities of daily living in acute stroke patients. 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Yokohama, 2014 Jun.
A Suzuki, T Furukawa, A Houri, H Mutai: Investigating discharged home and activities of daily living improvements in acute stroke patients with cognitive impairments. 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Yokohama, 2014 Jun.
A Takata , H Mutai, Masayoshi Kobayashi: Factors associated with anxiety and depression upon discharge in patients with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Yokohama, 2014 Jun.
Eri Ishikawa, Kojiro Kawano, Sachie Fukushima, Masayoshi Kobayashi, Noriko Tomioka: Occupational therapy for patients with depression during the early recovery stage. 6th. World Federation of Occupational Therapy Congress, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Fukushima S, Ishikawa E. Kawano K, Kobayashi M, Tomioka N: 16th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Fukushima Sachie, Ishikawa Eri, Kawano Kojiro, Kobayashi Masayoshi, Tomioka Noriko: What are the factors that affect early attendance of the psycho-education programs for in-patients with depressive disorders? 16th. World Federation of Occupational Therapy Congress, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
H Mutai, T Furukawa, K Araki, K Misawa, T Hanihara: Long-term prognosis of stroke patients discharged from a rehabilitation ward. 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Yokohama, 2014 Jun.
Hasegawa A, Kamimura T, Tamaki S, Suzuki Y, Watanabe M: Inter‐rater reliability of the Westmead Home Safety Assessment in elderly Japanese people. The 16th International Congress of World Federation of Occupational Therapy, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Ishikawa E, Kawano K, Fukushima S, Kobayashi M: Occupational therapy for patients with depression during the early recovery stage. 16th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Iwano K, Kobayashi M: Effectiveness of a Neuropsychological Educational Approach to Cognitive Remediation for patients in a forensic psychiatric ward. 16th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
K Nananishi, H Mutai, T Hanihara: Factors associated with the self-rated quality of life by patients with dementia in group homes. 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Yokohama, 2014 Jun.
Kawano K, Ishikawa E, Fukushima S, Kobayashi M: Factors associated with the prevention of disease recurrence in patients with depression. 16th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014. 16th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Kobayashi M, Sasaki T, Takahashi R, Momose H: Analysis of eye movements during drive simulator operation using the video recording. 16th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Kojiro Kawano, Eri Ishikawa, Sachie Fukushima, Masayoshi Kobayasi: Factors associated with the prevention of disease recurrence in patients with depression. 16th. World Federation of Occupational Therapy Congress, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Maehara K, Kamimura T, Takayama R: Effectiveness of community-based intervention for people with dementia: a systematic review. The 16th International Congress of World Federation of Occupational Therapy, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Matsumura N, Chiba D, Honda R, Kobayashi M: Development of a Performance Test Battery for Assessing Cognitive Function in Patients with Mental Disorders. 16th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Murota Y, Kawahara K, Kamimura T. Factors contributing to continuous employment of people assisted by Higher Brain Function Center. The 16th International Congress of World Federation of Occupational Therapy, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Oba J, Kobayashi M, Kobayashi R, Murai C: 16th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Shimada T, Kobayashi M, Tomioka N: Effects of goal-oriented occupational therapy on cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. 16th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
T Furukawa, A Houri, A Suzuki, H Mutai: Examination of the factors related to return to the home environment and length of hospitalization in acute stroke patients. 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Yokohama, 2014 Jun.
Takata A, Mutai H, Kobayashi M: Factors associated with anxiety and depression upon discharge in patients with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. 16th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Takayama R, Kamimura T: The usefulness of CSADL in elderly dementia patients in Japan. The 16th International Congress of World Federation of Occupational Therapy, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Tamaki S, Kamimura T, Hasegawa A, Uozumi Y, Okajima A: Utility of Westmead Home Safety Assessment ver. Japanese for the patients with terminal cancer. The 16th International Congress of World Federation of Occupational Therapy, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Tanaka Y, Kamimura T: The clinical pathway and occupational therapy after the hip arthroplasty. The 16th International Congress of World Federation of Occupational Therapy, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
Yusuke Inagaki, Eri Ishikawa, Takeshi Shimada, Sachie Fukushima, Noriko Tomioka: Assessment of Cognitive Dysfunction in Clients with Schizophrenia - A Relevance Study Between the Make-a-Box-Test Battery and the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia-Japanese Version-. 16th. World Federation of Occupational Therapy Congress, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2014.
埴原秋児:認知症にみられる高次脳機能障害 第7回南信州渓流フォーラムin飯田 飯田市 2014年4月
上條明生,齊藤百合花,大野伸彦,大野伸一,寺田信生:マウス坐骨神経における膜骨格蛋白4.1Gと抗angiomotin抗体の免疫交差反応性の検討,日本解剖学会第74回中部支部学術集会 2014年10月 金沢
小林正義:m-ECT後の記憶と気分の障害に対する個別作業療法.首都圏 ECTネットワーク 第11回研究会,東京,2014,3月
齊藤百合花,寺田信生,大野伸彦,大野伸一:生体内凍結技法による悪性黒色腫初期転移肺における血小板凝集と肺結構動態の定量的解析法,第119回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会 2014年3月 栃木
齊藤百合花,劉一超,寺田信生,大野伸彦,大野伸一:生体内凍結技法によるマウスメラノーマ肺転移巣における血行動態と酸欠シグナル分子の免疫組織化学的解析,日本解剖学会第74回中部支部学術集会 2014年10月 金沢
寺田信生,齊藤百合花,大野伸彦,上條明生,大野伸一:生きたマウス末梢神経線維の伸展機能状態下構造とシグナル分子機構の解析,シンポジウム:神経の構造と機能をもたらす分子を捉える,第55回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会,第11回日中合同組織細胞化学セミナー 2014年9月 松本
寺田信生,齊藤百合花,大野伸彦,大野伸一:動物生体内臓器の機能的イメージング像を探る試料作製法,シンポジウム:最新の顕微鏡解析法が拓く機能分子解剖学の新展開,第119回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会 2014年3月 栃木
吉原大貴,牛越浩司,西風宏将,務台 均:下肢広範囲筋群断裂・脛骨開放骨折・リスフラン関節開放脱臼骨折同時受傷後,歩行獲得し,歩容改善した症例.第33回関東甲信越ブロック理学療法士学会.千葉,2014,10月