
MEXT Scholarship (University Recommendation) Information

This page explains the procedure for applying for a research student (general quota).

Shinshu University will conduct the selection process and make recommendations to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Most applicants are international students from overseas universities that have concluded inter-university or inter-departmental student exchange agreements, or from research institutes that are engaged in joint research exchanges.

Applications are solicited through each department around November of the year before students are scheduled to begin their studies. After screening, candidates are recommended by Shinshu University, and after a selection committee meeting at MEXT, the successful candidates are decided around the end of June. Acceptance is only in October.

Candidates who wish to be recommended by the university should follow the procedure below to contact their academic advisor.

1)Finding a faculty advisor
Consider the area you want to research and use the links below to find a supervisor.
Faculty members' email addresses can usually be found on SOAR.
・Shinshu University Researcher Directory (SOAR).
・Research Activity Brochure

2)Confirm if the faculty advisor's laboratory can accept you.
Send the following information to the faculty advisor of your choice by e-mail to confirm that he/she is willing to accept you.

3.Current university or company name
4.Field of study and study program
5.Academic transcript for all academic year of university attended
6.Certification of graduation or degree certificate of the university attended
7.Abstract of theses (if applicable)
8.Certificate of Language Proficiency (if obtained)

If a faculty member is already accepting many students, he/she may not be able to accept you even if your field of study matches his/hers.
Even if you find a faculty advisor and obtain his/her informal consent, it does not mean that you are eligible for the Japanese Government Scholarship.

The application period differs depending on the graduate school, so please contact your academic advisor as soon as possible.

3)Prepare the necessary documents for university recommendation.
 Please note that you do not have much time to submit the documents after you have been selected as a recommender.

Application schedule for MEXT Scholarship Students through Shinshu University Recommendation (Research students in the general quota)

  ↓   Find a supervisor by November and discuss research plans, etc.



November  The MEXT makes an announcement on the recruitment of MEXT Scholarship students.

       Prepare and submit application documents in accordance with your supervisor's instructions.

       Candidate selection within faculties.

       Candidate selection within Shinshu University.

March    Recommendation from Shinshu University to the MEXT.  

June    The MEXT determines the scholarship recipients. 

September Travel to Japan

October   Enrol at Shinshu University

If you have any questions, please ask at the following email address: