
1) 運動時の熱中症予防のための方策の提供:
2) 生活習慣病・介護予防と治療のための方策の提供:
3) 運動反応性遺伝子の探索:
教授 | 増木静江 |
〒390-8612 長野県松本市旭3-1-1
スポーツ医科学教室(疾患予防医科学系専攻研究棟 西棟2階)
電話番号:0263-37-2682 / FAX:0263-34-6721
主要な成果/Major Publications
- Masuki S, Sumiyoshi E, Koshimizu T, Qian J, Higuchi K, Tsujimoto G, and Nose H. Voluntary locomotion linked with cerebral activation is mediated by vasopressin V1a receptors in free-moving mice. J Physiol (Lond.) in press. Doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2013.251876
- Kamijo Y, Ikegawa S, Okada Y, Masuki S, Okazaki K, Uchida K, Sakurai M, and Nose H. Enhanced renal Na+ reabsorption by carbohydrate in beverages during restitution from thermal and exercise-induced dehydration in men, Am J Physiol 303: R824-R833, 2012. DOI: 10.1152.ajpregu.00588.2011.
- Kamijo Y, Okada Y, Ikegawa S, Okazaki K, Goto M, and Nose H. Skin sympathetic nerve activity component synchronizing with cardiac cycle is involved in hypovolemic suppression of cutaneous vasodilatation in hyperthermia. J Physiol Lond) 589: 6231-6242, 2011.
- Morikawa M, Okazaki K, Masuki S, Kamijo Y, Yamazaki T, Gen-no H, and Nose H. Physical fitness and indices of . lifestyle-related diseases before and after interval walking training in middle-aged and older males and females. Br J Sports Med 45: 216-224, 2011.
- Ikegawa S, Kamijo Y, Okazaki K, Masuki S, Okada Y, and Nose H. Effects of hypohydration on thermoregulation during exercise before and after 5-day aerobic training in a warm environment in young men. J Appl Physiol 110: 972-980, 2011.
- Miyagawa K, Kamijo Y, Ikegawa S, Goto M, and Nose H. Reduced hyperthermia-induced cutaneous vasodilation and enhanced exercise-induced plasma water loss at simulated high altitude (3,200m) in humans. J Appl Physiol 110: 157-165, 2011.
- Masuki S, Mori M, Tabara Y, Miki T, Morikawa M, Miyagawa K, Higuchi K, and Nose H for the Shinshu University Genetic Research Consortium. Vasopressin V1a receptor polymorphism and high-intensity interval walking training effects in middle-aged and older people. Hypertension 55: 747-754, 2010.
- Goto M, Okazaki K, Kamijo Y, Ikegawa S, Masuki S, Miyagawa K, and Nose H. Protein and carbohydrate supplementation during 5-day aerobic training enhanced plasma volume expansion and thermoregulatory adaptation in young men. J Appl Physiol 109: 1247-1255, 2010.
- Okazaki K, Ichinose T, Mitono H, Chen M, Masuki S, Endoh H, Hayase H, Tatsuya Doi T, and Nose H. Impact of protein and carbohydrate supplementation on plasma volume expansion and thermoregulatory adaptation by aerobic training in older men. J Appl Physiol 107: 725-733, 2009.
- Masuki S and Nose H. Increased cerebral activity suppresses baroreflex control of heart rate in freely moving mice. J Physiol (Lond) 587: 5783-5794, 2009.