The Annual Report Meeting of the “Geoenvironmental Reclamation Program” was attended by 116 people.

Using the Chubu Mountain region as a field, Shinshu University, Tsukuba University, and Gifu University are conducting the “Geoenvironmental Reclamation Program” through inter-disciplinary cooperation among the 3 universities (JALPS). The objectives of the program are to bring about regeneration of environmental resources from determining the environmental changes in the Chubu Mountain region, determining and predicting the effect of environmental changes on the ecosystem and on people, and seeking mitigation measures.

Since 2010 to date JALPS has produced major results regarding the climate forecasting network and predictions for the future, the processes of cycling of substances and cycling of carbon, and changes in biodiversity. On the 11-12th of December 2014 JALPS held its results report meeting. Also, this year is the final year of the 5 year JAPLS program, so a public symposium “Mountain Academia – Environmental Change and Community Formation -” was held.

For the future Yamanashi University, Shizuoka University, and Toyama University will join the project so that it will continue to produce further results through inter-disciplinary co-operation among the 6 universities. The aim is to dramatically improve the prediction accuracy of the effect of climate change on nature and people, and to provide advice on mitigation measures with substantially greater effectiveness.

At the Annual Report Meeting of the “Geoenvironmental Reclamation Program”, there were 82 poster presentations.

The public symposium “Mountain Academia – Environmental Change and Community Formation -” was attended by 80 people, and significant discussions took place.