Contact list of faculties / graduate schools

FacultyGraduate School
Graduate School
Please change "*" to "@"
Faculty of Arts
(Matsumoto Campus)
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
・Division of Human Cultures
・Division of Psychology

Academic Affairs Office, Faculty of Arts


Faculty of Education
(Nagano-Education Campus)
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
・Division of Psychology

Academic Affairs Office, Faculty of Education


Faculty of Economics and Law (Matsumoto Campus) Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
・Division of Economics
・Division of Law

Academic Affairs Office, Division of Economics & Law


Faculty of Science
(Matsumoto Campus)
Graduate School of Science and Technology  Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology


(Graduate school)
Please contact the academic advisor you wish to study under.

School of Medicine
(Matsumoto Campus)
Graduate School of Medicine
・Human Sciences
Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Academic Affairs Office, School of Medicine

(Graduate School)


School of Health Sciences
(Matsumoto Campus)
Graduate School of Medicine
・Health Sciences
Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Academic Affairs Office, School of Health Sciences


(Graduate School)


Faculty of Engineering
(Nagano-Engineering Campus)
Graduate School of Science and Technology Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Academic Affairs Office, Faculty of Engineering


Faculty of Agriculture
(Ina Campus)
Graduate School of Science and Technology Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Academic Affairs Office, Faculty of Agriculture


Faculty of Textile Science and Technology
(Ueda Campus)
Graduate School of Science and Technology Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Academic Affairs Office, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology


  Graduate School of Science and Technology
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology
Department of Biomedical Engineering

Division of Student Affairs, Graduate School Office (Master Course)


Graduate School Office (Master Course) : daigakuin*

Graduate School Office (Doctor Course) : sogoiriko-ao-ml*