Contact list of faculties / graduate schools
Faculty | Graduate School (Master) | Graduate School (Doctor) | Contact Please change "*" to "@" |
Faculty of Arts (Matsumoto Campus) |
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences ・Division of Human Cultures ・Division of Psychology |
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Academic Affairs Office, Faculty of Arts jgakumu1* |
Faculty of Education (Nagano-Education Campus) |
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences ・Division of Psychology |
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Academic Affairs Office, Faculty of Education e_kokusai* |
Faculty of Economics and Law (Matsumoto Campus) | Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences ・Division of Economics ・Division of Law |
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Academic Affairs Office, Division of Economics & Law k_ryugaku* |
Faculty of Science (Matsumoto Campus) |
Graduate School of Science and Technology | Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology | (Undergraduate) (Graduate school) |
School of Medicine (Matsumoto Campus) |
Graduate School of Medicine ・Human Sciences |
Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology |
Academic Affairs Office, School of Medicine (Graduate School) mdaigak* |
School of Health Sciences (Matsumoto Campus) |
Graduate School of Medicine ・Health Sciences |
Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology |
Academic Affairs Office, School of Health Sciences ho_kokusai* (Graduate School) mdaigak* |
Faculty of Engineering (Nagano-Engineering Campus) |
Graduate School of Science and Technology | Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology |
Academic Affairs Office, Faculty of Engineering tkokusai* |
Faculty of Agriculture (Ina Campus) |
Graduate School of Science and Technology | Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology |
Academic Affairs Office, Faculty of Agriculture nkokusai* |
Faculty of Textile Science and Technology (Ueda Campus) |
Graduate School of Science and Technology | Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology |
Academic Affairs Office, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology fkokusai* |
Graduate School of Science and Technology Department of Biomedical Engineering |
Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology Department of Biomedical Engineering |
Division of Student Affairs, Graduate School Office (Master Course) daigakuin* |
Graduate School Office (Master Course) : daigakuin*
Graduate School Office (Doctor Course) : sogoiriko-ao-ml*