Exotic Nanocarbons Project have been completed on March , 2014.
Thank you very much for your longtime support and help on our project.

Activity Report

Distinguished Professor K. Kaneko Organizes "The Third Symposium on Future Challenges for Carbon-based Nanoporous Materials:Adsorption and Energy" (updated on May 22) 2012.02.28

The researches on carbon-based nanoporous materials are increasing year by year.

Energy situation is rapidly changing; nuclear energy to natural gas shift is now remarkable. We need to have a fruitful time for the discussion on the related area for promotion of green innovation. We would like to offer an intensified science platform on Energy related topics.

This symposium (CBNM-3) has a role of Spain (Alicante Univ.) - Japan (Shinshu Univ.) joint meeting.
Also this has a role of post conference of PBAST-6 in Taiwan. Well-known scientists will be invited to this symposium and attendance of young scientist will be encouraged.

Conference Site:

May 26 (Saturday) and 27 (Sunday): SASTEC Building, Wakasato Campus, Shinshu University, Nagano
May 28 (Monday) and 29 (Tuesday): Hakuba Highland Hotel in Hakuba village
(We will move from Nagano to Hakuba by a chartered bus)


This symposium (CBNM-3) will be organized by Research Center for Exotic Nanocarbons (ENCs) and supported by JST (Japan) & MICINN (Spain) and Japan Regional Innovation Strategy Program by the
Excellence, JST. The Carbon Society of Japan also cooperate for the simposium. Nagano Convention & Visitors Bureau will give the financial support.


Inquiry: Professor Katsumi Kaneko



             Research Center for Exotic Nanocarbons (ENCs), Shinshu University, Japan


Contact to: cbnm3@shinshu-u.ac.jp


Abstract Example.doc (Deadline: April 1520)



Invited Speakers, Program, and Access Maps: (Updated on May 20)




Notice for Presenters (Updated on May 22)

CBNM-3 Announcement[ PDF:77.7KB ]