2011年-検査技術科学専攻 学術論文など(総説・原著)

  1. Akahane T, Nagata M, Matsumoto T, Murayama N, Isaka A, Kameda T, Fujita M, Oana K, Kawakami Y
    A case of wound dual infection with Pasteurella dagmatis and Pasteurella canis resulting from a dog bite - limitations of Vitek-2 system in exact identication of Pasteurella species.
    Eur J Med Res 16:531-536, 2011.

  2. Akamatsu T, Ichikawa S, Okudaira S, Yokosawa S, Iwaya Y, Suga T, Ota H, Tanaka E
    Introduction of an examination and treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection in high school health screening.
    J Gastroenterol 246:1353-1360, 2011.

  3. Fujimoto K, Kitaguchi Y, Kanda S, Urushihata K, Hanaoka M, Kubo K
    Comparison of the efficacy of long-acting bronchodilators in emphysema dominant and non-dominant COPD
    International Journal of COPD 6:219-227, 2011.

  4. Hayano J, Watanabe E, Saito Y, Sasaki F, Fujimoto K, Nomiyama T, Kawai K, Kodama I, Sakakibara H
    Screening for obstructive sleep apnea by cyclic variation of heart rate.
    Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 4:64-72, 2011.

  5. Hongo M, Kumazaki S, Izawa A, Hidaka H, Tomita T, Yazaki Y, Kinoshita O, Ikeda U
    Low-dose rosuvastatin improves arterial stiffness in high-risk Japanese patients with dyslipdemia in a primary prevention group
    A comparison with fluvastatin. Circulation Journal 75:2660-2667, 2011.

  6. Kasuga E, Kawakami Y, Matsumoto T, Hidaka Ei, Oana K, Yamaki D, Sakurada T, Honda T
    Bactericidal activities of woven cotton and nonwoven polypropylene fabrics coated with hydroxyapatite-binding silver/titanium dioxide ceramic nanocomposite "Earth-plus".
    Int J Nanomedicine 6:1937-1943, 2011.

  7. Kawaguchi M, Takahashi M, Hata T, Kashima Y, Usui F, Morimoto H, Izawa A, Takahashi Y, Masumoto J, Koyama J, Hongo M, Noda T, Nakayama J, Sagara J, Taniguchi S, Ikeda U
    Inflammasome activation of cardiac fibroblasts is essential for myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury
    Circulation 123:594-604, 2011.

  8. Kitaguchi Y, Fujimoto K, Ono M, Komatsu Y, Honda T, Kubo K
    Usefulness of the measurement of fractional exhaled nitric oxide in asthmatic patients: correlation with pulmonary function, asthma control and health status.
    Shinshu Med J 59(4): 239-247, 2011.

  9. Kobayashi Y, Uehara T, Ota H
    Liquid-based thin-layer cytology can be routinely used in samples obtained via fiberoptic bronchoscope.
    Acta Cytol.55:69-78. 2011.

  10. Kogiso N, Taki , Takamiya O
    Fctor VII deficiency due to compound heterozygosity for Lue-48Pro mutation and a novel Pro260Leu mutation
    Clin Appl Thromb Hemost [serial online]2011 Mar ;17 (6). Available from: URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1076029610397182.

  11. Kubota S, Yamauchi K, Sugano M, Kawasaki K, Sugiyama A, Matsuzawa K, Akamatsu T, Ohmoto Y, Ota H
    Pathophysiological Investigation of the Gastric Surface Mucous Gel Layer of Patients with Helicobacter pylori Infection by Using Immunoassays for Trefoil Factor Family 2 and Gastric Gland Mucous Cell-Type Mucin in Gastric Juice
    Dig Dis Sci. 56:3498-506, 2011.

  12. Kuzumoto K, Kubota N, Ishii K, Yumoto K, Ogiso Y, Nakamura T, Katsuyama T, Oana K, Kawakami Y
    Successful Cessation of Transmitting Healthcare-Associated Infections due to Burkholderia cepacia Complex in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in a Japanese Children's Hospital
    Eur J Med Res 16: 537-42, 2011.

  13. Ota H, Harada O,Uehara T, Hayama M, Ishii K
    Aberrant expression of TFF1, TFF2, and PDX-1 and their diagnostic value in lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia
    Am J Clin Pathol. 135:253-61, 2011.

  14. Mimura T, Yoshida M, Nishiumi S, Tanaka H, Nobutani K, Takenaka M, Suleiman YB, Yamamoto K, Ota H, Takahashi S, Matsui H, Nakamura M, Miki I, Azuma T
    IFN-γ plays an essential role in the pathogenesis of gastric lymphoid follicles formation caused by Helicobacter suis infection
    FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 63:25-34, 2011.

  15. Momose M, Ota H, Hayama M
    Reevaluation of melanin bleaching using heated diluted hydrogen peroxide for histopathological examination.
    Pathology International 61:345-350, 2011.

  16. Taira C, Matsuda K, Kamijyo Y, Sakashita K, Ishida F, Kumagai T, Yamauchi K, Okumura N, Honda T
    Quantitative monitoring of single nucleotide mutation by allele-specific quantitative PCR can be used for assessment of minimal residual disease in patients with hematological malignancies throughout their clinical course
    Clin Chim Acta 412:53-58, 2011.

  17. 赤羽貴行,村山範行,小穴こず枝,川上由行
    安曇野赤十字病院におけるStreptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis の検出状況と薬剤感受性成績
    日赤検査 44: 13-16, 2011.

  18. 赤松泰次,宮林秀晴,太田浩良
    Helicobacter pylori陽性胃MALTリンパ腫に対する除菌治療成績と長期経過
    日本ヘリコバクター学会誌 12:42-49, 2011.

  19. 新井慎平,百瀬正信,冨木大基,太田浩良,本田孝行,羽山正義

  20. 藤本圭作
    私はこう治療する 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)
    診断と治療99(7):1242-1245, 2011.

  21. 藤本圭作
    呼吸器内科学 COPDに対するSABAのassist use
    医学のあゆみ 237(11): 1074-1075, 2011.

  22. 藤本圭作
    【安全で効果的な排痰・吸引の手技】 痰を考える呼吸器の解剖生理
    看護技術 57(4):279-283, 2011.

  23. 藤本圭作
    【COPDの実地診療 早期診断と地域連携のシステム作り】 治療/COPDの酸素吸入と薬物治療の実際 COPD増悪時の治療 患者教育とアクションプラン
    Medical Practice 28(3): 501-505, 2011.

  24. 藤本圭作:【呼吸不全を来す難治性呼吸器疾患克服への取り組み】 若年性肺気腫(若年発症COPD). 呼吸と循環 59(2):121-125, 2011.

  25. 藤本圭作
    【在宅呼吸ケアの新展開 「在宅呼吸ケア白書2010」上梓を踏まえて】 患者アンケートから見た在宅呼吸ケアの現状
    日本胸部臨床 70(1): 24-30, 2011.

  26. 日高宏哉
    MALDI-TOF MSと酵素法による血清リン脂質の分析.
    臨床化学 40:453-461, 2011.

  27. 日高宏哉

  28. 日高宏哉
    ラボ・サービス 34: 637-643.2011.

  29. 東田有智, 室繁郎, 藤本圭作, 三浦元彦
    吸入療法 3(1): 6-20, 2011.

  30. 一ノ瀬正和,植木純,小川浩正,藤本圭作
    COPD患者の息切れへの対応 SABAの上手な使い方(座談会) 
    呼吸 30(8):676-683, 2011.

  31. 亀岡淳一, 川上和義,奥村伸生, 他21名
    全国20国立大学保健学科検査科学専攻分野のカリキュラム 卒業後進路.
    臨床検査学教育3:74-81, 2011.(報告)

  32. 松澤幸範,藤本圭作,久保惠嗣
    呼吸機能検査 呼吸機能検査の基準値とその使い方,今後の課題 フローボリューム曲線(PEF,V50,V25
    呼吸30(8): 700-705, 2011.

  33. 相良淳二

  34. 塩沢 勉, 中村啓章,田村克彦,長澤正樹,羽生 登,本田孝行,日高宏哉.
    血中ホモシステイン除去におけるon-line HDFの有用性.
    腎と透析 70187-70189. 2011.

  35. 高宮 脩

  36. 寺澤文子, 竹澤由夏, 廣田(川戸洞)雅子, 奥村伸生.
    臨床病理59:741-748, 2011.

  37. 塚原照臣,岡野和弘,堀 綾,江口 尚,塚原嘉子,津田洋子,和田敬仁,漆畑一寿,藤本圭作,野見山哲生
    産業医学ジャーナル34(4):52-56, 2011.

  38. 塚原照臣,岡野和弘,江口尚,塚原嘉子,津田洋子,漆畑一寿,藤本圭作,野見山哲生
    呼吸障害指数と肥満度および眠気の自覚症状との関連 職域における睡眠時無呼吸低呼吸症候群健康診断の結果から.
    信州公衆衛生雑誌5(2):105-109, 2011.

  39. 山田朋希, 唐澤達典, 畑幸彦, 藤本圭作
    理学療法研究・長野39:58-59, 2011.

  40. 吉廣めぐみ,小木曽菜穂,吉田隼太,平井理泉,高宮 脩