


  1. Kubota S, Yamauchi K, Kumagai T, Sugano M, Kawasaki K, Tozuka M, Akamatsu T, Matsuzawa K, Sugiyama A, Kurihara M, Katsuyama T and Ota H: Quantitative determination of gland mucous cells-type mucin using a monoclonal antibody, HIK-1083: Its pathophysiological changes in human gastric juice. Clinica Chimica Acta 377: 261-267, 2007
  2. Kuramoto C A, Honda T, Matsumoto T, Shiohara M, Kawakami Y, Yamauchi K, and Kato Y: Transmission via the face is one route of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus cross-infection within a hospital. Am J Infect Control 35: 126-30, 2007
  3. Kikuchi S, Kato M, Katsuyama T, Tominaga S and Asaka M: Design and Planned Analyses of an Ongoing Randomized trial Assessing the Preventive Effect of Helicobacter pylori Eradication on Occurrence of New Gastric Carcinomas After Endoscopic Resection. Helicobacter 11:147-151, 2007
  4. Harada O, Ota H, Katsuyama T, Hidaka E, Ishizaka K and Nakayama J: Esophageal Gland Duct Adenoma: Immunohistochemical Comparison With the Normal Esophageal Gland and Ultrastractural Analysis. Am J Surg Pathol 31(3), 2007
  5. Koyama H, Hibi T, Isogai Z, Yoneda M, Fujimori M, Amano J, Kawakubo M, Kannagi R, Kimata K, Taniguchi S and Itano N: Hyperproduction of Hyaluronan in Neu-Induced Mammary Tumor Accelerates Angiogenesis through Srtromal Cell Recruitment. The American Journal of Pathology 170(3), 2007
  6. Kasama S, Kawakubo M, Suzuki T, Nishizawa T, Ishida A and Nakayama J: RNA interference-mediated knock-down of transient recetor potential vanilloid 1 prevents forepaw inflammatory hyperalgesia in rat. European Journal of Neuroscience 25: 2956-2963, 2007
  7. Choi J II, Fujimoto S, Yamauchi K, Graham DY and Yamaoka Y: Helicobacter pylori enviromental interactions: effect of acidic conditions on H. pylori-induced gastric mucosal interleukin-8 production. Cellular Microbiology 9(10): 2457-2469, 2007
  8. Matsuda K, Nakazawa Y, Sakashita K, Shiohara M, Yamauchi K, Koike K: Acquisition of loss of the wild-type NRAS locus with aggressive disease progression in a patient with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia and a heterozygous NRAS mutation. Haematologica 92(11):1576-8, 2007
  9. Fujihara N, Yamauchi K, Hirota-Kawadobora M, Ishikawa S, Tozuka M, Ishii E, Katsuyama T, Okumura N, Taniguchi S.: In vitro expression of β-thalassaemia gene (IVS1-1G>C) reveals complete inactivation of the normal 5' splice site and alternative aberrant RNA splicing. Ann Clin Biochem 44(Pt 6):573-8, 2007
  10. Matsuda K, Shimada A, Yoshida N, Ogawa A, Watanabe A, Yajima S, Iizuka S, Koike K, Yanai F, Kawasaki K, Yanagimachi M, Kikuchi A, Ohtsuka Y, Hidaka E, Yamauchi K, Tanaka M, Yanagisawa R, Nakazawa Y, Shiohara M, Manabe A, Kojima S, Koike K.: Spontaneous improvement of hematologic abnormalities in patients having juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia with specific RAS mutations. Blood 15;109(12):5477-80, 2007
  11. Kaneko Y, Nakamura T, Hayama M, Hosaka N, Akamatsu T, Ota H.: Altered expression of CDX-2, PDX-1 and mucin core proteins in "Ulcer-associated cell lineage (UACL)" in Crohn's disease. J Mol Histol 2: 161-168, 2007
  12. Okumura N, Terasawa F, Haneishi A, Fujihara N, Hirota-Kawadobora M, Yamauchi K, Ota H, Lord ST.: B:b interactions are essential for polymerization of variant fibrinogens with impaired holes 'a'. J Thromb Haemost 12: 2352-2359, 2007
  13. Yoshikawa S, Tsushima K, Yasuo M, Fujimoto K, Kubo K, Kumagai T, Yamazaki Y.: Hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by Penicillium citrinum, not Enoki spores. Am. J. Ind. Med. 50:1010-1017,2007
  14. Kobayashi I, Murakami K, Kato M, Kato S, Azuma T, Takahashi S, Uemura N, Katsuyama T, Fukuda Y, Haruma K, Nasu M, Fujioka T.: Changing antimicrobial susceptibility epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori strains in Japan between 2002 and 2005. J Clin Microbiol 12: 4006-4010, 2007
  15. Yasuo M, Tanabe T, Tsushima K, Komatsu Y, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M, Koizumi T, Kubo K, Wakamatsu T, Hirose Y, Yamazaki Y.: Endobronchial argon plasma coagulation for the palliation of recurrent tracheobronchial adenoid cystic carcinoma. J Bronchol 14: 278-280, 2007
  16. Yasuo M, Furuya S, Kanda S, Komatsu Y, Tanabe T, Tsushima K, Yamamoto H, Koizumi T, Kubo K, Yokosawa S, Yamazaki Y, Kawakami S.: Successful endoscopic dilatation to alleviate airway suffocation in a case with esophageal cancer after stent implantation. Intern Med 46: 1745-1748, 2007
  17. Sasabayashi M, Yamazaki Y, Tsushima K, Hatayama O, Okabe T.: Usefulness of bronchoscopic microsampling to detect the pathogenic bacteria of respiratory infection. Chest 2: 474-479, 2007
  18. Hidaka E, Tanaka M, Matsuda K, Ishikawa-Matsumura M, Yamauchi K, Sano K, Honda T, Wakui K, Yanagisawa R, Nakazawa Y, Sakashita K, Shiohara M, Ishii E, Koike K.: A complex karyotype, including a three-way translocation generating a NUP98-HOXD13 transcript, in an infant with acute myeloid leukemia. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 15; 176(2):137-43, 2007
  19. Mochizuka A, Uehara T, Nakamura T, Kobayashi Y, Ota H.: Hyperplastic polyps and sessile serrated 'adenomas' of the colon and rectum display gastric pyloric differentiation. Histochem Cell Biol 2007 128(5): 445-55, 2007
  20. Iijima M, Nakayama J, Nishizawa T, Ishida A, Ishii K, Ota H, Katsuyama T, Saida T.: Usefulness of monoclonal antibody HIK1083 specific for gastric O-glycan in differentiating cutaneous metastasis of gastric cancer from primary sweat gland carcinoma. Am J Dermatopathol 29(5):452-6, 2007
  21. Kasuga E, Matsumoto T, Oana K, Shiohara M, Okabe T, Yamauchi K, Honda T, Ota H, Kawakami Y.: Evaluation of BacT/Alert 3D SA bottles for accurate detection of Mycobacteremia with special reference to Mycobacterium abscessus. Eur J Med Res 31;12(1): 43-6, 2007
  22. Asano N, Suzuki R, Matsuo K, Kagami Y, Ishida F, Tamaru JI, Jin GS, Sato Y, Shimoyama Y, Yoshino T, Morishima Y, Nakamura S.: Cytotoxic molecule expression is predictive of prognosis in Hodgkin's-like anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Histopathology 50(6): 705-15, 2007
  23. Oyama T, Yamamoto K, Asano N, Oshiro A, Suzuki R, Kagami Y, Morishima Y, Takeuchi K, Izumo T, Mori S, Ohshima K, Suzumiya J, Nakamura N, Abe M, Ichimura K, Sato Y, Yoshino T, Naoe T, Shimoyama Y, Kamiya Y, Kinoshita T, Nakamura S.: Age-related EBV-associated B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders constitute a distinct clinicopathologic group: a study of 96 patients. Clin Cancer Res 13(17):5124-32, 2007
  24. Kainuma K, Takumi Y, Uehara T, Usami S.: Meningioma of the paranasal sinus: a case report. Auris Nasus Larynx 34(3):397-400, 2007
  25. Kawa S, Hamano H, Umemura T, Kiyosawa K, Uehara T.: Sclerosing cholangitis associated with autoimmune pancreatitis. Hepatol Res 37(l) 3:S487-95, 2007
  26. Hidaka H, Hanyu N, Sugano M, Kawasaki K, Yamauchi K, Katsuyama T.: Analysis of human serum lipoprotein lipid composition using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Ann Clin Lab Sci 37(3):213-21, 2007
  27. Tojo K, Yazaki M, Machida K, Sano K, Yoshida K, Ikeda S: Biopsy-proven tuberculous meningitis mimicking CNS sarcoidosis. Intern Med 46: 2001-2005, 2007
  28. Kobayashi I, Murakami K, Kato M, Kato S, Azuma T, Takahashi S, Uemura N, Katsuyama T, Fukuda Y, Haruma K, Nasu M, Fujioka T: Changing antimicrobial susceptibility epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori strains in Japan between 2002 and 2005. J Clin Microbiol 45: 4006-4010, 2007


  1. 赤松泰次,沖村幸枝,矢野いずみ,澤山裕明: 総論 大腸内視鏡の感染管理. 消化器内科 19(3), 2007
  2. 中山 淳,川久保雅友,小林基弘,李 熙燮,福田 穣: O-グリカンによるヘリコバクター・ピロリ感染の制御 実験医学 25(7): 37-42, 2007
  3. 松下 剛, 上田和彦, 角谷眞澄, 上原 剛: 画像診断と病理 膵管癌.画像診断.27(2): 114-115, 2007
  4. 浜野英明, 上原剛, 藤永康成, 上田和彦, 新倉則和, 村木崇, 尾崎弥生, 川茂幸, 角谷眞澄, 清澤研道: 【自己免疫性膵炎(AIP)の胆管病変と原発性硬化性胆管炎(PSC)】 病態 膵病変を有さないIgG4関連硬化性胆管炎. 肝・胆・膵 54(2): 193-197, 2007
  5. 浜野英明, 上原 剛, 川 茂幸, 新倉則和, 村木 崇, 尾崎弥生, 清澤研道:【硬化性胆管病変の診断と問題点】 原発性硬化性胆管炎と自己免疫性膵炎に伴う硬化性胆管炎の血清学的, 病理組織学的鑑別. 消化器科 44(2): 218-221, 2007
  6. 境澤隆夫, 春日好雄, 松下明正, 坂口博美, 久保 周, 熊木俊成, 上原 剛: 甲状腺手術後に甲状腺機能亢進症を認めた2例. 内分泌外科 24(2): 98-102, 2007
  7. 平瀬雄一, 上田和彦, 角谷眞澄, 三輪史朗, 宮川眞一, 上原 剛, 浅野功治: 画像診断と病理 膵管内乳頭粘液性腺腫(IPMA). 画像診断 27(4): 398-399, 2007
  8. 奥村伸生, 藤原祝子: 技術講座 血液 赤血球沈降速度. 検査と技術 35(4)号: 337-342, 2007
  9. 境澤隆夫,松下明正, 坂口博美, 久保 周, 熊木俊成, 春日好雄, 上原 剛: 術後abdominal compartment syndromeをきたした高度肥満巨大臍ヘルニア嵌頓の1例. 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 68(9): 2393-2397, 2007
  10. 平野隆雄, 千葉 大, 太田浩一, 村田敏規, 中村公俊, 上原 剛, 鈴木茂伸: 眼球摘出に至った中型の脈絡膜悪性黒色腫の1例. 臨床眼科 61(10): 1955-1960, 2007
  11. 境澤隆夫, 春日好雄, 松下明正, 坂口博美, 久保 周, 熊木俊成, 上原 剛: 乳腺の偽血管腫様過形成の1例.日本臨床外科学会雑誌 68(11): 2717-2721, 2007
  12. 瀬戸山友一, 山内一由, 勝山 努: コスト面から見た細菌検査室 -細菌検査室のコスト分析ー. モダンメディア 53(12): 341-346, 2007
  13. 石井恵子: トピックス 頚部粘液細胞の産生する粘液の性質. 石倉浩, 本山悌一, 森谷卓也, 手島伸一編:子宮腫瘍病理アトラス PP160, 文光堂, 東京
  14. 樋口由美子, 伊藤俊朗, 松田和之, 樋口 司, 日高恵以子, 今川英里, 宇原美帆, 中澤英之, 石田文宏, 山内一由, 佐野健司, 勝山 努: 骨髄移植後のキメリズム解析を不可能にした再発時付加染色体異常. 臨床血液 49(2): 109-113, 2007
  15. 伊東理子, 安尾将法, 中村 勝, 津島健司, 山崎善隆, 久保惠嗣: 結核治療50年後に発見された結核性気管支狭窄の1例. 日呼吸誌 45(1): 87-90, 2007
  16. 角田美佳子, 小泉知展, 安尾将法, 津島健司, 花岡正幸, 久保惠嗣, 本田孝行, 山崎善隆, 小山茂, 塚平晃弘, 柘植和恵, 玉井清子, 柳沢英二: 末梢血白血球中の細菌検出キット (in situ hybridization 法) の菌検出に対する有用性. 感染症学雑誌 81(1): 20-25, 2007
  17. 石井恵子,本田孝行,小林幸弘,堀川美栄子,塩沢丹里: 胃粘液を発現する腫瘍-子宮・肺・卵巣・膵胆道系-. J. Jpn. Soc. Clin. Cytol 46(5): 274-279, 2007
  18. 三澤俊一,小澤昭人,石橋久夫,三澤知子,市川真也,横山太郎,石井恵子: 化学療法が奏効したした,十二指腸小細胞癌と胃腺癌の1合併例. Gastroenterological Endoscopy 49(10): 2698-2704, 2007
  19. 廣田(川戸洞)雅子,石川伸介,藤原祝子,若林早紀,上條由夏,山内一由,寺澤文子,奥村伸生,勝山努: 日常検査で遭遇する低フィブリノゲン血症の原因推定とヘテロ型フィブリノゲン異常症・欠損症の凝固スクリーニング検査結果の検討. 臨床病理 55: 989-995, 2007
  20. 松本竹久, 川上由行, 太田浩良: HHLO‘Helicobacter heilmannii’–like organisms. G. I. Research 15(2): 162-163, 2007
  21. 林 琢磨,小林幸弘,佐野健司: 子宮平滑筋肉腫の発症とイムノプロテアソームのLMP2の発現低下との関連性:子宮平滑筋肉腫の新規マーカーの検討. 診断と治療 95(1), 2007
  22. 浅野直子: ホジキンリンパ腫におけるReed-Sternberg型巨細胞の表現型の予後的意義について. 血液腫瘍科 55(3): 339-345, 2007