
もりやま しんや

護山 真也

哲学・芸術論 教授



New Book: A Distant Mirror


台湾の国立政治大学の林鎮国(Lin, Chen-kuo)教授のプロジェクト「6-7世紀の中国におけるインド仏教思想」(Indian Buddhist Thought in 6th-7th Century China)の成果がハンブルク大学出版より出版されました。 A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism. Chen-kuo Lin & Michael Radich (eds.), Hamburg University Press, 2014. その序文にもある通り、本書のタイトルは歴史家バーバラ・タックマンの『遠い鏡』(A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century, 1978)に範をとりながら、インド仏教を映し出す鏡としての中国仏教の在り方に焦点を当て、いわば、〈方法としての中国仏教〉という視点から、インド仏教を考察する諸論考から成り立ちます。Lin&Radichは次のように述べています。 We intend out title to encapsulate a methodological intuition, which we believe runs as a common thread through almost all of the studies collected here – that scholars should seriously consider the possibility that a wider set of features of the Chinese tradition, treated carefully, might serve us a “distant mirror”, accurately displaying features common to Buddhism in India and elsewhere outside China. (p. 15f.) 中国仏教というと、インド仏教を継承しつつも、文化的背景の違いのために、独特の発展をした仏教というイメージがあり、また、サンスクリット語と中国語(漢文)では言語的にも大きな違いがあるため、インド仏教、特に認識論の分野での貢献にはあまり期待できないのではないかという先入観があるかもしれません。本書を読めば、そのような先入観は消え去るでしょう。むしろ、一面において中国仏教がインド仏教――特に唯識思想と認識論――のありえた姿を映し出す鏡であることが分かると思います。


Foreword (Zimmermann, Michael) Acknowledgements Introduction (Radich, Michael; Lin, Chen-kuo) Chinese Translations of Pratyakṣa (Funayama, Toru) Epistemology and Cultivation in Jingying Huiyuan’s "Essay on the Three Means of Valid Cognition" (Lin, Chen-kuo) The Theory of Apoha in Kuiji’s "Cheng weishi lun Shuji" (Katsura, Shoryu) A Comparison between the Indian and Chinese Interpretations of the Antinomic Reason (Viruddhāvyabhicārin) (Moriyama, Shinya) The Problem of Self-Refuting Statements in Chinese Buddhist Logic (Zamorski, Jakub) A Re-examination of the Relationship between the Awakening of Faith and Dilun School Thought, Focusing on the Works of Huiyuan (Keng, Ching) A Pivotal Text for the Definition of the Two Hindrances in East Asia: Huiyuan’s “Erzhang yi” Chapter (Muller, A. Charles) On the Notion of Kaidaoyi (*Avakāśadānāśraya) as Discussed in Xuanzang’s "Cheng weishi lun" (Chu, Junjie) Yogācāra Critiques of the Two Truths (Yao, Zhihua) Philosophical Aspects of Sixth-Century Chinese Buddhist Debates on “Mind and Consciousness” (Kantor, Hans-Rudolf) The Way of Nonacquisition: Jizang’s Philosophy of Ontic Indeterminacy (Ho, Chien-hsing) Divided Opinion among Chinese Commentators on Indian Interpretations of the Parable of the Raft in the Vajracchedikā (Choong, Yoke Meei) Ideas about “Consciousness” in Fifth and Sixth Century Chinese Buddhist Debates on the Survival of Death by the Spirit, and the Chinese Background to *Amalavijñāna (Radich, Michael) The Process of Awakening in Early Texts on Buddha-Nature in India (Zimmermann, Michael) About the Authors Index

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