
もりやま しんや

護山 真也

哲学・芸術論 教授



A short remark on PSV ad PS 1.9c

As Hattori (1968, Dignāga, On Perception, p. 104, n. 1.64) has noted, Prajñākaragupta’s PVABh 393.27-30 quotes Dignāga’s PS(V) 1.9cd. The quotation contains two variants to Steinkellner’s edition (http://ikga.oeaw.ac.at/Mat/dignaga_PS_1.pdf) of PS 1.9c and its vṛtti, that is, (1) viṣayākārataivāsya for viṣayābhāsataivāsya, and (2) jñānaṃ svasaṃvedyam api for jñānasvasaṃvedyam api.

Whereas the former is just a wrong transcription of Ms. B 198b7, the latter is also supported by Ms. B 198b7. The reason why Steinkellner took the two words as a compound is clear, because Jinendrabuddhi comments on this part as follows (PST 72.6): tadā hi jñānasvasaṃvedyam apītyādi. jñānasya svasaṃvedyam iti vigrahaḥ.

However, if we look at the two Tibetan translations of PSV (: shes pa rang rig pa yin yang/shes pa rang rig par bya ba yin yang) in Hattori 1968:182-183, we understand that there still remains a possibility to keep the reading: jñānaṃ svasaṃvedyam api. From the viewpoint of the context of its argument, too, this reading seems to be preferable. Thus, I would like to correct the text of PS 1.9 in my article, “On Self-awareness in the Sautrāntika Epistemology” in JIP 38/3, p. 262 (thanks to Dan Arnold's remark in p. 352, fn. 74 in the same volume), but keep the reading “jñānaṃ svasaṃvedyam api” in p. 263.

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