


  1. Kobayashi T, Arai S, Ogiwara N, Takezawa Y, Nanya M, Terasawa F, Okumura N.: γ375W fibrinogen-synthesizing CHO cells indicate the accumulation of variant fibrinogen within endoplasmic reticulum. Thromb Res 133(1): 101-107, 2014
  2. Ikeda M, Kobayashi T, Arai S, Mukai S, Takezawa Y, Terasawa F, Okumura N: Recombinant γT305A fibrinogen indicates severely impaired fibrin polymerization due to the aberrant function of hole 'a' and calcium binding sites. Thromb Res 134(2): 518-525, 2014
  3. Horiuchi K, Matsumoto T, Ohno Y, Kasuga E, Negishi T, Yaguchi T, Sugano M, Honda T: Intra-Abdominal Mycoplasma hominis Infection in a Liver Transplant Recipient: a Case Report. Jpn J Infect Dis 37(3): 232-233, 2014
  4. Miyazaki A, Sagae N, Usami Y, Sato M, Kameda T, Yoshimoto A, Ishimine N, Matsuda K, Sugano M, Hara M, Honda T, Tozuka M: N-homocysteinylation of apolipoprotein A-I impairs the protein's antioxidant ability but not its cholesterol efflux capacity. Biol Chem 395(6): 641-648, 2014
  5. Matsuda K, Nakazawa Y, Iwashita C, Kurata T, Hirabayashi K, Saito S, Tanaka M, Yoshikawa K, Yanagisawa R, Sakashita K, Sasaki S, Honda T, Koike K: Myeloid progenitors with PTPN11 and nonRAS pathway gene mutations are refractory to treatment with 6-mercaptopurine in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Leukemia 28(7): 1545-1548, 2014
  6. Sueki A, Matsuda K, Iwashita C, Taira C, Ishimine N, Shigeto S, Kawasaki K, Sugano M, Yamamoto H, Honda T Epithelial-mesenchymal transition of A549 cells is enhanced by co-cultured with THP-1 macrophages under hypoxic conditions. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 453(4): 804-809, 2014
  7. Uehara T, Hamano H, Suga T, Kawa S, Yoshizawa A, Kobayashi Y, Murata K, Oki K, Sano K, Onodera R, Ota H:Inflammation of colon adenoma in the setting of type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis. Pathol Int 64(2): 67-74, 2014
  8. Uehara T, Hamano H, Kawa S, Kobayashi Y, Yoshizawa A, Oki K, Nakata R, Kobayashi A, Sano K, Ota H: Comparison of histopathological features of pancreatic carcinoma and type 1 autoimmunepancreatitis. Pathol Int 64(2): 51-57, 2014
  9. Yoshizawa A, Sumiyoshi S, Sonobe M, Kobayashi M, Uehara T, Fujimoto M, Tsuruyama T, Date H, Haga H. HER2 status in lung adenocarcinoma: a comparison of immunohistochemistry, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), dual-ISH, and gene mutations. Lung Cancer 85(3): 373-378, 2014
  10. Katoh N, Yoshida T, Uehara T, Ito K, Hongo K, Ikeda S: Spinal intradural extramedullary cavernous angioma presenting with superficial siderosis and hydrocephalus: a case report and review of the literature. Intern Med 53(16): 1863-1867, 2014
  11. Kobayashi M, Horikawa M, Uehara T, Honda T, Kobayashi T, Sakai H: Flower-like/clover leaf lymphocytes appear in various diseases: Cerebrospinal fluid cytology case with review of the literature. Diagn Cytopathol 43(1): 88-90, 2014
  12. Miyamoto T, Tachibana R, Kobara H, Takano T, Kato H, Shimizu A, Ohya A, Uehara T, Shiozawa T: Recurrent low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma with intracaval and intracardiac tumor thrombus: diagnosis, treatment, and surgical management. Int Canc Conf J 3: 1-7, 2014
  13. Shigemura T, Nakazawa Y, Matsuda K, Sano K, Yaguchi T, Motobayashi M, Saito S, Noda S, Kobayashi N, Agematsu K, Honda T, Koike K: Serial monitoring of Mucorales DNA load in serum samples of a patient with disseminated mucormycosis after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Int J Hematol 100(2): 206-209, 2014
  14. Kitaguchi Y, Fujimoto K, Hanaoka M, Honda T, Hotta J, Hirayama J.: Pulmonary function impairment in patients with combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema with and without airflow obstruction. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 9: 805-811, 2014
  15. Kobayashi Y, Uehara T, Kawasaki K, Sugano M, Matsumoto T, Matsumoto G, Honda T.: Three-dimensional analysis of alveolar wall destruction in the early stage of pulmonary emphysema. Clin Anat, 2014
  16. Kobayashi M, Asano N, Fukushima M, Honda T: Three different histological subtypes of Epstein-Barr virus-negative post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in a patient with hepatitis C infection. Int J Hematol 100(3): 307-311, 2014
  17. Okamura T, Suga T, Nagaya T, Arakura N, Matsumoto T, Nakayama Y, Tanaka E: Antimicrobial resistance and characteristics of eradication therapy of Helicobacter pylori in Japan: a multi-generational comparison. Helicobacter 19(3): 214-220, 2014
  18. Uehara M, Matsuda K, Sugano M, Honda T: A new high-speed droplet-real-time polymerase chain reaction method can detect bovine respiratory syncytial virus in less than 10 min. J Vet Med Sci 76(3): 477-480, 2014
  19. Yamamoto H, Yoshida K, Koizumi T, Tokoro Y, Fukushima T, Tateishi K, Ushiki A, Yokoyama T, Yasuo M, Urushihata K, Hanaoka M, Shingu K, Shimojo H, Kanno H, Yoshizawa A, Kawakami S, Miyagawa-Hayashino A, Date H, Kubo K: Late-onset rejection of a unilateral donor lung with vascular C4d deposition in bilateral living-donor lobar lung transplantation: an autopsy case report. Intern Med 3(15): 1645-1650, 2014
  20. Eguchi T, Yoshizawa A, Kawakami S, Kumeda H, Umesaki T, Agatsuma H, Sakaizawa T, Tominaga Y, Toishi M, Hashizume M, Shiina T, Yoshida K, Asaka S, Matsushita M, Koizumi T: Tumor size and computed tomography attenuation of pulmonary pure ground-glass nodules are useful for predicting pathological invasiveness. PLoS One 9(5), 2014
  21. Sumiyoshi S, Yoshizawa A, Sonobe M, Kobayashi M, Sato M, Fujimoto M, Tsuruyama T, Date H, Haga H: Non-terminal respiratory unit type lung adenocarcinoma has three distinct subtypes and is associated with poor prognosis. Lung Cancer 84(3): 281-288, 2014
  22. Eguchi T, Kondo R, Kawakami S, Matsushita M, Yoshizawa A, Hara D, Matsuoka S, Takeda T, Miura K, Agatsuma H, Sakaizawa T, Tominaga Y, Saito G, Toishi M, Hamanaka K, Hashizume M, Shiina T, Amano J, Koizumi T, Yoshida K: Computed tomography attenuation predicts the growth of pure ground-glass nodules. Lung Cancer 84(3): 242-247, 2014
  23. Kadota K, Villena-Vargas J, Yoshizawa A, Motoi N, Sima CS, Riely GJ, Rusch VW, Adusumilli PS, Travis WD: Prognostic significance of adenocarcinoma in situ, minimally invasive adenocarcinoma, and nonmucinous lepidic predominant invasive adenocarcinoma of the lung in patients with stage I disease. Am J Surg Pathol 38(4): 448-460, 2014
  24. Mochizuki I, Kubo K, Hond T: Widespread heavy damage of capillary endothelial cells in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis - Evidence by monoclonal von Willebrand factor immunohistochemistry in the bronchus and lung of patients with sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis 31(3): 182-190, 2014
  25. Sone S, Kondo R, Ishii Keiko, Honda T, Yoshida K, Hanaoka T, Yoshizawa A:Performance of low-dose CT screening for detecting lung cancer at the early stage and the estimated tumor growth rate according to the smoking status/age. Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer 54(7): 937-946, 2014
  26. Horiuchi A, Nakayama Y, Kajiyama M, Tanaka N, Sano K, Graham DY: Removal of small colorectal polyps in anticoagulated patients: a prospective randomized comparison of cold snare and conventional polypectomy. Gastrointest Endosc 79(3): 417-423, 2014
  27. Motobayashi M, Fukuyama T, Nakayama Y, Sano K, Noda S, Hidaka Y, Amano Y, Ikeda S, Koike K, Inaba Y: Successful treatment of fulminant Wilson's disease without liver transplantation. Pediatr Int 56(3): 429-432, 2014
  28. Uchiyama S, Sekijima Y, Tojo K, Sano K, Imaeda T, Moriizumi T, Ikeda S, Kato H: Effect of synovial transthyretin amyloid deposition on preoperative symptoms and postoperative recovery of median nerve function among patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. J Orthop Sci 19(6): 913-919, 2014


  1. 菅野光俊: 第60回日本臨床検査医学会学術集会のR-CPCに参加して. 検査と技術 42(3): 278-279, 2014
  2. 松本竹久: 第25回関東・甲信越支部総会シンポジウム:若手会員の研究ー取り組みの実際と研究成果の紹介(4)臨床材料から分離されたBacterial small-colony variantsの解析. 臨床病理 62(7): 727-731, 2014
  3. 佐野健司,朝比奈正人,藤沼好克,桑原聡:特発性後天性全身性無汗症(AIGA)の自己抗体の検討. 発汗学 21(1): 26-27, 2014
  4. 石嶺南生,川崎健治,重藤聖子,島﨑朋之,菅野光俊,本田孝行: 低濃度域の測定性能を向上したCRP濃度測定試薬の性能評価. 医学検査 63(4): 440-446, 2014
  5. 菅野光俊,嶋田昌司,佐藤裕久,大庭恵子,北川文彦,本田孝行:第60回学術集会 Reversed Clinicopathological Conference(R-CPC)(1)臨床で利用しやすい検査結果を提供しよう.臨床病理62(8):802-810, 2014
  6. 池田み奈美,新井慎平,向井早紀,稲葉亨,奥村伸生: ヘテロ異常血漿フィブリノゲンKyotoⅤ(γF322S)とリコンビナントフィブリノゲンγF322Sのフィブリン重合障害の比較検討. 日本検査血液学会雑誌 15(2): 163-170, 2014
  7. 松本竹久,根岸達哉: マイクロスキャン VS MALDI-TOF MS. 臨床と微生物 41(5): 483-486, 2014
  8. 赤羽貴行,村山範行,堀内一樹,小穴こず枝,川上由行: 膵体部癌患者の血液培養からFusobacterium mortiferum が検出された一症例. 日本赤十字社臨床検査技師会会誌 47: 11-15, 2014
  9. 太田悠介,松本竹久,春日恵理子,堀内一樹,根岸達哉,矢口ともみ,高見沢将,村上将貴: Dysgonomonas mossii 及び Dysgonomonas capnocytophagoides を対象とした臨床細菌学的検討. 日本臨床微生物学雑誌 24(3): 37-42, 2014
  10. 久保田聖子,重藤翔平,石嶺南生,島崎朋之,川崎健治,菅野光俊,本田孝行: ルミパルスHIV Ag/Ab測定試薬で異常高値を示した一例. 長臨技会誌 3(1): 4-6, 2014
  11. 島﨑朋之,川崎健治,石嶺南生,井出規文,菅野光俊,本田孝行: ラテックスH-FABPキット「ヤマサ」の基礎的性能評価. 医学検査 63(6): 762-766, 2014
  12. 木戸口周平,堀敦詞,山本洋,菅野光俊,本郷実,本田孝行,日高宏哉: MADDI-OF MSによる気管支肺胞洗浄液中ホスファチジルコリン・リゾホスファチジルコリンの分析. 臨床化学 43: 313-319, 2014
  13. 松田和之: 今週の特集1 個別化医療を担う-コンパニオン診断. 臨床検査 58(8): 908-917, 2014
  14. 松田和之: 変異特異的PCR法による微小残存病変評価. 臨床病理 62(6): 552-559, 2014
  15. 丸山康弘,吉澤要,鶴田史,丸山雅史,藤森一也,滋野俊,福島万奈,上原剛,森田進,城下智,梅村武司,田中榮司: 共通生薬成分を含む漢方薬の再投与により薬物性肝障害再発をきたした1例. 肝臓 55(4): 214-220, 2014
  16. 村木崇,渡邉貴之,濱野英明,川茂幸,上原剛,藤永康成,越知泰英,梶川昌二,丸山真弘,金井圭太,小口貴也,浅野純平,新倉則和: 胆道癌として外科切除された鑑別困難病変の検証-画像と病理所見の対比- 胆道癌とIgG関連硬化性胆管炎との術前鑑別診断の現状. 胆と膵 35(3): 233-240, 2014
  17. 代田智樹,和田有子,上原剛,駒津和宜,高橋耕平,大津義徳,寺崎貴光,瀬戸達一郎,福井大祐,高野環,天野純: 巨大冠動脈瘤と急性大動脈解離を合併した抗リン脂質抗体症候群の1例. 心臓 46(10): 1380-1385, 2014
  18. 本田孝行,松本剛: 70代女性, 後頭部痛と嘔気を訴え1病日に入院した. Laboratory and Clinical Practice 32(1): 26-35, 2014
  19. 本田孝行,村上純子,下正宗,正木充,上原由紀,小笠原理恵: 臨床で利用しやすい検査結果を提供しよう. 臨床病理 62(8): 811-820, 2014
  20. 加藤奈那,中澤希世子,矢吹唯,浦みどり,倉田淳一,本田孝行,小田切麻以,井口純子,南澤匡俊,小塚綾子,元木博彦,小山潤: 上行大動脈瘤を伴う成人大動脈一尖弁の1例. 信州医学雑誌 62(4): 278-279, 2014
  21. 竹澤由夏,松田和之,廣田雅子,向井早紀,平千明,中越りつこ,菅野光俊,本田孝行: 肥満細胞の増加を認めたt(8;21)を有する急性骨髄性白血病の一症例. 長臨技会誌 3(2): 5-8, 2014
  22. 大月聡明,加藤晴朗,保坂典子: 前立腺原発の基底細胞癌の1例. 診断病理 31(2): 98-103, 2014
  23. 上原剛: LGR5陽性細胞の空間分布は胃癌の進行と関連する. 胃がん perspective 7(2): 132-134, 2014