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  5. Yoshikawa S, Tsushima K, Koizumi T, Kubo K, Kumagai T, Yamazaki Y.: Hypersensitivity pneumonitis induced by spores of Penicillium citrinum in a worker cultivating Enoki mushroom. Intern Med 45(8):537-41, 2006
  6. Nakayama Y, Horiuchi A, Kumagai T, Kubota S, Taki Y, Oishi S, Malaty HM.: Psychiatric, somatic, and gastrointestinal disorders, and Helicobacter pylori infection in children with recurrent abdominal pain. Arch Dis Child 91(8):671-4, 2006
  7. Yamazaki Y, Danelishvili L, Wu M, Hidaka E, Katsuyama T, Stang B, Petrofsky M, Bildfell R, Bermudez LE.: The ability to form biofilm influences Mycobacterium avium invasion and translocation of bronchial epithelial cells. Cell Microbiol 8(5):806-14, 2006
  8. Yamazaki Y, Danelishvili L, Wu M, Macnab M, Bermudez LE.: Mycobacterium avium genes associated with the ability to form a biofilm. Appl Environ Microbiol 72(1):819-25, 2006
  9. Liu Y, Hidaka E, Kaneko Y, Akamatsu T, Ota H.: Ultrastructure of Helicobacter pylori in human gastric mucosa and H. pylori-infected human gastric mucosa using transmission electron microscopy and the high-pressure freezing-freeze substitution technique. J Gastroenterol 41(6):569-74, 2006
  10. Kato S, Tsukamoto T, Mizoshita T, Tanaka H, Kumagai T, Ota H, Katsuyama T, Asaka M, Tatematsu M.: High salt diets dose-dependently promote gastric chemical carcinogenesis in Helicobacter pylori-infected Mongolian gerbils associated with a shift in mucin production from glandular to surface mucous cells. Int J Cancer 119(7):1558-66, 2006
  11. Matsumoto T, Kawakami Y, Oana K, Honda T, Yamauchi K, Okimura Y, Shiohara M, Kasuga E.: First isolation of Dysgonomonas mossii from intestinal juice of a patient with pancreatic cancer.Arch Med Res 37(7):914-6, 2006
  12. Tsushima K, Sone S, Yoshikawa S, Furuya S, Yasuo M, Suzuki T, Yamazaki Y, Koizumi T, Fujimoto K, Kubo K.: Clinical differences in the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Stage 0.Respir Med 100(8):1360-7, 2006
  13. Wakamatsu T, Tsushima K, Yasuo M, Yamazaki Y, Yoshikawa S, Koide N, Fujimori M, Koizumi T.: Usefulness of preoperative endobronchial ultrasound for airway invasion around the trachea: esophageal cancer and thyroid cancer.Respiration 73(5):651-7, 2006
  14. Patel D, Danelishvili L, Yamazaki Y, Alonso M, Paustian ML, Bannantine JP, Meunier-Goddik L, Bermudez LE.: The ability of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis to enter bovine epithelial cells is influenced by preexposure to a hyperosmolar environment and intracellular passage in bovine mammary epithelial cells. Infect Immun 74(5):2849-55, 2006
  15. Yasuo M, Tanabe T, Tsushima K, Nakamura M, Kanda S, Komatsu Y, Yamazaki S, Ito M, Furuya S, Yoshikawa S, Kubo K, Kawakami S, Yamazaki Y.: Endobronchial argon plasma coagulation for the management of post-intubation tracheal stenosis. Respirology 11(5):659-62, 2006
  16. Nakamura M, Tsushima K, Yasuo M, Yamazaki Y, Honda T, Koizumi T, Fujimoto K, Kubo K.: Angiosarcoma with sacral origin metastasizing to the lung. Intern Med 45(15):923-6, 2006
  17. Ota H, Hayama M, Momose M, El-Zimaity HM, Matsuda K, Sano K, Maruta F, Okumura N, Katsuyama T.: Co-localization of TFF2 with gland mucous cell mucin in gastric mucous cells and in extracellular mucous gel adherent to normal and damaged gastric mucosa. Histochem Cell Biol 126(5):617-25, 2006
  18. Tsushima K, Furuya S, Yoshikawa S, Yasuo M, Yamazaki Y, Koizumi T, Fujimoto K, Kubo K.: Therapeutic effects for hypersensitivity pneumonitis induced by Japanese mushroom (Bunashimeji). Am J Ind Med 49:826-835, 2006
  19. Matsuda K, Matsuzaki S, Miki J, Hidaka E, Yanagisawa R, Nakazawa Y, Sakashita K, Kamijo T, Asami K, Sano K, Koike K.: Chromosomal change during 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) therapy in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: the growth of a 6-MP-refractory clone that already exists at onset. Leukemia 20:485-490, 2006
  20. Kani S, Terasawa F, Yamauchi K, Tozuka M, Okumura N.: Analysis of fibrinogen variants at γ387Ile shows that the side chain of γ387 and the tertiary structure of theγC-terminal tail are important not only for assembly and secretion of fibrinogen but also for lateral aggregation of protofibrils and XIIIa-catalyzedγ-γdimer formation. Blood 15;108(6):1887-94, 2006
  21. Matsuda K, Hidaka E, Ishida F, Yamauchi K, Makishima H, Ito T, Suzuki T, Imagawa E, Sano K, Katsuyama T, Ota H.: A case of acute myelogenous leukemia with MLL-AF10 fusion caused by insertion of 5' MLL into 10p12, with concurrent 3' MLL deletion. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 171(1):24-30,2006
  22. Zen Y, Fujii T, Itatsu K, Nakamura K, Konishi F, Masuda S, Mitsui T, Asada Y, Miura S, Miyayama S, Uehara T, Katsuyama T, Ohta T, Minato H, Nakanuma Y.: Biliary cystic tumors with bile duct communication: a cystic variant of intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct. Mod Pathol 19(9):1243-54, 2006
  23. Masumoto J, Kobayashi H, Nakamura T, Kaneko Y, Ota H, Hasegawa M, Kobayashi Y, Suzuki T, Matsuda K, Sano K, Katsuyama T, Inohara N:Regulation of the ASC expression in response to LPS stimulation is related to IL-8 secretion in the human intestinal mucosa. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 346: 968-973, 2006


  1. 太田浩良,羽山正義,金子靖典,松本竹久,川上由行,熊谷俊子,久保田聖子,勝山 努: Helicobacter pylori感染症 ー基礎と臨床ー.臨床化学 35 (1), 2006
  2. 上田和彦, 古川智子, 柳澤 新, 山田 哲, 渡辺智治, 松下 剛, 黒住昌弘, 川上 聡, 金子智喜, 藤永康成, 百瀬充浩, 唐木田 修, 角谷眞澄, 増本純也, 石井恵子, 新倉則和, 越知泰英, 三輪史郎, 宮川眞一, 中沼安二: 胆管内乳頭状腫瘍の画像. 肝胆膵 52(2): 227-233,2006
  3. 本田孝行,塩原真弓,松本竹久:領域による薬剤性肺障害 抗菌薬による薬剤性肺障害. 日本医師会雑誌.134(11): 2161-2164, 2006
  4. 荒居琢磨,松下明正,久保 周,熊木俊成,春日好雄,上原剛: 初発乳癌手術後25 年目に対側のアポクリン癌が発生した異時性両側乳癌の1 例. 外科 68(3):361-364, 2006
  5. 狩野修治,荒居琢磨,坂口博美,松下明正,久保周,熊木俊成,春日好雄,上原剛: 甲状腺乳頭癌に合併した原発性上皮小体機能亢進症の3例. 内分泌外科 23(1): 49-53, 2006
  6. 山口英世, 内田勝久, 西山彌生, 奥住捷子, 小栗豊子, 安達桂子, 川上小夜子, 戸坂雅一, 三澤慶樹, 川島千恵子, 堀 雅子, 北澤俊美, 林 和, 沖村幸枝:Japan Antifungal Surveillance Programによる真菌臨床分離株の抗真菌薬感受性に関する調査研究(2):2003年度報告. 日本臨床微生物学雑誌 16(1) : 13-22, 2006
  7. 山崎善隆: 肺結核, 肺非結核性抗酸菌感染症, 肺真菌症. EBMのためのベストアプローチ臨床検査ガイド. 中外医薬社 pp224-226, 2006
  8. 中山 淳,川久保雅友,勝山 努,福田 穰: 図解 Helicobacter pylori感染胃粘膜における腺粘液の役割-α1,4-N-アセチルグルコサミン転写酵素遺伝子を用いた機能解析-. Helicobacter Research 110 (2): 100-105, 2006
  9. 岩崎葉子,藤本圭作,本田孝行,漆畑一寿,小松佳道,浅和照子,宇原美帆,伊井亜佐美,山内一由,勝山努:多点感圧センサーシートによる睡眠時無呼吸症候群スクリーニング検査の有用性. 臨床病理 54(7): 686-691, 2006
  10. 三浦 恵,飯島直子,林田研介,北澤和夫,石井恵子,大原慎司: 頭蓋内圧亢進の改善目的に作成したVPシャントを介しての化学療法により髄液所見と臨床症状の改善がえられた髄膜癌腫症の1剖検例. 臨床神経学 46(6):404-409, 2006
  11. 上原 剛,小林幸弘,本田孝行:特集 肺癌の診療-その基本から最新のcontroversyまで- 肺癌の病理診断. 画像診断 26(9):1072-1080, 2006
  12. 戸塚 実,山内一由: 特集 脳脊髄液中のアポリポ蛋白E(apoE)とアルツハイマー病. 臨床化学 35(4): 349-358, 2006
  13. 川久保雅友:胃粘膜防御とピロリ菌感染. 信州医学雑誌 54(5): 249-256, 2006
  14. 本田孝行,松本竹久:カンジダ感染症/アスペルギルス感染症. 救急・集中治療 18(7・8), 2006
  15. 瀬戸山友一,山内 一由,勝山 努: 臨床検査部門のコスト分析 -問題点はどこにあるのか- 臨床病理 54(11), 2006