


  1. Joshita S, Ichijo T, Suzuki F, Yokoyama T, Sugiyama Y, Fukushima M, Kamijo A, Komatsu M, Umemura T, Yoshizawa K, Miyagawa S, Tanaka E: A case of well-differentiated cholangiolocellular carcinoma visualized with contrast-enhanced ultrasonography using Sonazoid. Hepatol Res 39: 207-212, 2009
  2. Uhara M, Matsuda K, Taira C, Higuchi Y, Okumura N, Yamauchi K: Simple polymerase chain reaction for the detection of mutations and deletions in the epidermal growth factor receptor gene: applications of this method for the diagnosis of non-small-cell lung cancer. Clin Chim Acta 401: 68-72, 2009
  3. Inaba H, Suzuki S, Shigematsu S, Shinomiya K, Ohfusa H, Shimojo Y, Uehara T, Hashizume K: Leydig cell tumor and malignant lymphoma in a patient with nonclassical 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Intern Med 48: 601-605, 2009
  4. Nakata T, Kobayashi A, Miwa S, Soeda J, Uehara T, Miyagawa S: Clinical and pathological features of primary carcinoma of the cystic duct J Hepatobiliary. Pancreat Surg 16: 75-82, 2009
  5. Benoit BN, Kobayashi M, Kawakubo M, Takeoka M, Sano K, Zou J, Itano N, Tsutsui H, Noda T, Fukuda M, Nakayama J, Taniguchi S: Role of ASC in the mouse model of Helicobacter pylori infection. J Histochem Cytochem 57: 327-338, 2009
  6. Kobayashi M, Hoshino H, Masumoto J, Fukushima M, Suzawa K, Kageyama S, Suzuki M, Ohtani H, Fukuda M, Nakayama J: GlcNAc6ST-1-mediated decoration of MAdCAM-1 protein with L-selectin ligand carbohydrates directs disease activity of ulcerative colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis 15: 697-706, 2009
  7. Hanyu N, Himizu T, Yamauchi K, Okumura N, Hidaka H: Characterization of cysteine and homocysteine bound to human serum transthyretin. Clinica Chimica Acta 403: 70-75, 2009
  8. Sakaizawa T, Kondo R, Yoshida K, Amano J, Kasuga Y, Uehara T.: Chondromyxoid fibroma of the chest wall. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 57: 315-317, 2009
  9. Ito M, Yasuo M, Yamamoto H, Tsushima K, Tanabe T, Yokoyama T, Hamano H, Kawa S, Uehara T, Honda T, Kawakami S, Kubo K: Central airway stenosis in a patient with autoimmune pancreatitis. Eur Respir J 33: 680-683, 2009
  10. Tsushima K, Tanabe T, Yamamoto H, Koizumi T, Kawa S, Hamano H, Honda T, Uehara T, Kawakami S, Kubo K: Pulmonary involvement of autoimmune pancreatitis. Eur J Clin Invest 39: 714-722, 2009
  11. Minagawa T, Matsushita K, Shimada R, Takayama H, Hiraga R, Uehara T, Murata Y: Aggressive angiomyxoma mimicking inguinal hernia in a man. Int J Clin Oncol 14: 365-368, 2009
  12. Komatsu D, Koide N, Hiraga R, Furuya N, Akamatsu T, Uehara T, Miyagawa S:Gastric schwannoma exhibiting increased fluorodeoxyglucose uptake. Gastric Cancer 12: 225-228, 2009
  13. Shimoyama Y, Asano N, Kojima M, Morishima S, Yamamoto K, Oyama T, Kinoshita T, Nakamura S: Age-related EBV-associated B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders: diagnostic approach to a newly recognized clinicopathological entity. Pathol Int 59: 835-843, 2009
  14. Nakazawa Y, Suzuki T, Fukuyama T, Katsuyama Y, Tanaka M, Yanagisawa R, Sakashita K, Shiohara M, Koike K: Urinary excretion of ganciclovir contributes to improvement of adenovirus-associated hemorrhagic cystitis after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Pediatr Transplant 13: 632-635, 2009
  15. Toyoda T, Tsukamoto T, Takasu S, Shi L, Hirano N, Ban H, Kumagai T, Tatematsu M: Anti-inflammatory effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), a nuclear factor-kappaB inhibitor, on Helicobacter pylori-induced gastritis in Mongolian gerbils. Int J Cancer 125: 1786-1795, 2009
  16. Toyoda T, Tsukamoto T, Takasu S, Hirano N, Ban H, Shi L, Kumagai T, Tanaka T, Tatematsu M: Pitavastatin fails to lower serum lipid levels or inhibit gastric carcinogenesis in helicobacter pylori-infected rodent models. Cancer Prev Res (Phila Pa) 2: 751-758, 2009
  17. Shigemura T, Agematsu K, Yamazaki T, Eriko K, Yasuda G, Nishimura K, Koike K: Femoral osteomyelitis due to Cladophialophora arxii in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease. Infection 37 : 469-473, 2009
  18. Kondo R, Yoshida K, Hamanaka K, Hashizume M, Ushiyama T, Hyogotani A, Kurai M, Kawakami S, Fukushima M, Amano J: Intraoperative ultrasonographic localization of pulmonary ground-glass opacities. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 138: 837-842, 2009
  19. Matsumoto T, Kawakubo M, Shiohara M, Kumagai T, Hidaka E, Yamauchi K, Oana K, Matsuzawa K, Ota H, Kawakami Y: Phylogeny of a novel "Helicobacter heilmannii" organism from a Japanese patient with chronic gastritis based on DNA sequence analysis of 16S rRNA and urease genes. J Microbiol 47:201-207, 2009
  20. Ito M, Yasuo M, Yamamoto H, Tsushima K, Tanabe T, Yokoyama T, Hamano H, Kawa S, Uehara T, Honda T, Kawakami S, Kubo K: Central airway stenosis in a patient with autoimmune pancreatitis. Eur Respir J 33: 680-683, 2009
  21. Matsuda K, Tanaka M, Araki S, Yanagisawa R, Yamauchi K, Koike K: Cryptic insertion into 11q23 of MLLT10 not involved in t(1;15;11;10)(p36;q11;q23;q24) in infant acute biphenotypic leukemia. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 190: 113-120, 2009
  22. Agatsuma T, Fujimoto K, Komatsu Y, Urushihata K, Honda T, Tsukahara T, Nomiyama T: A novel device (SD-101) with high accuracy for screening sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome. Respirology 14:1143-1150, 2009
  23. Abe M, Kamijo T, Matsuzawa S, Miki J, Nakazawa Y, Sakashita K, Okabe T, Honda T, Mitsuyama J, Koike K: High incidence of meropenem resistance among alpha-hemolytic streptococci in children with cancer. Pediatr Int 51: 103-106, 2009
  24. Aoki K, Usui Y, Narita N, Ogiwara N, Iashigaki N, Nakamura K, Kato H, Sano K, Ogiwara N, Kametani K, Kim C, Taruta S, Kim YA, Endo M, Saito N: A thin carbon-fiber web as a scaffold for bone-tissue regeneration. Small 5: 1540-1546, 2009
  25. Kawasaki K, Ogiwara N, Sugano M, Okumura N, Yamauchi K: Sialic acid moiety of apolipoprotein E and its impact on the formation of lipoprotein particles in human cerebrospinal fluid. Clin Chim Acta 402: 61-66, 2009
  26. Kamijyo Y, Hirota-Kawadobora M, Yamauchi K, Terasawa F, Honda T, Ikeya M, Okumura N: Analysis of plasmin generation and clot lysis of plasma fibrinogen purified from a heterozygous dysfibrinogenemia, BbetaGly15Cys (Hamamatsu II). Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 20: 726-732, 2009


  1. 城下 智,一條哲也,吉澤 要,福島万奈,小松通治,新井 薫,田中直樹, 梅村武司,松本晶博,田中榮司: 広範囲の間実質の脱落により奇異な肝形態を呈し自己免疫性肝炎が疑われた1例.Gastroenterological Endoscopy 51:48-54,2009
  2. 赤羽貴行, 高橋一豊, 松本竹久, 川上由行: 腹水からStreptococcus gallolyticus subsp.pasteurianusが検出された1例. 感染症学雑誌 83: 56-59, 2009
  3. 山内一由: 第59回日本電気泳動学会総会(学会レビュー). Medical Technology 37: 98-98, 2009
  4. 上原 剛,小林幸弘,本田孝行: VIII 腫瘍性疾患 A. 上皮性(原発性)腫瘍 肺大細胞神経内分泌癌 Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. 日本臨床 10: 82-84, 2009
  5. 上原 剛,浜野英明,太田浩良: 臓器繊維症-IgG4関連硬化性疾患を中心に- IgG4関連硬化性疾患:肝胆病変. 病理と臨床 27:31-34, 2009
  6. 小林実喜子,佐野健司,増本純也,上原 剛,福岡久邦,本田孝行: 顎下腺原発脂腺癌の1例. 診断病理26:98-101, 2009
  7. 山内一由: 総説 髄液中のシアル化アポリポ蛋白Eの性状. 臨床病理 57: 436-444, 2009
  8. 浅野直子,中村栄男: 加齢性EBV関連B細胞リンパ増殖異常症: 高齢者EBV陽性ホジキンリンパ腫との比較. 血液・腫瘍科 59: 445-449, 2009
  9. 浅野直子: 特集 WHO分類改訂と悪性リンパ腫の病理診断 Grey zone lymphomaとは何か. 血液・腫瘍科58: 553-557,2009
  10. 山口英世, 西山彌生, 内田勝久, 高橋長一郎, 川島千恵子, 林 和, 川上小夜子, 安達桂子, 奥住捷子, 三澤慶樹, 小栗豊子, 沖村幸枝, 北澤俊美, 堀 雅子, 戸坂雅一:(抗真菌薬感受性サーベイランス研究会)Japan Antifungal Surveillance Programによる真菌臨床分離株の抗真菌薬感受性に関する調査 2005年度報告. 日本臨床微生物学雑誌 19 : 128-141, 2009
  11. 福島万奈,太田浩良: 顕微鏡検査のコツ-絵印象に役立つ形態学 IV章 病理 各論 4.免疫異常と移植の病理(肝移植を中心に). 検査と技術 37: 1245-1247, 2009
  12. 松田和之,日高恵以子,本田孝行: 技術講座 遺伝子 染色体検査 -fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)法の有用性. 検査と技術 37: 1371-1377, 2009
  13. 上條由夏,廣田(川戸洞)雅子,藤原祝子,若林早紀,松田和之,山内一由,寺澤文子,奥村伸生,本田孝行: 異常フィブリノケンヘテロ接合体γ鎖Arg275Cys2家系とγ鎖Arg275His3家系のフィブリノゲン機能比較とハプロタイプ解析. 臨床病理 57: 651-658, 2009
  14. 山内一由,奥村伸生,太田浩良,本田孝行: 大学院教育とリンクした臨床検査技師卒後教育制度の確立~人材確保と育成を指向した新たな戦略. 臨床検査学教育1: 133- 137, 2009
  15. 川崎健治: 学会レビュー 第60回日本電気泳動学会総会. Medical Technology 37: 1329-1329, 2009
  16. 上田和彦,角谷眞澄,上原 剛,新倉則和,田中榮司,三輪史郎,宮川眞一,蒲田敏文,松井 修,全 陽,中沼安二: 特集 胆管上皮内腫瘍に関する話題 粘液産生性胆管腫瘍の画像所見-卵巣様間質の有無による違い-. 肝胆膵 58: 809-815, 2009
  17. 村松沙織,境澤隆夫,春日好雄,上原 剛: 乳腺偽血管腫様過形成の2例. 日本臨床外科学会雑誌70:1634-1638, 2009
  18. 藤永康成,杉山由紀子,角谷眞澄,上田和彦,黒住昌弘,山崎幸恵,浜野英明,川 茂幸,上原 剛,小口和浩 : 自己免疫性膵炎の最前線 自己免疫性膵炎の診断:膵癌との鑑別を中心に① CT・MRI・PET. 肝胆膵画像 11: 631-638, 2009
  19. 梶山明日美,村松沙織,春日好雄,上原 剛: 男性乳腺Pagetoid癌の1例. 日本臨床外科学会雑 70:2965-2968, 2009
  20. 村松沙織,境澤隆夫,春日好雄,上原 剛: 頸部リンパ節腫脹を契機に発見された甲状腺癌の8例. 内分泌外科 25: 257-259, 2009
  21. 春日恵理子,松本竹久,日高恵以子,小口はるみ,金井信一郎,小穴こず枝,山内一由,本田孝行,川上由行: ESBL産生菌検出用に新規開発された ChromID TM ESBL 培地の評価 JARMAM 20: 1-8, 2009