Annual End of Year Presentation for Academic Year 2015
The annual end of year presentation for the academic year 2015 was held on January 25, 2016. We had about 90 attendees including the third-party evaluation committee members (stakeholders) and outside individuals who's been supporting this program. Each program student gave 10-minute-long oral presentation in English, looking back on this academic year; their activities, research, and their future plans.
We were excited when the guests said they could see a lot of improvements in the second-year students compared with the last year, and their presentations were definitely better thanks to the Edanz presentation skills seminars. It was a shame that we had to cut short the Q&A session again due to the limited time, however, all the guests gave various valuable hints to help their student/research life in the next academic year. The students took charge of the arrangements of this whole event for the first time and it was a big success. We are proud of them.
We appreciate from the bottom of our heart for everyone who took their time and be part of this event and to give encouraging advice to our students.