


  • Masuki S, Morikawa M, and Nose H. Internet of Things (IoT) System and Field Sensors for Exercise Intensity Measurements. Compr Physiol 10:1207-1240, 2020.
  • Manabe K, Masuki S, Ogawa Y, Uchida K, Kamijo Y, Kataoka Y, Sumiyoshi E, Takeda Y, Aida T, and Nose H. Countdown before voluntary exercise induces muscle vasodilation with baroreflex-mediated decrease in muscle sympathetic nerve activity in humans. J Appl Physiol 128: 1196-1206, 2020.
  • Kimura T, Ogawa Y, Hayashi H, Yasumitsu R, Kataoka Y, Uchida K, Manabe K, Masuki S, and Nose H. Mathematical model to estimate the increase in firefighters' core temperature during firefighting activity with a portable calorimeter. Int J Biometeorol 64: 755-764, 2020.
  • Masuki S, Morikawa M, and Nose H. High-intensity walking time is a key determinant to increase physical fitness and improve health outcomes after interval walking training in middle-aged and older people, Mayo Clin Proc 94: 2415-2426, 2019.
  • Horiuchi M, Endo H, Handa Y, and Nose H Barometric pressure change and heart rate responses during sleeping at 3000m. Int J Biometeorol 62: 909-912, 2018.
  • Kamijo Y, Okazaki K, Ikegawa S, Okada Y, Nose H. Rapid saline infusion and/or drinking enhance skin sympathetic nerve activity components reduced by hypovolaemia and hyperosmolality in hyperthermia. J Physiol (Lond) 596: 5443-5459, 2018.
  • Nose H, Kamijo Y, and Masuki S. Interactions between body fluid homeostasis and thermoregulation in humans. Handb Clin Neurol 156:417-429, 2018.
  • Morikawa M, Nakano S, Mitsui N, Murasawa H, Masuki S, and Nose H. Effects of dried tofu supplementation during interval walking training on the methylation of the NFKB2 gene in the whole blood of older women. J Physiol Sci 68:749-757, 2018.
  • Suzuki H, Masuki S, Morikawa A, Ogawa Y, Kamijo Y, Takahashi K, Nakajima M, and Nose H. Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid supplementation on home-based walking training achievement in middle-aged depressive women: randomized, double-blind, crossover pilot study. Sci Rep 8: 7151, 2018.
  • Tanabe A, Masuki S, Nemoto K, and Nose H. Seasonal influence on adherence to and effects of an interval walking training program on sedentary female college students in Japan. Int J Biometeorol 62: 643-654, 2018.
  • Uchida K, Kamijo Y, Ikegawa S, Hamada K, Masuki S, and Nose H: Interval walking training and nutritional intake to increase plasma volume in elderly. Med Sci Sports Exer 50: 151-158, 2017.
  • Horiuchi M, Endo J, Kondo K, Uno T, Morikawa M, and Nose H. Impact of carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage ingestion on heart rate responses while climbing Mt Fuji at 3000m. Biomed Res Int: 3919826, 2017.
  • Masuki S, Morikawa M, Nose H. Interval walking training can increase physical fitness in middle-aged and older people. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 45: 154-162, 2017.
  • Masuki S, Nishida K, Hashimoto S, Morikawa M, Takasugi S, Nagata M, Taniguchi S, Rokutan K, and Nose H. Effects of milk product intake on thigh muscle strength and NFkB gene methylation during home-based interval walking training in older women: a randomized controlled study. PLOS ONE,12: e0176757, 2017.
  • Ogawa Y, Kamijo Y, Ikegawa S, Masuki S, and Nose H. Effects of postural change from supine to head-up tilt on skin sympathetic nerve activity component synchronized with cardiac cycle in warmed men. J Physiol (Lond), 595: 1185-1200, 2017.
  • Kataoka Y, Kamijo Y, Ogawa Y, Sumitoshi E, Nakae M, Ikegawa S, Manabe K, Morikawa M, Nagata M, Takasugi S, Masuki S, and Nose H: Effects of hypervolemia by protein and glucose supplementation during aerobic training on thermal and arterial pressure regulations in hypertensive older men. J Appl Physiol 121: 1021-1031, 2016.
  • Handa S, Masuki S, Ohshio T, Kamijo Y, Takamata A, and Nose H: Target intensity and interval walking training in water to enhance physikal fitness in middle-aged and older women: a randomised controlled study. Eur J Appl Physiol 116: 203-215, 2016.
  • Masuki S, Sumiyoshi E, and Nose H. Vasopressin V1a receptor gene and voluntary exercise: Insights from humans and animal models. J Phys Fitness Sports Med 4: 271-278, 2015.
  • Masuki S, Morita A, Kamijo Y, Ikegawa S, Kataoka Y, Ogawa Y, Sumiyoshi E, Takahashi K, Tanaka T, Nakajima M, and Nose H: Impact of 5-aminolevulinic acid with iron supplementation on exercise efficiency and home-based walking training achievement in older women. J Appl Physiol 120:87-96, 2016.
  • Zhang Y, Hasgimoto S, Fujii C, Hida S, Ito K, Matsumura T, Sakaizawa T, Morikawa M, Masuki S, Nose H, Higuchi K, Nakajima K, Taniguchi S: NFkB2 gene as a novel candidate that epigenetically responds to interval walking training, Int J Sports Med 36:769-775, 2015.
  • Masuki S, Mori M, Tabara Y, Sakurai A, Hashimoto S, Morikawa M, Miyagawa K, Sumiyoshi E, Miki T, Higuchi K, Nose H: The factors affecting adherence to a long-term interval walking training program in middle-aged and older people. J Appl Physiol 118:595-603, 2015.
  • Nose H: Interval walking training for middle-aged and older people: Methods and Evidence. IEIEC E97-B: 534-539, 2014.
  • Morishima Y, Mizushima T, Yamauchi K, Morikawa M, Masuki S, Nose H: Effects of home-based interval walking training on thigh muscle strength and aerobic capacity in female total hip artroplasty patients: randomized, controlled pilot study, PLOS ONE 9: 1-9, 2014.
  • Kito H, Ryokawa A, Kinoshita Y, Sasayama D, Sugiyama N, Ogihara T, Yasaki T, Hagiwara T, Inuzuka S, Tkahashi T, Genno H, Nose H, Hanihara T, Washizuka S, and Amano N: Comparison of alterations in cerebral hemoglobin oxygenation in late life depression ans Alzheimer's disease as assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy, Behav and Brain Func, 10:1-9, 2014.


  • 能勢 博:「筋トレ」ウォーキング 決定版、青春出版、東京、pp 1-188, 2020.
  • 能勢 博:健康ウォーキング、池田書店、東京、pp 1-143, 2020.
  • 能勢 博:インターバル速歩で健康になる! TJMook、宝島社、東京、pp 1-145, 2020.
  • 能勢 博:ウォーキングの科学-10歳若返る、本当に効果的な歩き方―、講談社ブルーバック、東京、pp1-233, 2019.
  • 能勢 博:呼吸 In:やさしい生理学(彼末一之、能勢 博(編集))、南江堂、東京、pp54-75, 2019.
  • 能勢 博:運動と体力 In: 標準生理学(第9版)(本間研一(監修))、医学書院、東京、pp934-946, 2019.
  • 能勢 博:もう山でバテない!インターバル速歩の威力、山と渓谷社、東京、pp1-207, 2017.
  • 彼末一之、能勢 博(編)やさしい生理学(改訂第7版)、南江堂、東京、pp1-328, 2017.
  • 能勢 博(監修):メリハリ歩行はいい!、こう書房、東京、pp1-186, 2016.
  • 能勢 博:「早く歩く」人は、体も心も超健康!三笠書房、東京、pp1-198, 2016.
  • 能勢 博:科学と登山(山に登る前に読む本:台湾語翻訳版)、(辰の上に日)星事業群、台中市、台湾、pp1-178, 2016.
  • Masuki S, Sumiyoshi E, and Nose H. Vasopressin V1a receptor gene and voluntary exercise in humans and mice. Sports Sciences for the Promotion of an Active Life. Vol. II: Physical Activity, Exercise, Sedentary Behavior and Health Promotion, edited by Oka K, Cao ZB, Oshima S. Springer, Tokyo, 251-262, 2015.
  • 能勢 博:「図解」 いくつになっても自分で歩ける!「筋トレ」ウォーキング、青春出版社、東京、pp1-92, 2015.
  • 能勢 博:「寝たきり」が嫌ならこのウォーキングに変えなさい、朝日新聞出版社、東京、pp1-93, 2015.
  • 能勢 博:いくつになっても自分で歩ける!「筋トレ」ウォーキング、青春出版社、東京、pp1-181, 2015.
  • 能勢 博、上條義一郎、増木静江、森川真悠子:運動と乳製品摂取の併用効果、「乳の科学」、上野川修一〔編〕、朝倉書店、東京、pp160-171, 2015.
  • 能勢 博:山に登る前に読む本-運動生理学から見た科学的登山術―、講談社、pp1-185, 2014.
  • 能勢 博:運動と体力 In: 標準生理学(第8版) 本間研一 ほか(編)、医学書院、東京、pp893-904, 2014.


  • 能勢 博、増木静江:より有効な有酸素運動の工夫、シンポジウム「運動療法の話題:Exercise is medicine -その理論と実践-」、 第54回糖尿病学の進歩、金沢、9.2.2020. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:10歳若返る!「インターバル速歩」-その現状と将来展望―、実地医家スキルアップセミナー「開業医が行う運動療法の実践」、第20回日本抗加齢医学会、新潟、6.14.2020. [招待講演]
  • 増木静江:10歳若返る歩行術「インターバル速歩」-その背景と効果のエビデンス-、第46回長野県接骨学会、辰野、3.8.2020. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:10歳若返る!「インターバル速歩」-その背景と効果のエビデンス-、In: シンポジウム「心リハ」、第56回日本臨床生理学会、大宮、10.26.2019. [招待講演]
  • 増木静江:運動+乳製品摂取の生活習慣病予防効果、教育講演、第42回日本高血圧学会総会、東京、10.25-27.2019. [招待講演]
  • 増木静江:10歳若返る!「インターバル速歩」-臨床医学への応用をめざして- 、第40回長野県手術室研究会、中野、8.24.2018. [招待講演]
  • Masuki S. Interval walking training can preserve physical fitness with advancing age. Guest lecture at Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia, 7.8. 2019. [招待講演]
  • Masuki S. Interval walking training helps prevent lifestyle-related diseases and age-associated declines in physical fitness. The 17th Basic Molecular Biology Course, Symposium, Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 7.7. 2019. [招待講演]
  • Masuki S. Development of an evidence-based exercise training program for preventive medicine. The 17th Basic Molecular Biology Course, Guest Lecture at Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 7.6. 2019. [招待講演]
  • 増木静江:運動+栄養摂取の相乗効果-その背景と効果のエビデンス-、日本食品化学学会 第25回総会・学術大会、松本、6.6-7.2019. [招待講演]
  • Takeda Y, Masuki S, Morikawa M, Nose H. Lower urinary tract symptoms are associated with reduced peak aerobic capacity in old people. The 9th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies Congress, Kobe, 3.28-31.2019.
  • Manabe K, Masuki S, Uchida K, Takeda Y, and Nose H. Enhanced cerebro-cardiovascular responses before voluntary cycling in physically fit men. The 9th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies Congress, Kobe, 3.28-31.2019.
  • 能勢 博. 糖尿病にはインターバル速歩-無理せず続けられる効果的な運動療法-、第52回北信糖尿病カンファレンス特別講演、長野市、3.30.2019. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博. 運動+乳製品摂取で生活習慣病予防-慢性腎臓病患者への応用の可能性-、第12回山形臨床水・電解質研究会、山形市、1.19. 2019. [招待講演]
  • 増木静江. インターバル速歩の認知機能改善効果、第6回認知症予防・治療・介護の最前線シンポジウム2018、島根、12.8.2018. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:運動+栄養摂取の相乗効果-その背景とエビデンス-、第23回和歌山栄養療法研究科会、和歌山市、11.10. 2018. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:地域における運動介入の検証、「予防医学・医療のあり方」未来健康共生社会研究会代11回公開シンポジウム、東京、9.2. 2018. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:糖尿病にはインターバル速歩-無理せず続けられる効果的な運動療法-、第4回アンチエイジング静岡コンファレンス、静岡市、6.28.2018.[招待講演]
  • Masuki S and Nose H. Interval walking training can preserve physical fitness with advancing age. The 20th Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica. Karuizawa, 6. 6- 8. 2018. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:10歳若返る歩行術「インターバル速歩」-その背景と効果のエビデンス-、第71回日本繊維機械学会総会、大阪市、6.1. 2018. [招待講演]
  • Morikawa M, Masuki S, Furuhata S, Shimodaira H, Furihata M, and Nose H. Interval walking training over 10 years protects against age-associated declines in physical fitness. Poster, Experimental Biology 2018, San Diego, 4. 21-25. 2018.
  • Furihata M, Morikawa M, Hayashi R, Tomita W, Masuki S, and Nose H. Effects of 5-month interval walking training on cognitive function in elderly people. Poster, Experimental Biology 2018, San Diego, 4.21-25. 2018.
  • Aida T, Masuki S, Uchida K, Manabe K, Morikawa M, Furihata M, Fujita T and Nose H. Effects of the high pressure processed rice intake during interval walking training on glycemic control and NFKB2 gene methylation in lifestyle-related disease patients. Poster, Experimental Biology 2018, San Diego, 4. 21-25. 2018.
  • Uchida K, Masuki S, Morikawa M, Furihata M, Manabe K, Ogawa Y, Kataoka Y, Aida T, Nakano S and and Nose H. Milk plus carbohydrate supplementation during interval walking training enhanced the improvement of blood glucose and blood pressure regulations in older people. Poster, Experimental Biology 2018, San Diego, 4.21-2. 2018.
  • Manabe K, Masuki S, Ogawa Y, Uchida K, Kamijo Y, Kataoka Y, Sumiyoshi E, Aida T and Nose H. Countdown before voluntary exercise induces muscle vasodilation with decreased muscle sympathetic nerve activity in humans. Poster, Experimental Biology 2018, San Diego, 4. 21-25. 2018.
  • Masuki S, Morikawa M, Nose H. High intensity walking time is a key determinant to increase VO2peak after 5-month interval walking training in middle-aged and older people. Poster, Experimental Biology 2018, San Diego, 4. 21-25. 2018.
  • 能勢 博:10歳若返る歩行術「インターバル速歩」-その背景と効果のエビデンス-、第12回栃木県心血管リハビリテーション研究会、宇都宮市、4.19.2018.[招待講演]
  • 増木静江、内田晃司、森川真悠子、能勢 博:インターバル速歩+乳製品摂取の生活習慣病改善効果、シンポジウム「食べること・動くことが人生を変える、第95回日本生理学会、高松市、3.28.2018. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:糖尿病にはインターバル速歩-無理せず続けられる効果的な運動療法-、東部糖尿病アカデミー in 鳥取、鳥取市、3.8. 2018. [招待講演]
  • Masuki S. Development of a smartphone application for global promotion of interval walking training in young and older generations. AMED Symposium on Healthy and Active Ageing. Tokyo. 2.26-2. 2018. [招待講演].
  • 能勢 博:糖尿病にはインターバル速歩-無理せず続けられる効果的な運動療法-、第16回糖尿病運動療法研究会 2nd Stage、静岡市、1.18.2018. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:10歳若返る!「インターバル速歩」-その背景と効果のエビデンス-、日本心臓リハビリテーション学会総会、松本市、9.16. 2017. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:10歳若返る歩行術「インターバル速歩」-その背景と効果のエビデンス-、第49回日本動脈硬化学会総会、広島市、7.6.2017. [招待講演]
  • Suzuki H, Masuki S, Morikawa A, Ogawa Y, Kamijo Y, Takahashi K, Nakajima M, and Nose H. Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid with iron supplementation on respiratory response to exercise and interval walking training achievement in middle-aged depressive women. T. The 4th International ALA and Porphyrin Symposium. Nagasaki, 12.11. 2016. [招待講演]
  • Miyagawa K, Tsutsumi M, Nagayoshi S, Shiga T, and Nose H. Pleak aerobic capacity and sleep quality in middle-aged and older people. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Ogawa Y, Kamijo Y, Ikegawa S, Masuki S and Nose H. Effects of postural change from supine to head-up tilt on skin sympathetic nerve activity component synchronized with cardiac cycle in warmed men. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Kataoka Y, Kamijo Y, Ogawa Y, Sumiyoshi E, Nakae M, Ikegawa S, Manabe K, Morikawa M, Nagata M, Takasugi S, Masuki S, and Nose H. Effects of hypervolemia by protein and glucose supplementation during aerobic training on thermal and arterial pressure regulations in hypertensive older men. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Manabe K, Masuki S, Ogawa Y, Uchida K, and Nose H. The effects of countdown before voluntary exercise on muscle sympathetic nerve activity and blood flow are altered by postural change. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Sumiyoshi E, Masuki S, Shido O, and Nose H. Central vasopressin V1a receptors are involved in pressor response to evoke food seeking behavior in fasting free-moving mice. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Ichihara Y, Masuki S, Takahashi K, Nakajima M, and Nose H. Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid with iron supplementation on respiratory response to exercise and interval walking training achievement in older women aged more than 75 years. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Suzuki H, Masuki S, Morikawa A, Ogawa Y, Kamijo Y, Takahashi K, Nakajima M, and Nose H. Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid with iron supplementation on respiratory response to exercise and interval walking training achievement in middle-aged depressive women. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Uchida K, Kamijo Y, Ikegawa S, Hamada K, Masuki S, and Nose H. Plasma expansion by home-based walking training and the enhanced effects of carbohydrate and whey-protein supplementation in older people. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Nakano S, Masuki S, Morikawa M, Takasugi S, and Nose H. Effects of milk intake + 1-month interval walking training on NFKB2 gene methylation in older men. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Ohshio T, Masuki S, Handa S, and Nose H. The impact of weight belt on the effects of interval walking training in water in middle-aged and older women with overweight. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Morikawa M, Masuki S, Furuhata S, Shimodaira H, Furihata M, and Nose H. Interval walking training over 10 years protects against age-associated declines in physical fitness. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Ikegawa S, Takahashi Y, Kmaijo Y, Okada Y, Miyagawa K, Morikawa M, Genno H, Masuki S, and Nose H. A New Device to Estimate Vo2 during Cycling on inclines by Accelerometry and Barometry. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Tanabe A, Masuki S, Nemoto K, and Nose H. Interval walking training program for sedentary female college students: seasonal influence on the adherence. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016. Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016.
  • Masuki S, Morikawa M, and Nose H. Interval walking training to prevent age-associated declines in physical fitness and lifestyle-related diseases. The 6th International Sports Science Network Forum in Nagano 2016, Matsumoto, 11.9-11. 2016. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:10歳若返る「インターバル速歩」-生活習慣病・介護予防のための新しい運動処方システム-、第57回日本人間ドック学会学術大会、松本市、7.28. 2016 [招待講演]
  • Masuki S, Nose H: Effects of interval walking training + milk product intake on thigh muscle strength and methylation of NFkB genes in older women. In: Symposium on Exercise + milk product intake as a counter measure for age-associated diseases, the 93rd Annual meeting of the Japanese Physiological Society, Sapporo, 3.23. 2016. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:10歳若返る!「インターバル速歩」―その背景と効果のエビデンス―、第28回老年麻酔学会総会、長野市、2.6. 2016. [招待講演]
  • Masuki S, Morita A, Kamijo Y, Ikegawa S, Kataoka Y, Ogawa Y, Sumiyoshi E, Takahashi K, Tanaka T, Nakajima M, and Nose H. Impact of 5-aminolevulinic acid with iron supplementation on exercise efficiency and home-based walking training achievement in older women. The 3rd International ALA and Porphyrin Symposium, Honolulu, USA, 12.5.2015. [招待講演]
  • Masuki S and Nose H. Effects of milk products intake on thigh muscle strength and NFκB2 gene methylation during walking training in middle-aged and older people. The International Sports Sciences Symposium on "Active Aging". Waseda Univ., Tokyo, 10.31 2015. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:歩き方を変えるだけで10歳若返る!-生活習慣病・介護予防のための新しい運動処方システム-、第50回快適性・健康を考えるシンポジウム、日本繊維製品消費科学会総会、京都市、10.30.2015. [招待講演]
  • 増木静江:POTS患者における運動時の血圧調節機構の解明、第67回日本自律神経学会総会、さいたま市、10.30-31. 2014. [教育講演].
  • 能勢 博:「歩き方を変える」だけで10歳若返る!-生活習慣病・介護予防のための新しい運動処方システム-、第42回日本歯科麻酔学会総会、新潟市、10.11.2014. [招待講演]
  • 能勢 博:中高年者向けのインターバル速歩トレーニング、第2回宇宙医学生物学研究ワークショップ「宇宙飛行士の運動トレーニングと体力医学研究」、宇宙航空研究開発研究(JAXA), 東京、3.7.2014. [招待講演]