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¢£GCOE¢£Special lecture by Dr. William I. Sellers,
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Life Sciences,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom
18th February 2011

GCOE Program Leader,
Toshihiro Hirai

On 18th February 2011, Global COE, International Center of Excellence on Fiber Engineering will hold special lecture by Dr. William I. Sellers from University of Manchester in United Kingdom.

Please see details given below.
(*We encourage ALL doctoral students who major in International Fiber Engineering course to attend this special lecture.)

Date ¡§February 18, 2011 (Fri) 15:00 ¡Á16:00

Place¡§Shinshu University, FTST¡¡Lecture Room 31

Title: Back to the bones: fossil gait reconstructions using multimodal modelling

Lecturer¡§ William Irvin Sellers, Senior Lecturer,
Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester

Summary : Predicting how fossil animals move should be straightforward if we have an adequate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the target species. Unfortunately the shopping list of the information we need to make a reliable prediction is daunting even for a living animal and is unlikely to be ever achieved in full for a fossil. We therefore need to make much better use of the information that we have. Most approaches rely heavily on statistical inference based on studies of living animals and the ranges of estimates produced are often very large.
However we are not yet taking full advantage of all the information available in the fossil record. In particular we can gain considerable benefits by combining muscle based techniques such as multibody dynamic analysis (MBDA) with bone based techniques such as finite element analysis (FEA). MBDA techniques are sensitive to the amount of muscle assumed and this is a highly variable quantity and not directly available from the fossil record. However we know from safety factor studies that bone stresses are kept within reasonable limits and we can thus use FEA to rule out many of the generated locomotor patterns that overload the skeleton. The combination of the two approaches - or modifications thereon - can lead to much tighter predictions and the holy grail of integrated modelling systems where minimising bone stress is one of the optimisation goals may allow us to predict a usefully narrow functional bracket for possible locomotor behaviour in fossil animals.


All are very welcome to attend this lecture.


Doctoral student Mr. Bao Xuxu,
Department of Bioscience and Textile Technology,
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science & Technology,
Shinshu University, receives Best Paper Award.

The 3rd International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures (MFMS, 2010) awarded
Mr. Bao with the Best Paper Award, which was held in Jeonbuk Provincial Government Jeonju, Korea.
The International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures (September14-18, 2010) held
annually and mainly focused on multi-functional materials and structures for different engineering applications ranging from smart materials, composite, nanostructure and nano-technology to bio engineering materials.
MFMS aim to present the latest developments, future prospects related to the area of multifunctional materials and structures, further applications on science and engineering.
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¢£GCOE¢£Special lecture by Dr. Hiromi Sakai, Principal investigator, WASEDA Bioscience Research Institute in Singapore (WABIOS)/Associate Professor, Comprehensive Research Organization, Waseda University.
22nd November 2010.

*Co-hosted by International Young Researchers Empowerment Center

GCOE Program Leader,
Toshihiro Hirai

On 22nd November 2010, Global COE, International Center of Excellence on Fiber Engineering, and International Young Researchers Empowerment Center will hold special lecture by Prof. Dr. Hiromi Sakai from Waseda Bioscience Research Institute in Singapore (WABIOS) / Comprehensive Research Organization, Waseda University.
Please see details given below.
(*We encourage ALL doctoral students who major in International Fiber Engineering course to attend this special lecture.)

Date ¡§November 22, 2010 (Mon) 15:30 ¡Á16:30

Place¡§Shinshu University, FTST¡¡Lecture Room 31

Title: Developments and current situation of artificial red cells (Hemoglobin vesicles)

Lecturer¡§ Hiromi Sakai, Dr. Eng., Dr. Med. Sci.
Principal Investigator, WASEDA Bioscience Research Institute in Singapore(WABIOS)
Associate Professor, Comprehensive Research Organization, Waseda University

Summary : Blood transfusion systems have greatly benefited human health and welfare. Nevertheless, some problems remain: infection, blood type mismatching, immunological response, short shelf life, and screening test costs. Blood substitutes have been under development for decades to overcome such problems. Plasma component substitutes have already been established: plasma expanders, electrolytes, and recombinant coagulant factors. Herein, we focus on the development of red blood cell substitutes. Side effects hindered early development of cell-free hemoglobin (Hb)-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) and underscored the physiological importance of the cellular structure of red blood cells (RBCs). Well-designed artificial oxygen carriers that meet requisite criteria are expected to be realized eventually. Encapsulation of Hb is one idea to shield the toxicities of molecular Hbs. However, intrinsic issues of encapsulated Hbs must be resolved: difficulties related to regulating the molecular assembly, and management of its physicochemical and biochemical properties. Hb-vesicles (HbV) are a cellular type of HBOC that overcome these issues. The in vivo safety and efficacy of HbV have been studied extensively. The results illustrate the potential of HbV as a transfusion alternative and promise its use for other clinical applications that remain unattainable using RBC transfusion.


All are very welcome to attend this lecture.

¢£GCOE¢£Special given talk by Professor Chen Zhongmin, Chongqing University of Technology (November 9, 2010)

Global COE program, Special Lecture

GCOE Program Leader,
Toshihiro Hirai

Global COE "International Center of Excellence on Fiber Engineering"hold special given talk on November 9, 2010 (Tue), inviting Professor, Dr. Chen Zhongmin from Chongqing University of Technology, special given talk details as follows.

*We encourage ALL doctoral students who major in International Fiber Engineering course to attend this special given talk.

Date ¡§November 9, 2010 (Tue) 15:00 ¡Á16:00

Place¡§Shinshu University,FTST¡¡Lecture Room 11

Lecturer¡§ Chongqing University of Technology, Professor Chen Zhongmin¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Title¡§ Research on Biomedical¡¡Engineering,BME, in Chongqing (Tentative)