News & topics - Topics

2015.12.13 / Topics

Future collaboration with the youngest Band in the world, MADNIC(2015.12.13)

It is a very unique collaboration news to share. The purpose of our magnetic energy harvesting project is to provide both "killer-application" and collaboration opportunities. One of our powerful tool is "Magnetic sonification device" which allows us to use magnetic fields as an art. Dr. Dari...

2015.07.17 / Topics

2nd Kenkyu-shitu Ryugaku: student exchange program between our members (2015.7.15)

2nd "Kenkyu-shitu Ryu-gaku" is a unique trial of our project from last year. This is a student exchange program between our members.

Period: 17th - 31th, July, 2015

Student: B4 Kimu...