Ryu Job Shinshu

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また 地元企業の魅力を外国人留学生に伝え 企業と留学生の相互の結び付きを深めるための取組みを進めることにより、地域に根付き、企業のグローバルな活動の「架け橋」となることを目指します。

What is the Shinshu Employment Promotion Program for International Students “Ryu Job Shinshu”?
 From 2017 to 2021, Shinshu University and Kanazawa University jointly implemented the “Kagayaki Tsunagu” Hokuriku-Shinshu Employment Promotion Program for International Students, which is supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Building on this foundation, Shinshu University will continue to develop the “Kagayaki Tsunagu” educational program through the new initiative of the Shinshu Employment Promotion Program for International Students (“Ryū Job Shinshu”) in collaboration with Nagano prefectural government and companies in Nagano.

By providing programs of business Japanese, career education, and internships in collaboration with other universities in Nagano, we aim to produce highly-skilled professionals who will be the driving force behind the industrial revitalization of the Shinshu region and the growth of Japan.
In addition, by conveying the appeal of local companies to international students and promoting initiatives to deepen mutual ties between companies and international students, we hope that these students will put down roots in the region and become a “bridge” enabling the expansion of local companies’ global networks.


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