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University Improvement of Sports Apparel by Low Temperature Plasma Treatment Toru Takagishi*1, Chizuko Doi*2, Jie Ron Chen*3, Kunihiro Akashi*3, Tomiji Wakida*3 *1 Department of Applied Chemistry, College of Engineering, University of Osaka Prefecture, *2 Himeji Junior College, *3 Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kyoto Institute of Technology urethane coated fabrics, low temperature plasmas, water repellency, water contact angle, surface tension View details
University Relation Between the Fall in Forearm Skin Temperature and the Rise in Rectal Temperature During Exercise in the Process of Heat Acclimation Yoshito Ohnuki, Chiharu Kimura, Ken-ichi Niwa, Yoshiyuki Araki Department of Health and Physical Education, Faculty of Education, Yamagata University forearm skin temperature, rectal temperature, exercise, heat acclimation View details
University Changes in the Physiological Functions of Human Body During Re-Training After Discontinuing Physical Exercise for Long Period Toshitada Yoshioka*1, Yukihiro Yamada*1, Hiroaki Takekura*2, Motohiko Miyachi*2 *1 Department of Physiology, St. Marianna University School of Medicine, *2 Department of Physiology and Biomechanics, National Institute of Fitness and Sports exercise ability, sedentary control, endurance exercise, training discontinuation, training discontinuation View details
University Motion Analysis of the Forward-Upward Circling and the Effect of the Supporting Belt Seizaburou Aburadani*1, Masatada Yoshizawa*2, Kei Sokura*2, Mitsuo Ohtani*3, Masanori Katayama*4 *1 Seikinishi Elementary School, *2 Department of Education, Fukui University, *3 Harue Elementary School, *4 Tachimachi Elementary School elbow, forward-upward circling, low horizontal bar, supporting belt View details
University Investigation of the Mechanism and Preventive Prescription for Training-induced Anemia Yoshinobu Ohira*1, Izumi Tabata*1, Hidetaro Shibayama*1, Yoshikazu Maruyama*2, Ikuro Maruyama*2, Hiroshi Ebashi*3, Yoko Nishijima*3, Toshihiro Mitsudome*4 *1 Department of Physiology and Biomechanics, National Institute of Fitness and Sports, *2 The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kagoshima University School of Medicine, *3 Physical Fitness Research Institute, The Meiji Life Foundation of Health and Welfare, *4 Clinical Laboratory, Kagoshima Municipal Hospital sports anemia, physical training, training-induced hemodilution View details
University Is the Student's Physical Fitness Improved by Using 3-Minutes Training in 2 or 3 Units of Physical Education Lesson per Week? Michiaki Ikeda, Hideyuki Odaka, Kazunori Takahashi, Kei Nakagawa, Mitsuko Hara Tokyo Metropolitan Hakuo High School 3-minutes training, physical fitness, exercise ability View details
University A Longitudinal Study of Motor-development in Kindergartner - Exercise and its Effect on Motor Development - Tooru Mizukoshi*1, Masatoshi Kawai*2, Michiko Ishikawa*3 *1 Aoi-nawa Kindergarten, *2 Department of Educational Psychology Nagoya University, *3 Institute for Developmental Research Aichi Prefectural Colony daily exercise, motor development, children, athletic skills View details
University Study of Teaching Points to Prevent Tennis Elbow (II) - With Particular Reference to Muscular Load on the Forearm During Each Basic Tennis Stroke or its Variations - Yoshio Nemoto*1, Masatada Yoshizawa*2, Minayori Kumamoto*3, Toru Itani*4, Bengt Jonsson*5 *1 Department of Education, Osaka Kyoiku University, *2 Department of Education, Fukui University, *3 College of Liberal Arts, Kyoto University, *4 Okayama University Medical School, *5 Swedish National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health tennis elbow, strokes View details
University Color Effect on Sportswears Ken Kazama, Keiko Isoi, Chikage Nakagawa Mukogawa Women's University colors, sportswears, image View details

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