• Nando contraption
  • Graphene nanowindow potential surface
  • Membrane holder for gas filtering
  • Gas multiprobe adsorption in single wall carbon nanohorn
  • Contraption closeup
  • Water Adsorption Model in a Single Wall Carbon Nanohorn
  • G-MFI crystal rod membrane model

Welcome To Kaneko Group website!

Kaneko Group by May 2022

Nanoscale pores in the 3D solids such as carbons and nanoscale point defects (nanowindows) in the 2D sheet materials such as graphene have contributing to give essential solutions to issues of human society and our earth. In particular, graphitic carbon-based materials have high electrical and thermal conductivities indispensable to efficient storage and conversion of various energies. Graphitic carbons are robust even in various chemical environments, which is highly requested in the harsh applications.Also graphitic carbon materials such as high surface area carbon, single wall carbon nanotube, and designed graphene are a super surface nature, because all carbon atoms are exposed to the surface. Then, these carbon materials are outstanding candidates for supporting highly efficient engineering. We showed in-pore superhigh pressure effect, hydrophobic-hydrophilic conversion for water, quantum sieving adsorption for isotope gaseous molecules, super energy storage capacity of twisting single wall carbon nanotube ropes, super-rapid gas separation with graphene-wrapped zeolite membranes, apparent breaking of Coulombic law in concentrated ions in carbon ultramicropores, 3D visualization from adsorption isotherms, concerted separation function of nanowindows, dehydration of hydrated ions on entering nanopores.We are always challenging to find out and innovate future responsible science with world-wide collaboration with top scientists. You can open promising new routes for establishing peaceful human society.

--- Katsumi KANEKO

Latest News

  • July302024

    Prof. Kaneko gave a lecture to members of the Kaneko Labs. on the fundamentals of physical adsorption.

  • May222024

    Otsuka et al showed that UV-Vis measurement could distinguished three GO states, promoting the fundamental science on GO.[ LINK.]

    Otsuka et al clearly evidenced three states of graphene oxides having their intrinsic properties. [ Science Technology Innovation Japan LINK.]

  • May19-222024

    "Structural characterization-mediated designing of novel carbon-based nanostructured materials " was presented as keynote lecture at 9CPM in Florida, USA, May19-22,2024.[ LINK.]

    Also the opening address on "Adsorption-biased characterization of porous materials" at 9CPM in Florida, USA, May 19-22, 2024. The opening address is given in pdf. [PDF]

  • April272024

    The paper entitled on "Staggered structural dynamic-mediated selective adsorption of H2O/D2O on flexible graphene oxide nanosheets" by R. Futamura, T. Iiyama, T. Ueda, P. A. Bonnaud, F.-X. Coudert , A. Furuse, H. Tanaka, R. J. -M. Pellenq, K. Kaneko, was accepted Nature Communications in April 2024 (Nature Comm. 15, 3585 (1-12) (2024))

    You could refer freely through [ LINK.]

  • April262024

    A PRESS RELEASE on "Giant Nanomechanical Energy Storage Capacity in Twisted Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Ropes" published on Nature Nanotech (April, 2024).[ LINK.]

    A press release about "Giant nanomechanical energy storage capacity in twisted single-walled carbon nanotube ropes" was posted in Shinano mainichi shinbun 信濃毎日(and other news papers) and reported on TV! [Newspapers clips] URL for TV news[テレビ信州 TV Shinshu] [SBC TV]

  • April192024

    The paper published on Nature Communications was introduced by Kagaku Shinbun in Japanese (Science News in Japan).

    The paper published on Nature Communications ( H. Otsuka, K. Urita, N. Honma, T. Kimuro, Y. Amako, R. Kukobat, T. J. Bandosz, J. Ukai, I. Moriguchi, K.Kaneko "Transient chemical and structural changes in graphene oxide during ripening" Nat. Commun., 15, 1709, (2024).) was introduced by Kagaku Shinbun in Japanese (Science News in Japan). Otsuka et al showed that UV-Vis measurement could distinguished three GO states, promoting the fundamental science on GO. [PHOTO]

  • March222024

    Congratulation Dr. Yuki Nagata for graduation of PhD program

    We have a graduation ceremony on March 22th. Mr. Yuki Nagata(PhD student) graduated.[PHOTO]

  • January312024

    Our papers have been accepted by Nature Communications and Nature Nanotechnology

    Our paper on graphene oxide has been accepted by Nature Communications in January 2024. "Conversion of Graphene Oxide from Intrinsic State into Transient State" Hayato Otsuka, Koki Urita, Nobutaka Honma, Takashi Kimuro, Yasushi Amako, Radovan Kukobat,Teresa J. Bandosz, Isamu Moriguchi, and Katsumi Kaneko And our paper on mechanical energy storage in SWCNT ropes has been accepted by Nature Nanotechnology in January 2024. "Giant Nanomechanical Energy Storage Capacity in Twisted Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Ropes" Shigenori Utsumi,Sanjeev Kumar Ujjain, Satoshi Takahashi, Ryo Shimodomae, Tae Yamaura, Ryosuke Okuda, Ryuichiro Kobayashi, Oga Takahashi, Satoshi Miyazono, Naoki Kato, Keiichi Aburamoto, Yuta Hosoi,Preety Ahuja, Ayumi Furuse, Yuma Kawamata, Hayato Otsuka, Kazunori Fujisawa, Takuya Hayashi, David Tománek, and Katsumi Kaneko

  • January222024


    Professor Kaneko turned 77 today. 77 years old is a particularly celebrating age, which is called "Kiju"(喜寿) in Japan. Nominal meaning is "Various pleasures gifted by aging". We celebrated his birthday with a bouquet of flowers and special gift. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATSUMI!!! [PHOTO] [PHOTO]

  • November102023


    Dr. H. Otsuka was awarded to Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist at The 74th Divisional Meeting of Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Chemical Society of Japan (第74回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会、日本化学会)on September 12-15. This research is related to the colloidal interaction mediated-wrapping of inorganic crystals with graphene oxide. The precisely controlled interlayer channels between crystals and graphene oxide are potentially applicable to inducing excellent molecular sieving effect. [PHOTO] [PHOTO]

  • October182023

    The 7th Symposium on Challenges for Carbon-Based Nanoporous Materials

    7CBNM was held at fuculty of engineering Shinshu university on October 18-21. [HP]

  • March282023

    Asst. Prof. Radovan Kokubat transferred to Faculty of Technology

    Asst. Prof. Radovan Kokubat transferred from Faculty of Medeicine at University of Banja Luka to Faculty of Technology.

  • March212023

    Mr. Yuito Kamijyo and Ms. Miu Nagae graduated

    We have a graduation ceremony on March 21th. Mr. Yuito Kamijyo(PhD student) and Ms. Miu Nagae(MS student) graduated. [PHOTO]

  • December202022

    Prof. Kouki Urita and Dr. Ferbando Vallejos-Burgos visited

    Prof. Kouki Urita, Nagasaki University and Dr. Ferbando Vallejos-Burgos, Morgan Advanced Materials, Carbon Science Centre of Excellence, State College, PA, USA gave lectures on "Fundamentals and Applications of Electron Microscopy" and "Study on advanced materials". [PHOTO]

  • December82022

    Mr. Yuito Kamijyou PhD3 graduate student received best oral presentation award

    Mr. Yuito Kamijyou was awarded as best oral presentation award at 49th Japan Carbon Society Meeting (第49回炭素材料科学年会) in Himeji, Hyogo on December 7-9.

  • December12022

    Dr. F. Vallejos-Burgos stayed with us for three weeks

    Dr. F. Vallejos-Burgos stayed with us for three weeks as a visiting researcher.

  • November102022

    Prof. Tanaka hold the conference of Japan Adsorption Society(日本吸着学会)

    Prof. Tanaka hold the conference of Japan Adsorption Society(日本吸着学会) at JA長野県ビル on November 10-11. Many members of our group cooperated to hold the conference.

  • November102022

    Prof. K. Kaneko elected to honorary member in Japan Adsorption Society(日本吸着学会)

    Prof. K. Kaneko elected to honorary member in Japan Adsorption Society(日本吸着学会) at Japan Adsorption Society Symposium (第35回日本吸着学会研究発表会) on November 10-11. [PHOTO]

  • November102022

    Dr. H. Otsuka received best poster award

    Dr. H. Otsuka was awarded to best poster presentation at Japan Adsorption Society Symposium (第35回日本吸着学会研究発表会)on November 10-11. [PHOTO] [PHOTO]

  • November12022

    Dr. H. Otsuka was promoted to assistant professor

    Dr. Hayato Otsuka was promoted to assistant professor from 1st November.

  • November142022

    Prof. K. Kaneko delivered session plenery lecture at the sesion for an hornor of Professor Keith E. Gubbins

    Prof. K. Kaneko delivered session plenery lecture on "Carbon Nanostructure-Mediated Ultra-rapid Separation" at the sesion for an hornor of Professor Keith E. Gubbins (American Institute of Chemical Engineering at Arizona) on November 14-17.

  • October202022

    Prof. I. Moriguchi gave seminars and lecture

    Prof. I. Moriguchi (Nagasaki University) gave seminars and lecture on "Development of innovative and refined materials taking advantage of nanospace and nanostructure for energy storage devices" for us on October 20-21.

  • October132022

    Prof. K. Kaneko presented Keynote lecture at National Institute Physiological Sciences (NIPS) conference

    Prof. K. Kaneko presented Keynote lecture on "Molecules and ions in nanoscale structure (ナノスケールの構造における分子とイオン)" at National Institute Physiological Sciences (生理研研究会, NIPS) conference on October 13 in Matsumoto, Nagano.

  • September132022

    Prof. K. Kaneko received the ranking data from H-index & Awards

    Prof. K. Kaneko received the ranking data from H-index & Awards - Academic Profile. (Citation 33,991) [Reserch.com]

  • Sptember12022

    Member moved out

    Ms. Izadora R. S. Menezes, graduate student, came back to her country Brazil.

  • Augast292022

    Members moved out

    Dr. Preety Ahuja moved to University of Merryland (Center for Advanced Sensor Technology and Department of Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA) as a postdoctoral fellow. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar became a research scientist at University of Maryland Baltimore on August.

  • Augast182022

    Prof. Hiromoto Nishihara visited

    Prof. Hiromoto Nishihara (Tohoku University) presented seminar on "Functional carbon materials: New synthesis approaches and analysis" on August 18.

  • Augast82022

    Members moved

    Our cordinator Ms. Miyajima moved to another university. She had devoted herself to orerating our group over the years. Ms. Sato joined us as a new cordinator.

  • Augast42022

    Prof. K. Kaneko presented Keynote lecture at 92nd Materials Tailoring Committee

    Prof. K. Kaneko presented Keynote lecture on "Interface engineering created by nanostructured carbon (ナノ構造炭素が生み出す界面エンジニアリング)" at 92nd Materials Tailoring Committee (マテリアルズテーラリング研究会) on Augast 4-6 in Karuizawa, Nagano.

  • June272022

    Prof. Teresa Bandosz stayed for collaborative work for 4 months

    Prof. Teresa Bandosz (Cuty University of New York College) stayed for collaborative work for collaborative work for 4 months as a Japan Society of Promotion Science (JSPS) fellow. She gave a lecture for us on 2nd Augast (title: Empowering porous carbon materials by alteration of their surface chemistry) [PHOTO]

  • July132022

    Prof. Suzana Gotovac Altagic visited

    Prof. Suzana Gotovac Altagic (University of Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina) visited and stayed for colloaborative research on July 13-16. She introduced her research.

  • July32022

    Dr. H. Otsuka presented Keynote lecture at World Carbon Conference:Carbon2022

    Dr. H. Otsuka presented Keynote lecture on "Durability of metastable graphene oxide colloids" at World Carbon Conference : Carbon2022.

  • July32022

    Prof. K. Kaneko presented Keynote lecture at World Carbon Conference:Carbon2022

    Prof. K. Kaneko presented Keynote lecture on "Ultra-permeable graphene-zeolite membranes for hydrogen separation" at World Carbon Conference:Carbon2022. Dr. H. Otsuka presented the above paper on behalf of Prof. K. Kaneko on July 3-8 in London, UK.

  • May182022

    Press release on development on ultrafast membranes which was published on Science Advances.

    Our group Gave press release about the ultrafast membtranes on Scienece Advances. Title : Ultrapermeable 2D-channeled graphene-wrapped zeolite molecular sieving membranes for hydrogen separation (水素分離のための超高速性の2次元グラフェン包括ゼオライト分子篩分離膜). [PHOTO] [Science Advances]

  • May222022

    Prof. K. Kaneko presented plenary lecture at 14th Fundamentals of Adsorption (FOA14)

    Prof. K. Kaneko presented plenary lecture on "In-solid Nanostructure-Derived Routes for Future-Responsible Engineering" at 14th Fundamentals of Adsorption (FOA14) in Broomfield, Colorado, USA on May 22-27. He also gave a short talk on Professor Francisco Rodriguez Reinoso (Alicante University, Spain) at the banquet, because he passed away in 2021. [PHOTO]

  • April52022

    Prof. K. Kaneko was invited to present the plenary talk at Autonomous University of Chile

    Prof. K. Kaneko was invited to present the plenary talk : Carbon-based nanoporous materials for sustainable technology for two hrs at International Sumposium on Sustainable Development at Autonomous University of Chile, Santiago, Chile on April 5-7, 2022. The five speakers were invited there. [PHOTO]

  • March312022

    Members moved out

    Dr. Yoshikawa moved to the Kotobuki Holdings Co., Ltd. Dr. Elda-Zoraida Pina-Salazar who received PhD in this group for the study on nanodiamonds moved to another group after postdocral work.

  • February282022

    Ms. Chairunnisa PhD student of Kyushu University stayed on February 28 and March 1.

    She learned our experimental method and introduced her PhD thesis on "Development of Biomass Derived Activated Carbon for Adsorption Dehumidification".

  • January282021


    We made a press release about “Adsorption separation of heavier isotope gases in subnanometer carbon pores,” which was published in Nature Communications (Nat. Commun. 12, 546 (2021)). [LINK]

  • January282021


    A press release about "Adsorption separation of heavier isotope gases in subnanometer carbon pores" (Nat. Commun. 12, 546 (2021)) was posted in EurekAlert! [PHOTO] [Newspapers clips]

News Archive (click here)