Presentation Practice for Europe and U.S.A. Study Trips

Activity report

On March 4, the students practiced their oral presentation for a study trip to Europe and to the United States prior to their departure this weekend. Those study trips were arranged for them to interact with students of our partner universities overseas, to attend some lectures, and to look around their research equipment and facilities, so that they can get a better idea to choose their destination for their academic internship "Overseas Special Practical Study."

Team Europe will visit Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles in France, Ghent University in Belgium, and University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. Team U.S. will visit North Carolina State University. Each team will give a presentation starting with famous food in Nagano prefecture followed by a brief introduction of Shinshu University and the Leading Program, finishing up with their research work.

We hope the study trip will inspire and motivate the students to get one step closer to their dreams.

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