信州大学 繊維学部技術データベース

Research Seeds

3-dimension simulation for loop structure of knitted fabric considering mechanical properties of yarn

【大分類:3. テキスタイル 中分類:3.1 ファブリケーション 小分類:3.1.2 編物

The knitted fabric shows different properties comparing with others due to mainly its interloped structure together to form the chain of loop. Actually knitted fabric is formed by yarn and so the properties of yarn is the first important factor determining in the properties of fabric and its behaviour. The second one is the geometrical structure of loop which causes different mechanical properties such as extension and bending properties of fabric.

研究者名 ○Nyi Htoo, Atsushi Soga, Toshiyasu Kinar, Lina Wakako
大学・機関名 Kanazawa University

