
On seeing an apple fall from a tree, Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation. Johannes Kepler observed the stars and discovered his laws of planetary motion. Like these men, we study the field of physics in order to understand nature and to clarify the laws that lie hidden within diverse natural phenomena occurring around us. Each and every natural phenomenon, from a small elementary particle to the enormous universe, is an object of physics research and also forms the foundations of other natural sciences.
Students of the Department of Physics learn physics formulae through experimentation, lectures and exercises, and learn problem solving through a process of observation of natural phenomena and issues, formulation of analyses and models based on acquired knowledge, verification of hypotheses and models, and analysis of other phenomena and issues using those hypotheses and models. The Department of Physics aims to foster talented individuals, not just with a knowledge of physics but also with the ability to apply that knowledge to their unique ideas and fertile imagination. The skill of problem solving is not just limited to the discipline of physics but is something that can be used to solve a range of issues in the real world.