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E-brochureAnesthesiology and Resuscitology

Master's Program Human Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine
Doctor's Program Medical Science Division, Department of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Staff List

Associate Professor TANAKA Satoshi
Senior Assistant Professor ISHIDA Takashi, ISHIDA Kumiko
Assistant Professor Arai Nariaki, ITO Mariko, MURAKAMI Toru, TAKEKOSHI Masaki, URASAWA Masatoshi, MITSUZAWA Kunihiro, MARUYAMA Yuki

Summary of Activity

The work of anesthesiologists is to protect patient's lives and homeostasis during the perioperative period. To achieve these demands, it is necessary to understand and control the living body as an integrated system constructed by the many systems, such as nervous system, systemic circulation, immune reaction, and nutrition management. We study many kinds of medical filed including pain, analgesics, monitoring during surgery, postoperative complications, and mechanism of immune response and neurogenic regulation.

Research Subject

  • ・ Research on mechanism of pain and development of new analgesics
  • ・ Immune response and immunoregulation against systemic insults
  • ・ Perioperative management team for early detection and treatment of complications associated with surgery
  • ・ Research on systemic monitoring and anesthetic management during surgery

Outlook for Research

Findings from research in our laboratory can directly contribute to better outcomes of the patients, for example, pain relief and improvement of patient’s general condition. Especially in basic research, we are trying to develop new analgesics that do not have side effects.

Major Publications

1. Zhang H, Kashihara T, Nakada T, Tanaka S,Ishida K, Fuseya S, Kawagishi H, Kiyosawa K, Kawamata M, Yamada M : Prostanoid EP4 receptor-mediated augmentation of Ih currents in Aβ dorsal root ganglion neurons underlies neuropathic pain. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 368(1): 50-58, 2019.

2. Hattori K, Yoshitani K, Kato S, Kawaguchi M, Kawamata M, Kakinohana M, Yamada Y, Yamakage M, Nishiwaki K, Izumi S, Yoshikawa Y, Mori Y, Hasegawa K, Onishi Y : Association between motor evoked potentials and spinal cord damage diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging after thoracoabdominal and descending aortic aneurysm repair. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 33(7): 1835-1842, 2019.

3. Kawamata M, Iseki M, Kawakami M, Yabuki, S, Sasaki T, Ishida M, Nishiyori A, Hida H, Kikuchi S : Efficacy and safety of controlled-release oxycodone for the management of moderate-to severe chronic low back pain in Japan: results of an enriched enrollment randomized withdrawal study followed by an open-label extension study. J Pain Research 12: 363-375, 2019.

4. Ichino T, Tanaka S, Tanaka R, Tanaka N, Ishida T, Sugiyama Y, Kawamata M : Transcranial motorevoked potentials of laryngeal muscles for intraoperative neuromonitoring of the vagus nerve during thyroid surgery. J Anesth 33(2): 221-229, 2019.

5. Yoshitani K, Kawaguchi M, Ishida K, Maekawa K, Miyawaki H, Tanaka S, Uchino H, Kakinohana M, Koide Y, Yokota M, Okamoto H, Nomura M : Guidelines for the use of cerebral oximetry by nearinfrared spectroscopy in cardiovascular anesthesia: a report by the cerebrospinal Division of the Academic Committee of the Japanese 25 Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (JSCVA). J Anesth 33(2): 167-196, 2019.

6. Hirabayashi K, Tanaka M, Imai A, Toriyama Y, Iesato Y, Sakurai T, Kamiyoshi A, Ichikawa-Shindo Y, Kawate H, Tanaka M, Dai K, Cui N, Wei Y, Nakamura K, Iida S, Matsui S, Yamauchi A, Murata T, Shindo T : Development of a novel model of central retinal vascular occlusion and therapeutic potential of the adrenomedullinreceptor activity-modifying protein 2 system. Am J Pathol 189(2): 449-466, 2019.

7. Matsui S, Tanaka M, Kamiyoshi A, Sakurai T, Ichikawa-Shindo Y, Kawate H, Dai K, Cui N, Wei Y, Tanaka M, Kakihara S, Nakamura K, Yamauchi A, Ishida K, Tanaka S, Kawamata M, Shindo T : Endogenous Calcitonin GeneRelated Peptide Deficiency Exacerbates Postoperative Lymphedema by Suppressing Lymphatic Capillary Formation and M2 Macrophage Accumulation. Am J Pathol 189(12): 2487-2502, 2019.

8. Kawamata M, Iseki M, Kawakami M, Yabuki S, Sasaki T, Ishida M, Nishiyori A, Hida H, Kikuchi S : Efficacy And Safety Of Controlled-Release Oxycodone For The Management Of Moderate-To-Severe Chronic NonCancer Pain In Japanese Patients: Results From An OpenLabel Study. J Pain Research 12: 3423-3436, 2019.

9. Wakabayashi R, Ide S, Ishida T, Tanaka S, Kawamata M : Severe mitral regurgitation due to geometric changes in the mitral valve after surgical aortic valve replacement. JA Clin Rep 5(12): 59-59, 2019.

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