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Master's Program Human Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine
Doctor's Program Medical Science Division, Department of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Staff List

Professor FUKUSHIMA Nanae
Assistant Professor ICHINOSE Yuko

Summary of Activity

We are in charge of the lectures and practical training of neuroanatomy and gross anatomy for medical school students. Anatomy is the study of the structure and function of the human body, but there are still many things that have not been studied. We aim to elucidate the structure and function of the nervous system and joint using a combination of micro and macro experiments.

Research Subject

  • ・ Functionally essential neuronal population
  • ・ Functional regeneration of the nervous system
  • ・ Estimation of the total number of neurons
  • ・ Joint structure and function
  • ・ Skull sutures

Outlook for Research

Body functions are impaired due to various factors. Elucidation of the structure and function will lead to advances in diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury.

Major Publications

1. Fukushima N, Kobayashi T, Kakegawa A, Sumitomo N, Nagira A, Moriizumi T. Hypoglossal nerve injury with long nerve resection leading to slow motoneuron death. Neurosci Lett 715: 134668, 2020.

2. Kakegawa A, Fukushima N, Sumitomo N, Nagira A, Moriizumi T, Mori Y. Continuous and Connective Fibers of the Lateral Ankle Ligament Complex. J Foot Ankle Surg 59: 679-684, 2020.

3. Karasawa M, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N. Effects of various lengths of hypoglossal nerve resection on motoneuron survival. J Clin Neurosci 60: 128-131, 2019.

4. Karasawa M, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N. Effects of repeated nerve injuries at different time intervals on functional recovery and nerve innervation. J Clin Neurosci 48: 185-190, 2018.

5. Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kuroiwa M, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T. Acetyl-l-carnitine enhances myelination of regenerated fibers of the lateral olfactory tract. Neurosci Lett 653: 215-219, 2017.

6. Fukushima N, Karasawa M, Yokouchi K, Sumitomo N, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T. Stereological assessment of the total number of hypoglossal neurons after repeated crush injuries to the hypoglossal nerve in adult rats. Neurol Res 39: 183-188, 2017.

7. Kuroiwa M, Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T. Morphological analysis of regenerated bulbar fibers in relation to neonatal olfaction. Brain Res Bull 127: 66-73, 2016.

8. Karasawa M, Yokouchi K, Kakegawa A, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N. Effect of graded nerve pressure injuries on motor function. J Neurosurg 122: 1438-1443, 2015.

9. Kakegawa A, Yokouchi K, Itsubo T, Kawagishi K, Karasawa M, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N. Correlation between motor function and axonal morphology in neonatally sciatic nerve-injured rats. Anat Sci Int 90: 97-103, 2015.

10. Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Karasawa M, Kuroiwa M, Moriizumi T. Two specific tongue regions receive bilateral hypoglossal innervation: A study in neonatal rat pups. Arch Oral Biol 60: 432-438, 2015.

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