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E-brochureSurgery(Breast and Endocrine)

Master's Program Medical Science Division, Department of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology
Doctor's Program Biotechnology Division, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Staff List

Professor ITO Ken-ichi
Senior Assistant Professor KANAI Toshiharu
Assistant Professor OBA Takaaki


E-mail : sugery2(at)
※ Change (at) to @ when you send an e-mail.

Summary of Activity

We mainly provide surgical treatment for breast and thyroid cancers. We strive to train "academic surgeons" who can provide treatment based on a scientific understanding of tumors and can devote themselves to basic medical research on tumors as well as clinical work.

Research Subject

  • ・Analysis of molecules involved in malignancy and progression of thyroid and breast cancer
  • ・Analysis of the mechanism by which cancer cells acquire resistance to antitumor drugs (drug resistance mechanism)

Outlook for Research

  • ・To be specialists of breast and endocrine surgery.
  • ・To be “academic surgeons” who have the creativity they need to thrive on the global stage.

Major Publications

1.Ito T, Kamijo S, Izumi H, Kohno K, Amano J, Ito K. Alteration of Y-box binding protein-1 expression modifies the response to endocrine therapy in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat.133(1):145-159.2012

2.Koyama H, Tiangang Zhuang, Jennifer E Light, Venkatadri Kolla, Higashi M,Patrick W McGrady, Wendy B London, Garrett M Brodeur .Mechanisms of CHD5 inactivation in neuroblastomas. Clin Cancer Res.18(6):1588-1597.2012

3.Ito K, Hanamura T, Murayama K, Okada T, Watanabe T, Harada M, Ito T, Koyama H, Kanai T, Maeno K, Mochizuki Y, Amano J. Multimodality therapeutic outcomes in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma: improved survival in subgroups of patients with localized primary tumors.  Head Neck. 34(2):230-237.2012

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