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Archive & Research Outcomes

A meeting to monitor the progress of the project was held at INRIA Lille[Conference/Seminar]


On 26 March 2014, academic exchange agreement between Shinshu University and INRIA was officially signed off, and the signing ceremony was held at Place d'Italie at INRIA International Exchange office. Dr. Kiyoshi Tanaka from Shinshu University, Dr. Michel Cosnard who is CEO of INRIA, Dr. Helene Kirchner who is a director of International Exchange Center, Dr. Marc Schoenauer, Dr. Anne Auger, and Dr. Arnaud Liefooghe attended the ceremony.
Following the ceremony, Prof. Tanaka, Prof. Hernan and Prof. Sato visited INRIA Lille and had a meeting to monitor the progress of the joint research. The research outputs for this fiscal year and the new research plan for next fiscal year, which starts from April 2014, were intensively discussed.

  • 日本学術振興会
  • 信州大学
  • 信州大学工学部
  • 電気通信大学
  • INRIA(仏)
  • リール大学
  • リトラルコート・デ・バール大学