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Archive & Research Outcomes

The project Kickoff meeting was held at INRIA Saclay.[Conference/Seminar]


Presentation by the leader of each research topic

Project team members surrounding Dr. Marc Schenauer (center of this picture).

The kickoff meeting for our newly-adopted project was successfully held at INRIA Saclay on Monday, 28 October 2013 with all the key members involved in this project. Following the opening speech by Dr. Marc Schoenauer who is in charge of the project team in France, Dr. Kiyoshi Tanaka, who is a project leader, explained the overall project scheme and schedule. All project members have shared the research topics as well as the detailed research plan to start the international joint research. Members especially discussed the research contents that they will work through from now on, and lively exchanged their opinions.

  • 日本学術振興会
  • 信州大学
  • 信州大学工学部
  • 電気通信大学
  • INRIA(仏)
  • リール大学
  • リトラルコート・デ・バール大学