― 超高齢化社会におけるスポーツ医科学の役割 ―
Promotion of Health and Welfare by Sports Medical Sciences in the Aging Society
- Promotion of Health and Welfare by Sports Medical Sciences in the Aging Society -
Contributors: |
Date: | November 9 (Wed)-11 (Fri), 2016 | ||||||
Venue: | Hotel Buena Vista 3F Grande 1-2-1 Honjo Matsumoto 390-0814 TEL:0263-37-0111/ FAX:0263 -37-0666 URL:http://www.buena-vista.co.jp/en/ |
How to come to Matsumoto: | http://welcome.city.matsumoto.nagano.jp/contents01+index.id+2.htm |
As we face the arrival of a hyper-aged society, it is an urgent requirement to establish “a society facilitating healthy longevity”, in which aged people can maintain their “health” and find a “meaning for living” to the ends of their lives. Especially, a system of preventive medicine must be promptly devised for the control of medical costs. Exercise therapy is attracting attention as a technique indispensable in preventive medicine. However, there is no scientifically based exercise prescription that is employed worldwide in the field of preventive medicine. We, therefore, aim to create “longevity-promoting health science” as a new field of preventive medicine by setting sports medicine, which is directly related to exercise prescription, as the core and integrating related fields such as clinical medicine, nutrition, and information technology around it. This forum was designed to gather distinguished domestic and overseas researchers together for discussion.
Time | Speakers | |
Nov. 9th | 18:30-20:30 | Reception |
Nov. 10th | 07:25-07:30 | Opening Remark |
07:30-11:40 | Four talks by oversea speakers Two talks by domestic speakers |
11:40-13:30 | Lunch & Poster presentations | |
13:30-15:00 | One talk by oversea speakers Two talks by domestic speakers |
15:20-15:30 | Commemorative Photo | |
15:30-18:30 | Free | |
18:30-20:30 | Party | |
Nov. 11th | 07:30-11:00 | Three talks by oversea speakers Two talks by domestic speakers |
11:00-12:30 | Lunch | |
12:30-15:25 | Two talks by oversea speakers Three talks by domestic speakers |
15:25-15:30 | Closing Remark Dismissal |
Invited Speakers:International 10, Domestic 9
The aging of society, prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases, and deterioration of our ability to adapt to the environment are among the current social problems. The consequent demand for improved comfort increases energy consumption, which causes various adverse environmental effects associated with global warming. To break this vicious cycle, sports medicine is expected: 1. At the laboratory level, to elucidate the (1) effects of exercise prescriptions for the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases and disabilities requiring support, (2) effects of intake of nutritional foods, (3) mechanism of improvements in our ability to adapt to the environment, (4) application of exercise prescription systems to large populations and data mining, and (5) search for genes responsive to exercise prescriptions. Discussion will be held on how new knowledge acquired at the laboratory level should be applied clinically, and, inversely, how problems identified at the clinical level should be reflected in laboratory activities, how the problems can be solved, and how the solutions should be fed back to clinical settings. Measures for the international standardization of exercise prescriptions will also be evaluated.
Details of the contents of discussion will be as follows:
Kunihiro Hamada | President, Shinshu University |
Eiji Tanaka | Dean, Shinshu University School of Medicine |
Soichiro Nakamura | Director, Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research of Shinshu University. |
Naoto Saito | Director, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Shinshu University. |
Masato Suzuki | President, JSPFSM |
Takashi Kawahara | Director, Japan Institute of Sports Sciences |
Kazuyuki Kanosue | Professor, Waseda University |
Kazuhiro Hongo | Director, Shinshu University Hospital |
Keiichi Higuchi | Director, Institute of Pathogenesis and Preventive Medicine, Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine |
Hiroshi Nose | Shinshu University (Co-Chair) |
Michael Joyner | Mayo Clinic & Foundation (Co-Chair) |
Akira Takamata | Nara Women’s University |
Kei Nagashima | Waseda University |
Yoshi-ichiro Kamijo | Wakayama Medical University |
Kazunobu Okazaki | Osaka City University |
Shizue Masuki | Shinshu University |
Yoshiyuki Okada | Matsumoto Dental University |
Hiroshi Nose (Chair) |
Shizue Masuki |
Mayuko Morikawa |
Mayuka Furihata |
Shun-ichi Furuhata |
Kazuhiro Shimodaira |
Takakazu Matsuo |
Minako Nakajima |
Jill Barnes | University of Wisconsin |
Qi Fu | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Lar Holm | University of Copenhagen |
Michael Joyner | Mayo Clinic and Foundation |
Benjamin Levine | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Alejandro Lucia | European University |
Scott J. Montain | U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine |
Kristian Karstoft | University of Copenhagen |
Hyuntae Park | Dong-A University |
Nina Stachenfeld | Yale University |
Osamu Shido | Shimane University |
Takashi Kawabata | Kansai University |
Ryou-ichi Nagatomi | Tohoku University |
Keiko Morimoto | Nara Women’s University |
Masayuki Mori | Shinshu University |
Shigehiko Ogoh | Toyo University |
Susumu Sawada | National Institute of Health and Nutrition |
Manabu Shibasaki | Nara Women’s University |
Takeshi Nishiyasu | Tsukuba University |
Hideo Hatta | University of Tokyo |
Naoyuki Hayashi | Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Nobuharu Fujii | Tokyo Metropolitan University |
Satoshi Fujita | Ritsumeikan University |
Hidefumi Waki | Juntendo University |
Japan, US, Denmark, Spain, Korea etc.
Institute for Biomedical Sciences, Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research of Shinshu University
Shiho Shimoosa, Noriko Shimizu, Tomoka Ozawa, Kaoru Kumagai
3-1-1 Asahi Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan
TEL: +81-263-37-3548/ FAX: +81-263-37-3549
E-mail: biomedical@shinshu-u.ac.jp