ーム  研究内容  メンバー  トピックス  進 路  研究業績 


著 書  研究論文(査読付)  査読付プロシーディング  国際会議アブストラクト

国内シンポジウムのプロシーディング  紀 要  総説・解説・展望  特許・特許出願

著 書

1  カーボンナノチューブ・グラフェン分散技術の工業化と機能展開
  (監修 中嶋直敏)
  分担執筆(第2章第3節 CNTを用いた複合めっきにおけるCNTの分散性向上と

2  マイクロ接合・実装技術
  マイクロ接合・実装技術編集委員会 監修(委員長 藤本公三)
  分担執筆(第5節成膜機構 5.4 めっき法)

3  標準マイクロソルダリング技術第3版
  (社)日本溶接協会マイクロソルダリング教育委員会編(委員長 藤本公三)
  編集委員及び分担執筆(第4章 実装材料 4.6ソルダリング用母材)

4  ナノカーボンハンドブック
  遠藤守信・飯島澄男 監修
  分担執筆(第3章 機能と応用 2. CNT複合めっき)

5  環境対応型表面処理技術
  環境対応型表面処理技術編集委員会(委員長 星野重夫)
  分担執筆(第5章 第1節 はんだの鉛フリー化)

6  標準マイクロソルダリング技術第2版
  (社)日本溶接協会マイクロソルダリング教育委員会編 (委員長 藤本公三)
  編集委員及び分担執筆(第2章ソルダリング材料の基礎知識 2.4 母材)

7  防食・防錆技術総覧
  防食・防錆技術総覧(委員長 増子 昇)
  分担執筆(11章 防錆・包装 3.水洗浄工程における防錆)


76  Susumu Arai, Tomoya Kitamura
   Simple method for fabrication of three - dimensinal (3D) copper nanostructured architecture by electrodeposition
   ECS Electrochemistry Letters, 3 (5), D1-D3 (2014).

75  高根直人,成田 博,曽根原浩幸,劉 小晰,新井 進

74  Naoto Takane, Hiroshi Narita, Xiaoxi Liu, Susumu Arai
   Maginetic properties and microstructure of electrodeposited Co/Cu multilayers
   Electrochemistry, 81 (12), 966-970 (2013).

73  Susumu Arai, Kazuaki Miyagawa
   Fabrication of Co-W alloy/multiwalled carbon nanotube composite films by electrodeposition for improved frictional
   ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2 (11), M39-M43 (2013).

72  Susumu Arai, Kazuaki Miyagawa
   Friction and wear properties of cobalt/multiwalled carbon nanotube composite films formed by ectrodeposition
   Surface & Coatings Technology, 235, 204-211 (2013).

71  Susumu Arai, Kazuaki Miyagawa
   Field emission properties of Cobalt/multiwalled carbon nanotube composite films fabricated by electrodeposition
   Applied Surface Science, 280, 957-961 (2013).

70  Susumu Arai, Akihiro Kato

   Mechnism for codeposition of multiwalled carbon nanotubes with copper from acid copper sulfate bath
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 160 (9), D380-D385 (2013).

69  Susumu Arai, Eri Shinada, Takashi Saito
   Field emission properties of Cu/multiwalled carbon nanotube composite films fabricated by an electrodeposition
   Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 43 (4), 399-405 (2013).

68  Naoto Takane, Hiroshi Narita, Yasuko Kurogouchi, Susumu Arai
   Crystal structure of Co/Cu multilayers prepared by pulse potential electrodeposition with precisely controlled
   ultrathin layer thickness
   AIP ADVANCES, 3, 022119 (2013).

67  Susumu Arai, Yosuke Suzuki, Junshi Nakagawa, Tohru Yamamoto, Morinobu Endo
   Fabrication of metal coated carbon nanotubes by electroless deposition for improved wettability with molten
   Surface & Coatings Technology, 212, 207-213 (2012).

66  Susumu Arai, Junko Fujii
   Electroless Deposition of Silver on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Using Iodide Bath
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 158 (8), D506-D510 (2011).

65  Susumu Arai, Yuzo Imoto, Yosuke Suzuki, Morinobu Endo
   Fabrication of Ni-B alloy coated vapor-grown carbon nonofibers by electroless deposition
   Carbon, 49, 1484-1490 (2011).

64  Susumu Arai, Toshihiko Sato, Morinobu Endo
   Fabrication of various electroless Ni-P alloy/multiwalled carbon nanotube composite films on an acrylonitrile
   butadiene styrene resin
   Surface & Coatings Technology, 205, 3175-3181 (2011).

63  Naoto Takane, Hiroshi Narita, Susumu Arai
   Effectiveness of Coulostatic Electrodeposition of Multilayers
   Journal of Surface Finishing Society of Japan, 62 (9), 463-468 (2011).

62  Naoto Takane, Hiroshi Narita, Susumu Arai
   Improved Electrodeposited Multilayer Structure by Coulomb Controller 
   Electrochemistry, 79 (7), 558-560 (2011).

61  Naoto Takane, Hiroshi Narita, Susumu Arai
   Development of Measurement and Analysis System for Electtrolytic Current and Application to Multilayer
   Electrodeposition with a Coulomb Controller
   Electrochemistry, 79 (3),156-162 (2011).

60  Susumu Arai, Yoriyuki Suwa, Morinobu Endo
   Cu/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composite Films Fabricated by Pulse-Reverse Electrodeposition
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 158 (2), D49-D53 (2011).

59  Susumu Arai, Mitsuhiko Kobayashi, Tohru Yamamoto, Morinobu Endo
   Pure-Nickel-Coated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Prepared by Electroless Deposition
   Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 13 (12), D94-D96 (2010).

58  Susumu Arai, Toshihiko Sato, Morinobu Endo
   Fabrication of Various Electroless Ni-P Alloy/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composite Films and their Frictional
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157 (11), D570-D576 (2010).

57  Masatsugu Fujishige, Mitsuru Sekino, Kazunori Fujisawa, Shingo Morimoto, Kenji Takeuchi, Susumu Arai,
   Akimasa Kawai
   Electric Contact Characteristic under Low Load of Silver-Carbon Nanotube Composite Plating Film Corroded Using
   H2S Gas
   Applied Physics Express, 3 (6), 065801(1-3) (2010).

56  Yosuke Suzuki, Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo
   Ni-P Alloy- Carbon Black Composite Films Fabricated by Electrodeposition
   Applied Surface Science, 256, 6914-6917 (2010).

55  Susumu Arai, Takashi Saito, Morinobu Endo
   Cu-MWCNT Composite Films Fabricated by Electrodeposition
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157 (3), D147-D153 (2010).

54  Susumu Arai, Takashi Saito, Morinobu Endo
   Effects of Additives on Cu-MWCNT Composite Plating Films
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157 (3), D127-D134 (2010).

53  Susumu Arai, Shuji Kasai, Ikuo Shohji
   Boron Particle Composite Plating with Ni-B Alloy Matrix
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157 (2), D119-D125 (2010).

52  Yosuke Suzuki, Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo
   Electrodeposition of Ni-P Alloy - Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composite Films
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157 (1), D50-D53 (2010).

51  Yosuke Suzuki, Susumu Arai, Ikuo Shohji, Eiji Kobayashi
   Phosphorus Particle Composite Plating with Ni-P Alloy Matrix
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 156 (8), D283-D286 (2009).

50  Masatsugu Fujishige, Winadda Wongwiriyapan, Feng Wang, Ki Chul Park, Kenji Takeuchi Susumu Arai,
   Morinobu Endo
   Gold-Carbon Nanotube Composite Plating Film Deposited Using Non-Cyanide Bath
   Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 48, 070217(1-3) (2009).

49  藤重雅嗣,新井 進,王 峰,牛山幹夫,朴 基哲,竹内健司,森本信吾,遠藤守信
   電子情報通信学会誌C,J92-C, 6,218-224 (2009).

48  Susumu Arai, Takashi Saito, Morinobu Endo
   Metal-fixed multiwalled carbon nanotube patterned emitters using photolithography and electrodeposition technique
   Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 9 (8), D72-D74 (2008).

47  Susumu Arai, Akihiro Fujimori, Masami Murai, Morinobu Endo
   Excellent solid lubrication of electrodeposited nickel-multiwalled carbon nanotube composite films
   Materials Letters, 62, 3545-3548 (2008).

46  Ki Chul Park, Masatsugu Fujishige, Kenji Takeuchi, Susumu Arai, Shingo Morimoto, Morinobu Endo
   Inter-collisional cutting of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by high-speed agitation
   Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 69, 2481-2486 (2008).

45  Yosuke Suzuki, Susumu Arai, Ikuo Shohji, Eiji Kobayashi
   Electrodeposition of Ni-Pcomposite films using Watts base bath containing phosphorus particles
   Journal of Surface Finishing Society of Japan, 59, 5, 343-345 (2008).

44  佐藤智之,加藤敦史,新井啓太,滝沢秀一,新井 進
   表面技術,59,4,265-267 (2008).

43  Susumu Arai, Takashi Saito, Morinobu Endo
   Low-Internal-Stress Nickel Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composite Electrodeposited from a Sulfamate Bath
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 154 (10), D530-D533 (2007).

42  Ikuo Shohji, Susumu Arai, Naoki Kano, Noboru Otomo, Masahisa Uenishi
   Development of Cu brasing sheet with Cu-P composite plating
   Key Engineering Materials, 353-358 (2007).

41  荘司郁夫,新井 進,内川順一,松井孝典,小林栄仁
   表面技術,58(12),846-850 (2007).

40  荘司郁夫,新井 進,狩野直樹,上西正久,大友 昇
   表面技術,58 (12),831-835 (2007).

39  新井 進,鈴木陽介,飯高正裕,荘司郁夫,上西正久,大友 昇
   表面技術,58 (2),139-141 (2007).

38  Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo, Tomoyuki Sato, Atsushi Koide
   Fabrication of Nickel- Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composite Films with Excellent Thermal Conductivity by an
   Electrodeposition Technique
   Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 9 (8), C131-C133 (2006).

37  Feng Wang, Susumu Arai, Ki Chul Park, Kenji Takeuchi, Yong Jung Kim, Morinobu Endo
   Synthesis of carbon nanotube-supported nickel- phosphorus nanoparticles by an electroless process
   Carbon, 44, 1307-1310 (2006).

36  Feng Wang, Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo
   Preparation of nickel-carbon nanofiber composites by a pulse-reverse electrodeposition process
   Electrochemistry Communications, 7, 674-678 (2005).

35  Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo
   Various carbon nanofiber-copper composite films prepared by electrodeposition
   Electrochemistry Communications, 7, 19-22 (2005).

34  Feng Wang, Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo
   The preparation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with a Ni-P coating by an electroless deposition process
   Carbon, 43, 1716-1721 (2005).

33  金子紀男,駒津基靖,倉科 匡,新井 進,篠原直行
   電気化学および工業物理化学(Electrochemistry),73(11),951-955 (2005).

32  Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo, Shinji Hashizume, Yasuho Shimojima
   Nickel-coated carbon nanofibers prepared by electroless deposition
   Electrochemistry Communications, 6, 1029-1031 (2004).

31  Feng Wang, Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo
   Metallization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with copper by an electroless deposition process
   Electrochemistry Communications, 6, 1042-1044 (2004).

30  Feng Wang, Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo
   Electrochemical preparation and characterization of nickel/ultra-dispersed PTFE composite films from aqueous solution
   Materials Transactions, 45 (4), 1311-1316 (2004).

29  Feng Wang, Susumu Arai, Shingo Morimoto, Morinobu Endo
   Ni-Fluorinated vapor growth carbon fiber(VGCF) composite films prepared by an electrochemical deposition process
   Electrochemistry Communications, 6, 242-244 (2004).

28  Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo, Norio Kaneko
   Ni-deposited multi-walled carbon nanotubes by electrodeposition
   Carbon, 42, 641-644 (2004).

27  Yoshikazu Funaoka, Susumu Arai, Norio Kaneko
   Electrodeposition of Au-Sn Alloy from Sulfite-Pyrophosphate Bath
   Electrochemistry, 72 (2), 98-102 (2004).

26  Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo
   Carbon Nanofiber-Copper Composites Fabricated by Electroplating
   Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 7 (3), C25-C26 (2004).

25  Susumu Arai, Takahide Hasegawa, Norio Kaneko
   Fabrication of Three-dimensional Cu/Ni Multilayered Microstructure by Wet Process
   Electrochimica Acta, 49 (6), 945-950, (2004).

24  Susumu Arai, Takahide Hasegawa, Norio Kaneko
   Effect of S on Passivation of Ni Plating
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 (1), C15-C18 (2004).

23  Susumu Arai, Takahide Hasegawa, Norio Kaneko
   Fabrication of 3-D Ni/Cu Multi-layered Microstructure by Selective Etching of Ni
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 150 (11), C798-C801 (2003).

22  Susumu Arai, Hideki Akatsuka, Norio Kaneko
   Sn-Ag Solder Bump Formation for Flip-Chip Bonding by Electroplating
   Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 150 (10), C730-C734 (2003).

21  Susumu Arai and Morinobu Endo
   Carbon Nanofiber-Copper Composite Powder Prepared by Electrodeposition
   Electrochemistry Communications, 5, 797-799 (2003).

20  金子紀男,関 雅子,新井 進,篠原直行
   電気化学および工業物理化学(Electrochemistry),71 (9),791-794 (2003).

19  金子紀男,白矢優貴,新井 進,篠原直行
   電気化学および工業物理化学(Electrochemistry),71 (5),322-326 (2003).

18  Susumu Arai, Masanobu Kumagai, Norio Kaneko, Naoyuki Shinohara
   Electroless Sn-Ag Alloy Plating by Displacement Reaction
   Electrochemistry, 70 (5), 311-315 (2002).

17  篠原直行,新井 進,金子紀男,若林信一
   表面技術,52 (10),693-69 (2001).

16  新井 進,金子紀男,篠原直行
   表面科学,22 (7),463-469, (2001).

15  Susumu Arai, Yoshikazu Funaoka, Norio Kaneko, Naoyuki Shinohara
   Electrodeposition of Sn-Cu Alloy from Pyrophosphate Bath
   Electrochemistry, 69 (5), 319-323 (2001).

14  金子紀男,関 雅子,新井 進,篠原直行
   電気化学および工業物理化学(Electrochemistry),69 (5),329-334 (2001).

13  Susumu Arai, Norio Kaneko, Naoyuki Shinohara
   Polarographic Study on the Smoothing of Sn-Ag Alloy Film Electrodeposited from Pyrophosphate-Iodide Bath
   Electrochemistry, 69 (4), 254-258 (2001).

12  新井 進,篠原直行,金子紀男,佐々木英次,湯村守雄
   ASTM腐食水中におけるDICHANのSPCCへの腐食抑制機構のSTMによるin-situ 評価
   防錆管理, 44 (3), 81-85 (2000).

11  新井 進,篠原直行,金子紀男
   防錆管理, 44 (2), 41-44 (2000).

10  Susumu Arai, Tohru Watanabe
   Microstructure of Sn-Ag Alloys Electrodeposited from Pyrophosphate-Iodide Solutions
   Materials Transactions, JIM, 39 (4), 439-445 (1998).

9  新井 進,渡邊 徹
   表面技術, 49 (1), 73-77 (1998).

8   Susumu Arai and Norio Kaneko
   Electrodeposition of Sn-Ag-Cu Alloys
   DENKI KAGAKU (presently Electrochemistry), 65 (12), 1102-1106 (1997).

7   Susumu Arai and Tohru Watanabe
   Electrodeposition of Sn-Ag Alloy with a Non-Cyanide Bath
   DENKI KAGAKU (presently Electrochemistry), 65 (12), 1097-1101 (1997).

6   新井 進,渡邊 徹
   日本金属学会誌(Journal of The Japan Institute of Metals),60 (12), 1149-1154 (1996).

5   塩沢玲子,沖 恭一,新井 進
   材料と環境, 45 (10), 609-613 (1996).

4   新井 進,小池明夫,仁科耕一,鳥羽正司
   防錆管理,39 (2),52-57 (1995).

3   新井 進
   表面技術,44 (4),336-340 (1993).

2   新井 進,竹本 正,水谷正海,征矢隆
   表面技術,44 (1),50-54 (1993).

1   新井 進
   表面技術,43 (11),1079-1080 (1992).


4  宮崎 誠,渡辺 潤,初澤健次,新井 進
   Proc. of 16th Symposium on "Microjoining and Assembly Technology in Electronics", 溶接学会, pp.235-238, 2010.

3  新井 進,船岡佳員,金子紀男,篠原直行
   Proc. of 7th Symposium on "Microjoining and Assembly Technology in Electronics", 溶接学会, pp.269-274, 2001.

2  新井 進,井原義博,小林 壮
   Proc. of 5th Symposium on "Microjoining and Assembly Technology in Electronics", 溶接学会,pp.109-114, 1999.

1  新井 進
   Proc.of 3rd Symposium on "Microjoining and Assembly Technology in Electronics", 溶接学会, pp.59-64, 1997.


28  Takuma Osaki, Susumu Arai
   Fabrication of Copper/Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composite Films via Electroless Plating
   ADMETA plus 2013, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 8-9, 2013

27  Susumu Arai
   Fabrication of Metal/Carbon Nanotube Composites by Plating Technique
   BIT's 3rd Annual World Congress of Nano Science & Technology, Xian, China, Sept. 25-28, 2013 (Invited speech).

26  Naoto Takane, Hiroshi Narita, Susumu Arai
   Crystal Structure of Electrodeposited Co/Cu Multilayers Depending on Nanometric Layer Thickness
   ADMETA plus 2012, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 23-25, 2012.

25  Satoshi Tanabe, Susumu Arai
   Field emission properties of nickel/carbon nanotube composite films electrodeposited from a citrate bath
   PRIME 2012 (ECS 221 Meeting), CD-ROM Abstract No. 137, Honolulu, USA, Oct. 8, 2012.

24  Daisuke Shimizu, Yosuke Suzuki, Morinobu Endo, Susumu Arai
   Surface Modification of Vapor Grown Carbon Nanofibers by Plasma Treatment
   PRIME 2012 (ECS 221th Meeting), CD-ROM Abstract No. 131, Honolulu, USA, Oct. 8, 2012.

23  Tomoya Kitamura, Susumu Arai
   Fabrication of silicon composite films for lithium ion batteries by electrodeposition
   PRIME2012 (ECS 221th Meeting), CD-ROM Abstract No. 129, Honolulu, USA, Oct. 8, 2012.

22  Takuma Osaki, Susumu Arai
   Fabrication of electroless Cu/CNT composite plating films containing different sized CNTs
   PRIME 2012 (ECS 221th Meeting), CD-ROM Abstract No. 127, Honolulu, USA, Oct. 8, 2012.

21  Shota Tachibana, Morinobu Endo, Susumu Arai
   Fabrication of Electroless Ni-P-W Alloy / Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composite Plating Films on Polyacetal Resin
   and Their Frictional Properties
   Nanocarbon 2011 in Nagano, CA-14, Nagano, Japan, Nov. 16, 2011.

20  Daisuke Shimizu, Yosuke Suzuki, Morinobu Endo, Susumu Arai
   Surface Modification of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes by Plasma Treatment
   Nanocarbon 2011 in Nagano, MA-08, Nagano, Japan, Nov. 16, 2011.

19  Susumu Arai, Yuki Tashiro, Minh Vu Hoang, Yosuke Suzuki
   Fabrication and Properties of Metal/Diamond Composite Plating Films
   ECS 220th Meeting, CD-ROM Abstract No. 2337, Boston, USA, Oct. 9-14, 2011.

18  Takuya Kamo, Susumu Arai
   Magnetic properties of Fe-Pt alloy films electrodeposited from a bath containing a trivalent iron salt
   ADMETA 2010, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 19-22, 2010.

17  Susumu Arai, Tohru Yamamoto, Junshi Nakagawa, Yosuke Suzuki, Morinobu Endo
   Fabrication of Metal-Coated Carbon Nanotubes by Electroless Deposition and their Wettability with Molten Metal
   ECS 218th Meeting, CD-ROM Abstract No. 1975, Las Vegas, USA, Oct. 11, 2010.

16  Taishi Kanazawa, Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo
   Cu-MWCNT Composite Films Formed by an Electroless Plating Technique
   MNE 2010, P-NANO-145, Genoa, Italy, Sept. 20, 2010.

15  Susumu Arai, Eri Shinada, Yohei Todoroki, Morinobu Endo
   Field Emission Properties of Metal-CNT Composite Films Prepared by Electrodeposition Techniques
   ECS 217th Meeting, CD-ROM Abstract No. 1576, Vancouver, Canada, April 28, 2010.

14  Susumu Arai
   Metal-CNT Composites Fabricated by Plating Techniques
   First Asian Carbon Conference (FACC 2009), CD-ROM Extended Abstract No.33, New Delhi, India, Sept. 26, 2009.
   (Key Note Speech)

13  Susumu Arai, Toshihiko Sato, Taishi Kanazawa, Morinobu Endo
   Metal-CNT Composite Films Formed by Electroless Plating Technique
   ECS 216th Meeting, CD-ROM Abstract No. 2731, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 6, 2009.

12  Susumu Arai, Yosuke Suzuki, Morinobu Endo
   Properties of Metal-CNT Composite Films Fabricated by Electrodeposition
   ECS 215th Meeting, CD-ROM Abstract No. 1199, San Francisco, USA, May 26, 2009.

11  Susumu Arai
   Characteristics of Metal-CNT Composites Prepared by Plating Technology
   INNO 09, pp.40-41, Montreal, Canada, April 24, 2009. (Invited)

10  Yosuke Suzuki, Susumu Arai, Ikuo Shohji, Eiji Kobayashi
   Phosphorus Particles Composite Plating with Ni-P Alloy Matrix, ECS 214th Meeting
   CD-ROM Abstract No. 90, Honolulu, USA, Oct. 13, 2008.

9   Susumu Arai, Tohru Yamamoto, Mitsuhiko Kobayashi, Junko Fujii, Yuzo Imoto, Morinobu Endo
   Metal coating of MWCNTs by electroless plating
   Abstract of Carbon 2008, p.313, Nagano,Japan, July 14, 2008.

8   Ikuo Shohji Susumu Arai, Naoki Kano, Noboru Otomo, Masahisa Uenishi
   Cu Brazing Sheet with Cu-P Composite Plating,
   2006 Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength, p.292, Hainan, China,
   Nov. 24, 2006.

7   Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo, Kouichi Ichiki, Masashi Okubo
   Carbon Nanofiber-copper Composite Powder Fabricated by Electrodeposition
   International Symposium on NanoCarbons 2004, p.79, Nagano, Japan, Nov. 15, 2004.

6   Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo, Shinji Hashizume, Yasuho Shimojima
   Ni-coated Carbon Nanofibers by Electroless Deposition
   International Symposium on NanoCarbons 2004, p.80, Nagano, Japan, Nov. 15, 2004.

5   Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo, Tomoyuki Sato, Atsushi Koide
   Ni-Carbon Nanofiber Composite Film Fabricated by Electrodeposition
   International Symposium on NanoCarbons 2004, p.81, Nagano, Japan, Nov. 15, 2004.

4   Feng Wang, Susumu Arai, Morinobu Endo
   Metallization of Carbon Nanofibers with Copper by an Electroless Deposition Process
   International Symposium on NanoCarbons 2004, p.75, Nagano, Japan, Nov. 15, 2004.

3   K. Abe, Y. Hasegawa, S. Arai, R. Hayashibe, K. Kamimura, M. Endo
   Electron Field Emission form Carbon Nanotube Composite
   International Symposium on NanoCarbons 2004, p.85, Nagano, Japan, Nov. 15, 2004.

2   Susumu Arai, Hideki Akatsuka, Norio Kaneko, Naoyuki Shinohara, Shinichi Wakabayashi
   Sn-Ag Solder Bump Formation for Flip-Chip Bonding by Electroplating
   2002 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP),TB1-6, pp.178-183, Tokyo, Japan, April 18, 2002.

1   Susumu Arai
   Plating Technology for Lead-Free Soldering in Japan
   The 3rd Korea-Japan Advanced Semiconductor Packaging Technology Seminar "Next Generation Packaging
   Technology", pp.3-19, Seoul, Korea, Sep. 13, 2001. (Invited)


4  志水信裕,篠原直行,新井 進,金子紀男,若林信一

3  粟津亮二,篠原直行,新井 進,金子紀男,倉科 匡

2  酒井豊明,篠原直行,新井 進,金子紀男

1  粟津亮二,篠原直行,新井 進,金子紀男,倉科 匡,若林信一

紀 要

12  田垣千英,小池明夫,新井 進,小野道彦

11  新井 進

10  小池明夫,新井 進,鳥羽正司,仁科耕一,須山聡,武井寿雄,藤森克郎,岩波秀幸,

9  小池明夫,新井 進,鳥羽正司,仁科耕一

8  新井 進

7  新井 進

6  征矢 隆,藤沢 健,新井 進,宇敷澄子

5  新井 進,小池明夫,仁科耕一
   化学データベースの作成に関する研究(第2報) 電子線マイクロアナライザ分析事例について

4  新井 進,小池明夫,藤沢 健,征矢 隆,仁科耕一

3  小池明夫,新井 進
   機能性表面処理皮膜の改善に関する研究(第2報) 陽極酸化皮膜の構造観察と鉄めっき

2  小池明夫,新井 進
   機能性表面処理皮膜の改善に関する研究(第1報) 複合めっきの改善に関する研究

1  新井 進,矢沢 修



13  新井 進
   解説 カーボンナノチューブを用いた複合めっき
   表面技術,65 (2),82-87, 2014.

12  新井 進
   表面技術,61 (2),95-107, 2010.

11  新井 進
   めっき講座4 電気めっき −すず、鉛、はんだめっき−
   防錆管理,51 (2),65-70, 2007.

10  新井 進,遠藤守信
   解説 カーボンナノチューブ複合めっき
   表面技術,57(7),471-474, 2006.

9  新井 進
   総説 はんだの鉛フリー化に対応しためっき技術の現状と課題
   表面技術,55(9),576-581, 2004.

8  新井 進
   特集 鉛フリーはんだの現状と展望 電気めっき法による鉛フリーはんだバンプの作製
   科学と工業,76 (10),525-531, 2002.

7  新井 進,金子紀男,篠原直行
   特集 電気めっき法によるフリップチップ 接合用鉛フリーはんだバンプの作製
   セラミックス,36 (6),430-433, 2001.

6  新井 進,金子紀男,篠原直行
   小特集 はんだの鉛フリー化に対応しためっきの現状
   表面技術,52 (5),369-373, 2001.

5  新井 進
   日本における溶接の展望1998(V-4 マイクロ接合)
   溶接学会誌, 68 (5),376-378, 1999.

4  新井 進,篠原直行,金子紀男
   特集 鉛フリーはんだ接合に対応しためっきの現状
   まてりあ, 38 (12),951-955, 1999.

3  新井 進
   日本における溶接の展望1997(V-4 マイクロ接合)
   溶接学会誌, 67 (5),405-407, 1998.

2  新井 進
   解説 非シアン浴からのスズ-銀合金めっき
   表面技術, 49 (3),230-234, 1998.

1  新井 進
   日本における溶接の展望1996(V-4 マイクロ接合)
   溶接学会誌, 66 (5),361-363, 1997.


4  新井 進,金子紀男,篠原直行
   エレクトロニクス実装技術,(12),44-49, 2001.

3  新井 進,金子紀男,篠原直行
   M&E,(6), 120-132, 2001.

2  新井 進,金子紀男,篠原直行
   電子材料,(5), 79-86, 2001.

1  新井 進,篠原直行,金子紀男
   電子材料,(5), 174-183, 2000.


【特許】 20件以上(国際特許含む)

1  新井 進 他1名

2   新井 進

3   新井 進

4   新井 進
   Tin-Silver Alloy Plating Bath and Process for Producing Plated Objects Using The Plating Bath
   US Patent 5948235

5   新井 進 他2名
   Aqueous Solution for Forming Metal Complexs, Tin-Silver Alloy Plating Bath, and Process for Producing Plated Object
   Using the Plating Bath
   US Patent 5902472


【特許出願】 70件以上

1   新井 進 他3名

2   新井 進 他2名

3   新井 進 他1名

4  新井 進 他2名

5  新井 進 他2名
