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University Association between Exercise Training and Adipocytokine Release on Insulin Resistance Hiroaki Tanaka*1, Akira Kiyonaga*1, Takuro Tobina*1, Eiichi Yoshimura*1, Hideaki Kumahara*2 *1 Fukuoka University, *2 Nakamura Gakuen University plasma adiponectin, insulin, metabolic syndrome, lactate threshold intensity, HbA1c(JDS), oral glucose tolerance test, HOMA-IR View details
University Fusion of Technologies for Sports Clothes Development and Fiber Functionalization Masakatsu Ohguchi*1, Hideaki Morikawa*1, Masayoshi Kamijo*1, Sonoko Ishimaru*2, Kimiko Kawai*2 *1 Faculty of Textile and Technology Shinshu University, *2 Toyobo Co., Ltd., Research Center functionalization, sports clothes, supercritical carbon dioxide, nano-fibers, information delivery system, on-demand design and production system, smart-textiles View details
University Effect of Aerobic Fitness on Cerebral Blood Flow and Cerebral Autoregulation Shigehiko Ogoh Department of Biomedical Engineering, Toyo University orthostatic intolerance, cerebral blood flow, endurance exercise training, cerebral autoregulation, transcranial Doppler, rate of regulation View details
University The Effects of Chest Wall Restriction on Cardio-respiratory Responses, Muscle Oxygenation and Performance during Exercise Koji Ishida*1, Keisho Katayama*1, Erika Iwamoto*2, Norio Hotta*3, Hiromichi Sugiura*4 *1 Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University, *2 Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University, *3 College of Life and Health Sciences, Chubu University, *4 Nagoya Isen chest wall restriction, endurance performance, maximal exercise to exhaustion(MAX), peak oxygen uptake(peak VO2), oxygen saturation(SpO2), muscle deoxygenation rate View details
University Effect of Ice Pack Cooling Wear to Prevention From Heat Stroke Takuro Tobina, Hiroyuki Sagayama, Yasuki Higaki, Akira Kiyonaga Fukuoka University Heat Stroke, maximal oxygen uptake(VO₂max), ice pack, dehydration View details
University The Development of Leather Shoes with Ventilation Mechanism Improving Thermal Comfort Yayoi Satsumoto*1, Masaaki Takeuchi*2 *1 Faculty of Education and Human Sciences Yokohama National University, *2 Faculty of Culture and Sport Policy Toin University of Yokohama ventilation shoe, tracer gas method, viable cell count View details
University Resistance Training with Blood Flow Restriction: Adjusting the Method for Gender Difference Koichi Okita*1, Makoto Yoshida*1, Noriteru Morita*2, Takashi Yokota*3, Masahiro Horiuchi*4 *1 Department of Sport Education, Hokusho University, *2 Sports Education, Hokkaido University of Education, *3 Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido University of Medicine, *4 Northern Regions Lifelong Sports Research Center muscle mass, resistance exercise, blood flow restriction(BFR), metabolic stresses View details
University The Effects That Fabric and Design Have on the Clothing Climate, Skin Friction, and Performance of Kendo-gi Clothing Mariko Sato, Chieko Ariizumi, Rie Suda Bunka Gakuen University comfort, functionality, kendo-gi, thermophysiological load View details
University Effect of Exercise Training on Innate Immunity in Rat Hiromi Kitamura Exercise Physiology Laboratory, Wayo Women’s University Toll-like receptors(TLRs), innate immunity, exercise training, stress hormone View details
University Development and Evaluation of the Sport-typed Wheel-chair Can Drive Straight Using Either One-handed or Both-handed Operation Akira Shionoya, Yusuke Kenmotsu Nagaoka University of Technology Sport-typed Wheel-chair, wheelchair, driving force transmitted axis(DFT), one handed operation View details
University Effects of Compression Stockings on the Feeling of Dizziness in Female Patients with Hypotension Tohru Tanigawa*1, Hirokazu Tanaka*1, Hiromi Ueda*1, Takashi Sato*2 *1 Department of otolaryngology, Aichi Medical University, *2 Department of otolaryngology, Aichi Gakuin University hypotension, KAATSU training, compression stockings, visual analog scale(VAS), posturography View details
University The Intensity of Daily Physical Activity Necessary for Maintaining Proper Neurocognitive Function Ken Kimura*1, Akitomo Yasunaga*2 *1 Department of Humanity and Social Sciences, School of Science and Technology for Future Life, Tokyo Denki University, *2 Department of Humanity and Social Sciences, School of Science and Technology for Future Life, Tokyo Denki University daily physical activity, neurocognitve function, electronic accelerometer, Task-Switch reaction time(RT)test, light physical activity(< 3METs), moderate physical activity(>4METs), fMRI View details
University Systematic Investigations of the Neural Basis during Physical Fatigue Masaaki Tanaka Department of Physiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine central inhibition, physical fatigue, motor area, magnetoencephalographic(MEG)system, event-related desynchonization(ERD)level, sensorimotor area View details
University Effect of Heat Pre-conditioning on Muscle Damage and Soreness Prior to Repeated Eccentric Exercise *1 Norio Saga, *2 Hisashi Naito, *2 Shizuo Katamoto *1 Teikyo University, *2 School of Health and Sports Science, Juntendo University Heat pre-conditioning, eccentric contraction(ECC)exercises, muscle damage, microwave hyperthermia treatment, range of motion(ROM)of the elbow joint View details
University Possibilities for Utilizing a High-performance Swimsuit as an Assisted Training Gear Masamitsu Tomikawa*1, Shozo Tsubakimoto*2, Yasuo Sengoku*2, Hiroshi Ichikawa*1 *1 Senshu University Institute of Sport, Senshu University, *2 Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, *3 Faculty of Sports and Health Science, Fukuoka University high-performance swimsuit(HS) View details
University Effects of Materials and Functions of Sports Clothes on Physiological Response during Unsteady Workload Exercise Kazuki Nishimura*1, Akira Yoshioka*2, Sho Onodera*3, Noboru Takamoto*1 *1 Hiroshima Institute of Technology, *2 Kagawa University, *3 Kawasaki Uiversity of Medical Welfare sports clothes with compression and gradation, unsteady workload exercise, physiological markers View details