信州大学 繊維学部技術データベース

Research Seeds

Kansei Education:Lifetime Learning Skills for Knowledge Workers

【大分類:3. テキスタイル 中分類:3.5 感性工学 小分類:3.5.4 感性教育・哲学

The key to successful learning is managing the equation - motivation x strategy x time on task = result. We study how to set up a learning environment to learn new skills such as languages - including English, Japanese, Chinese, and Maori - or hand-eye coordination skills such as kendama and juggling.If we carefully measure these inputs, we can monitor progress and aim for the optimal progress. This is the art of Kansei - matching the needs and wants of the user in a meaningful way.

信州大学繊維学部 研究紹介2020/信州大学繊維学部
研究者名 ハニウッド マイケル
大学・機関名 信州大学

