Shinshu University Journal of Educational Research and Practice
ISSN 2188 - 5265

Number 11 (2017)
- Establishing the Universality of a Proposition by the Proof in Geometry of School Mathematics: For Upbringing of the Ability to Think about Logically
- OHTA Issei
- 1
- The End of Postmodernity and the Era of Neo-Avantgarde: Observing the Transition of Acceptance Structure in Japanese Popular Music Based on Expressionist Togawa Jun
- ONO Takashi
- 21
- Bridging the Gap Between Moral Judgment and Moral Motivation Based on the Cognitive Moral Development Theory and Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory: Theoretical and Practical Design with the Concept of Conflict
- TANAKA Satoshi
- 41
- Current Situation of Childcare and Childcare-related Services in a Semi-mountainous Area of a Regional City in Japan: A Comparison with Urban Areas
- NISHI Tomoko, MIYAKE Kimihiro, TOMOKAWA Sachi
- 69
- Development of Teaching Material about Line Clouds on the Japan Sea in Winter
- 85
- Development of the Difficulties in Accepting Envy Scale: Reliability and Validity
- ETO Konomi, TAKAHASHI Tomone
- 97
- Representation, Abstraction and Modulation: Various Cases of Modulating from “Representation (Drawing known Objects)” to “Abstraction (Drawing Unrecognizable and Unnamable Objects)” V (A Fundamental Research on Learning Expression and Appreciation in Painting Education)
- OKADA Masashi
- 111
- A Study on the Representation of Voice in the Origin of Narrative Music
- 129
- A Comparative Study of the Cheshire-Cat in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and the Black Cats in “The Black Cat”
- KANEKO Fumihiko
- 145
- The Soviet Union after the ‘Anti-Party’ Group (2): The Urals Exile of Kaganovich (1957-1958)
- KOMAMURA Satoshi
- 155
- The Improvement of Teaching Materials Presentation by using iPad Pro and Apple Pencil: What is the Best Way to Present the Teaching Materials in the Classwork? Chalkboard? PowerPoint presentation? iPad Pro and Apple Pencil?
- SAKAGUCHI Masahiko
- 165
- Factors Determining Students' Class Satisfaction Level: A Comparison among Expectancy Confirmation, Alternative Attractiveness, and Self-image Congruity
- SHIMADA Hideaki
- 175
- How to Improve and Support Special-education Coordinators in the Public School System: Examining their Responsibilities and Role in Zone A
- TANAKA Misuzu, KAMIMURA Etsuko
- 191
- Developing Communicative Writing Skills through Reading Activities Noticing Social and Linguistic Contexts
- DALTON Colleen
- 211
- Building Cooperative Partnership between Guardians and Teachers
- 219
- An Experiment of Programing Education in Teacher Training: Making Elementary School Home Economics Teaching Materials
- MITSUNO Tamaki, MURAMATSU Hiroyuki
- 249
- Instruction in Physical Fitness Class for Mid-Elementary School Students: Balance and Movement in Various Activities
- MOTODA Saki, SUZUKI Kaihei, FUJITA Ikuro
- 257
- Edited by the Research Committee
- Published by the Faculty of Education, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan
Number11 Contents
Academic Papers (Refereed)
Research Reports
Practical Studies
Shinshu University Journal of Educational Research and Practice
Number 11 (September 28, 2017)