Shinshu University Journal of Educational Research and Practice
ISSN 2188 - 5265

Number 7(2014)
- Implementation of Social Studies in Lower Grades of One Elementary School Among the Experimental Schools Designated in 1947 by the Textbook Division of the Ministry of Education: An Analysis of Social Studies Reorganization for Synthetic Instruction at the Attached Elementary School of Nagano Normal School for Men
- SHINOZAKI Masanori
- 1
- Effects of "Shinshu University YOU-YU" Project on Development of Student Teaching Aptitudes: Analysis of Participant Reflection Reports in Terms of Practical Teaching Ability
- DOI Susumu & TANAKA Satoshi
- 17
- The Current Situations and Problems of Mentor Teachers for Pre-Service Students and Novices
- NAKADA Masahiro, FUSEGI Hisashi, KURAMA Yumi, & SAKATA Tetsuhito
- 31
- Teacher Management Ability Required for an Exchange Activity Between an Elementary School and a Junior High School
- KUSAMA Shin’ichi & DOI Susumu
- 89
- Edited by the Research Committee
- Published by the Faculty of Education, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan
Number7 Contents
Academic Papers (Refereed)
Research Reports
Practicum Reports
Translative Studies
Shinshu University Journal of Educational Research and Practice
Number 7 (March 31, 2014)