Graduate School of Medicine Human Science
Legal Medicine

Professor: Hideki Asamura 
Associate Professor: Masao Ota
Assistant Professor: Takahito Oki

Summary of Activity

Legal Medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the application of medical knowledge to legal problems. The department provides forensic autopsy in Nagano Prefecture and carries out scientific research in the field of forensic genetics, forensic histopathology and forensic toxicology.

  1. Asamura H, Oki T, Ota M, Fukushima H. Unusual body posture after death leading to signs of strangulastion. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 31:195-197. 2010.

  2. Ota M, Asamura H, Oki T, Sada M. Restriction enzyme analysis of PCR products. Methods Mol Biol. 2009;578:405-414.

  3. Asamura H, Ito M, Fukushima H. An Unusual Suicide Case of the Combination of Asphyxia. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 30:215-216. 2009.

  4. Asamura H, Fujimori S, Ota M, Oki T, Fukushima H. Evaluation of miniY-STR multiplex PCR systems for extended 16 Y-STR loci. Int J Legal Med. 122:43-49. 2008.

  5. Asamura H, Sakai H, Ota M, Fukushima H. MiniY-STR quadruplex systems with short amplicon lengths for analysis of degraded DNA samples. Forensic Sci Genet. 1:56-61. 2007.

  6. Asamura H, Fujimori S, Ota M, Fukushima H. MiniSTR multiplex systems based on non-CODIS loci for analysis of degraded DNA samples. Forensic Science Int. 173:7-15. 2007.

  7. Ota M, Droma Y, Basnyat B, Katsuyama Y, Asamura H, Sakai H, Fukushima H. Allele frequencies for 15 STR loci in Tibetan populations from Nepal. J Forensic Sci Int. 169:234-238. 2007.

  8. Asamura H, Sakai H, Ota M, Fukushima H. Japanese population data for eight X-STR loci using two new quadruplex systems. Int J Legal Med. 120:303-309. 2006.

  9. Asamura H, Sakai H, Kobayashi K, Ota M, Fukushima H. MiniX-STR multiplex system population study in Japan and application to degraded DNA analysis. Int J Legal Med. 120 : 174-181. 2006.

  10. Asamura H, Uchida R, Takayanagi K, Ota M, Fukushima H. Allele frequencies of the six miniSTR loci in a population from Japan. Int J Legal Med. 120 : 182 –184. 2006.