Graduate School of Medicine Human Science
Aging Medicine and Geriatrics

Professor: Mitsuhisa Komatsu
Associate Professor: Satoru Suzuki
Assistant Professor: Masanori Yamazaki

Summary of Activity
Principal of our department is to establish newer insights into "Aging and Adaptation" in developing human diseases. In particular, we focus on the researches to elucidate mechanisms by which “Aging and Adaptation” affects endocrine and metabolic disorders. Translation of the basic research findings to clinical application is obviously important tasks for our laboratory. The department has been also contributed to the Shinshu University Hospital as the division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism; we aim to perform clinical practice and education of the medical students, young doctors and many other medical specialists.

Research Projects

1) To clarify the mechanism of insulin secretion from pancreatic ß-cell, we have been performed series of experiments for over 20 years. We found that glucose stimulates insulin release from the pancreatic ß-cell via novel pathway that is now collectively referred to as “KATP chanel-independent pathway. Our current goal of this field is to identify the molecular basis of this pathway and to apply for developing new therapeutic targets for diabetes mellitus.
2) To establish the role of cytosolic binding protein for thyroid hormone (CRYM) and elucidation of possible anti-aging effects of this protein is one of our exciting projects.
3) We interested in a role of estrogen for modulation of autoimmune diseases. In particular, we investigate whether estrogen action is mediated by regulatory T-cells.
4) In order to prevent development of diabetes mellitus, we will examine the effects of exercise and dietary intervention, which we originally developed, on diabetic prone population in collaboration with the department of sports and medical sciences. In addition, we will apply these regimens for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
5) Clinical trials involving multi-center in Nagano prefecture are on going to evaluate several possible medical intervention for diabetes mellitus.
6) Researches on genetic endocrine disorders such as multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) are currently undertaken.
7) By using a bedside artificial pancreas, we examine phathophysiology of diabetes mellitus. We also use the artificial pancreas to control plasma glucose concentration within normal ranges under various conditions in human.

  1. Yamazaki M, Kosho T, Kawachi S, Mikoshiba M, Takahashi J, Sano R, Oka K, Yoshida K, Watanabe T, Kato H, Komatsu M, Kawamura R, Wakui K, Knappskog PM, Boman H, Fukushima Y (2010) Cold-induced sweating syndrome with neonatal features of Crisponi syndrome: longitudinal observation of a patient homozygous for a CRLF1 mutation. Am J Med Genet A 152A:764-769

  2. Yamazaki M, Sato A, Takeda T, Komatsu M (2010) sDistinct Clinical Courses in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Induced by Peg-interferon-alpha Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis C. Intern Med 49:403-407

  3. Komatsu M, Aizawa T (2009) Enhancement of the incretin pathway in response to bariatric surgery is important for restoration of beta cell function. Diabetologia 52:374-375

  4. Nishio S, Kakizawa T, Chatelain G, Triqueneaux G, Brunet F, Rambaud J, Lamonerie T, Laudet V (2008) OTX5 regulates pineal expression of the zebrafish REV-ERB alpha through a new DNA binding site. Mol Endocrinol 22:23-32

  5. Komatsu M, Ohfusa H, Aizawa T, Hashizume K (2007) Adiponectin Inversely Correlates with High Sensitive C-reactive Protein and Triglycerides, but not with Insulin Sensitivity, in Apparently Healthy Japanese Men. Endocr J 54:553-558

  6. Kakizawa T, Nishio S, Triqueneaux G, Bertrand S, Rambaud J, Laudet V (2007) Two differentially active alternative promoters control the expression of the zebrafish orphan nuclear receptor gene Rev-erbalpha. J Mol Endocrinol 38:555-568

  7. Suzuki S, Suzuki N, Mori J, Oshima A, Usami S, Hashizume K (2007) micro-Crystallin as an intracellular 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine holder in vivo. Mol Endocrinol 21:885-894

  8. Katakura M, Naka M, Kondo T, Komatsu M, Yamauchi K, Hashizume K, Aizawa T (2007) Normal mortality in the elderly with diabetes under strict glycemic and blood pressure control: Outcome of 6-year prospective study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 78:108-114

  9. Katakura M, Naka M, Kondo T, Komatsu M, Yamauchi K, Hashizume K, Aizawa T (2007) Development, worsening, and improvement of diabetic microangiopathy in older people: six-year prospective study of patients under intensive diabetes control. J Am Geriatr Soc 55:541-547

  10. Yamada T, Komatsu M, Komiya I, Miyahara Y, Shima Y, Matsuzaki M, Ishikawa Y, Mita R, Fujiwara M, Furusato N, Nishi K, Aizawa T (2005) Development, progression, and regression of microalbuminuria in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes under tight glycemic and blood pressure control: the Kashiwa study. Diabetes Care 28:2733-2738