Poster presentations

1. Exercise Physiology


P-01:  Downstream utrophin enhancer is required for expression of utrophin in skeletal muscle:

          Jun Tanihata, Waseda University


P-02:  Effects of ƒΐ2-Agonist, Clenbuterol on ƒΐ2-Adrenoceptor mRNA Expression and the Regulatory Factors in rat Skeletal and Left Ventricle Muscles:

          Shogo Sato, Waseda University


P-03:  Brain glycogen depletion following prolong exercise in rats:

          Takashi Matsui, University of Tsukuba


P-04:  In vivo imaging of intracellular calcium following skeletal muscle contractions in type I diabetes rat:

          Yutaka Kano et al., University of Electro-Communications


P-05:  Nonlinear relationships between mitochondrial stimuli, muscle oxygen consumption, and muscle oxygen supply during dynamic handgrip exercise:

          Masako Fujioka et al., Tokyo Medical University


P-06:  Effect of muscle metaboreflex activation on pupil diameter in humans:

          Naoyuki Hayashi & Nami Someya, Kyushu University


P-07:  Characteristics of heart rate response to activation of muscle metaboreflex in humans:

          Kazuhito Watanabe et al., University of Tsukuba


P-08:  The differential cardiovascular responses to voluntary and electrically-evoked involuntary static contraction between ankle extensor and flexor muscles in humans:

          Nan Liang et al., Hiroshima University


P-09:  Activation of cardiac sympathetic outflow, but not vagal withdrawal, during spontaneous motor activity in decerebrate cats:

          Akito Kadowaki et al., Hiroshima University


P-10:  The effects of adrenalectomy and autonomic blockades on the tachycardia at the beginning of dynamic exercise in conscious rats:

          Rie Wakasugi et al., Hiroshima University


P-11:  The effects of sleep bruxism on baroreflex control of the circulation in humans:

          Yoshiyuki Okada et al., Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine


P-12:  The effects of menstrual cycle on cardiovascular responses to exercise, cold and mental stresses and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity:

          Ryoko Sone et al., University of Yamaguchi


P-13:  Effect of hypothalamic administration of 17-ƒΐ estradiol on body temperature during cold exposure in the ovariectomized rats:

          Yuki Uchida et al., Waseda University


P-14:  Different effect of GABA on temperature regulation during rest and exercise in hot ambient temperature:

          Taiki Miyazawa, Osaka City University


P-15:  Local heating decreases muscle sympathetic nerve activity in normal subjects:

          Noriyo Takahashi, Osaka Medical College


P-16:  Enhanced skin blood flow response to hyperthermia after endurance training is mainly caused by plasma volume expansion in humans:

          Shigeki Ikegawa et al., Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine


P-17:  Low-volume strength and endurance training preserves immobilization-induced impairment in hyperemic response to exhaustive dynamic grip exercise:

          Fumiko Ohmori et al., National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya


P-18:  The effects of exercise training in the cold and heat on hyperthermic hyperpnea and cutaneous vasodilation during exercise in the heat:

          Naoto Fujii et al., University of Tsukuba


P-19:  Sympathetic vasoconstrictor responsiveness is reduced by 5-day endurance training with enhanced baroreflex sensitivity in men:

          Kazunobu Okazaki et al., Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine



2. Application of Exercise Physiology to the Fields


P-20:  Correction for the errors by riding vehicles to estimate VO2 during walking by tri-axial accelerometry:

          Toshiaki Yamazaki et al., Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine


P-21:  Effects of CHO-electrolyte solution intake on heart rate at a given VO2 during mountaineering in middle-aged and older subjects:

          Ken Miyagawa et al., Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine


P-22:  High-intensity interval walking training is more effective in middle-aged and older men and women with low physical fitness:

          Mayuko Morikawa et al., Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine


P-23:  High-intensity interval walking training to promote physical fitness for female college students:

          Aiko Tanabe et al., Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine


P-24:  The effects of high-intensity interval walking training with water immersion in middle-aged and older women with light knee osteoarthritis:

          Shuichi Handa et al., Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine


P-25:  Epigenetic effects of walking exercise\with special reference to methylation of ASC gene|(fourth report):

          Koki Nakajima et al., Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine


P-26:  The effect of moderate exercise on natural killer cell activity in cervical cord injury patients:

          Masaki Goto et al., Wakayama Medical University


P-27:  Systemic myokine response to 20-min arm crank ergometer exercise in patients with cervical spinal cord injury:

          Hiroyuki Sugiyama et al., Kibikogen Rehabilitation Center for Employment Injuries


P-28:  Arm crank ergometer exercise at 60% of maximum oxygen consumption increases IL-6 in persons with spinal cord injuries:

          Yasunori Umemoto et al., Wakayama Medical University


P-29:  Plasma IL-6 response with paraplegia during a wheelchair half-marathon race:

          Yusuke Sasaki et al., Wakayama Medical University


P-30:  Cardiovascular responses to static muscle contraction in patients with brachial plexus injury treated with intercostal nerve transfer:

          Katsuya Yamauchi et al., Hamamatsu University School of Medicine