Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Shinshu University School of Medicine

82nd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Development of live camera system used for "intraoral-scopic dental operation"
Hiroshi Kurita, Atsushi Nakatsuka, Kenji Kurashina, Koichirou Harayama*, Kazuya Mine
Dept. of Dentistry and Oral Surg. Shinshu Univ. School of Med., *RF SYSTEM lab., iiyama Co.

Objectives: An intraoral live camera system can be useful for dental treatments. The purpose of this study was to develop a live camera system used for メintraoral-scopicモ dental operation. Methods: Although a lot of intraoral cameras were available commercially, there was no camera that could be used for live observation on dental operation. Therefore, we developed a new intraoral live camera. In addition, because there was a need to rotate or flip image on a monitor to register the image in the mouth, a digital imaging system was required. Results: This system basically comprised a wireless intraoral video camera and a microwave tuner (RF SYSTEM lab, Nagano, Japan), an analogue-digital converter, and a high-functional TFT color LCD monitor (iiyama Co., Nagano, Japan). The camera had 680,000 pixels HB 1/4モ color CCD, full digital processing system, auto-focus, and four white LED lamps. And the camera hand-piece was designed just like a dental mirror. Ergonomically designed and auto-focus and well illuminated camera handpiece offered live visualization of all area in the mouth. The top of the camera was waterproofed, so that it could be sterilized by immersion in a chemical sterilant. A digital image-processor in the LCD monitor enabled flip and rotation of the image. And magnification of the image was available by digital zooming. Digital processing of the image offered better orientation of the image in the mouth. Conclusion: This live video camera system could be used for "intraoral-scopic" dental operation.

〒390-8621 長野県松本市旭3-1-1
電話;0263-37-2677 fax; 0263-37-2676
Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Shinshu University School of Medicine
このサイトに関するご意見、ご感想、ご提案等は hkurita@hsp.md.shinshu-u.ac.jp