
environmental leadership initiatives of MOE and MEXT. This concept is summarised by Figure 3; a virtuous circle between environmentally-friendly consumers and green businesses eager to supply these consumers with more sustainable products and services.Source: MOE (2008).The virtuous circle in Figure 3 sees businesses becoming more sustainable in response to consumer demands. However recent evidence casts doubt over whether such a virtuous circle is yet operating. Surveys of the state of sustainability in business (Sustainability/ Globescan, 2012), shows that business solutions to the sustainability challenges are not yet proliferating at the speed and scale needed to avert widespread environmental, social and economic disruptions. Moreover, there is little evidence of rising sustainable consumer behavior since 2008. Furthermore, even as scientific understanding of the many environmental problems increases, public concern seems to have grown weary and concerns over a range of environmental issues (including climate change, FIGURE 3 VIRTUOUS CIRCLE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY-    FRIENDLY BUSINESSES AND CONSUMERS68


