the creativity and leadership potential of all participants in the system. Many environmental challenges are new and have never been confronted by humankind before; they thus require new and untried strategies to address them. In particular, the theory of environmental leadership places priority on using leadership diversity, rather than seeing the challenge from one single leadership perspective.In particular, environmental leaders have to recognise the contrast and tension between the current industrial-based leadership approach and a future sustainable (ecological approach); and understand the complexities of the system in which they are trying to exert some leadership (for companies this would be the organisation’s priority and decision making structure). Leaders need to articulate credible visions of the future that embody and encourage the hopes and aspirations of the group. We tried to stimulate some of these aspects through the active (or problem-based) learning in both the ‘sustainability foundations’ and ‘business and sustainability’ courses - such as visions of the future, sustainable innovation proposals; evaluation of leading examples of corporate sustainability.In terms of tracking our potential future ‘environmental leaders’, we did follow the progress of some of the TU students (Norton, Li and Tanaka, 2015). We found that over 80% of graduates continued their work in areas related to the environment or other aspects 63