
importance of sustainability in their organisation.3 DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION3.1 What are we trying to achieve; what is an environmental leader?The results of these two core courses are positive but whether they can achieve the challenging objectives set by the environmental leader programs has to be considered against the yardstick of what any individual can achieve. So let’s look briefly at environmental leadership and what it may involve.First environmental leaders are not business leaders in the current sense! Business models of leadership do not address the issue of leadership for the environment and sustainability. Business leadership focuses on functionality, rationality, linear thinking and utilitarianism, and primarily economic objectives. In contrast, environmental leadership has to work within the social system and external limits of environmental impact and resource availability, as well as often to go against the established order of thinking and priorities under the present economic system.Some theoretical frameworks for environmental leadership have been proposed. Among these is the concept of ‘eco-leader’ introduced by Western (2010), which emphasises the system approach, connectivity, interdependence and harnessing 62


