structure as shown here in Table 5 (Norton et al., 2014).TABLE 5 COURSE STRUCTUREClass ShinshuTohoku1Introduction and meaning of sustainabilityPrimer on business2Sustainability and businessBackground and history; meaning of sustainability3Evaluating company performance in sustainabilityBusiness trends and sustainability4Sustainability reportingEvaluating company performance in sustainability5Project 1 analysis of own company strengths and weaknessesSustainability reporting (1)6Supply-chain sustainabilitySustainability reporting (2)7New ways of planning and strategy (e.g. Natural Capital)Project 1 presenting the sustainability case in allocated companies8The Natural Step Supply-chain sustainability9Case study: Seiko Epson environmental actions Case Studies (Seiko Epson and Unilever)10Future scenariosSustainable business strategies (inc. Natural Step)11Sustainability and business opportunities and innovation: ethical markets, low energy and new energySustainability and business opportunities and innovation12Project 2 start: outline plans to improve the sustainability of my organisation - initial debateSustainability and business opportunities and innovation59