
TABLE 3 PROJECTS AND THEIR EVALUATIONTask numberDescriptionObjectives of projectCriteria for evaluationProject 1Choose three aspects of sustainability which you think are of greatest importance, underlying causes, and discuss.Identify personal priorities in SD, and ability to appreciate other stakeholder views.Ability to decide own views and communicate in SD with other stakeholders.Project 2Examine the past and the trends which have inuenced sustainability to the present, and envisage future trends.Analyse and reect on changes which have taken place and led to unsustainable trends, and to stimulate reection on what the future has in store, and potential sustainable futures.Analysis of past changes, linkage of societal activities to sustainability issues; ability to envisage a sustainable future and appreciate the implications for current behavior.Project 1 on personal priorities is intended to demonstrate that sustainability is a multi-faceted concept where individuals choose their own priorities and opinions to a significant extent. In the project, students consider which aspects of SD they personally believe to be most important, what are key underlying factors, discuss with another student and present to the class their initial conclusions and how (if at all) they changed as a result of the discussion. You can see how the students responded over the full range of environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainable development in Table 4 (Norton et al., 2014).55


